Vol 2 Chapter 453: Action code-Dragon Tu (1)

453. Action Code-Dragon Slayer (1)
"The information you gave me, I have reported it to the United Nations for the record. UN Under-Secretary-General Gabrielle Ido attaches great importance to this and very rarely grants us large sums of money. Overwatch such a huge military operation After the end of the smart machine crisis, it never appeared again." Jack Morrison, wearing a blue windbreaker and nanofiber combat uniform on a large transport plane, told Tang Yu.
Tang Yu looked at the other large transport planes outside the window and a huge fleet of more than a dozen armed attack aircraft, and said with a lip: "Politicians will always be like this, as long as they do not touch their interests, they will never react. ."
"There are rules in the peace age, Tang Yu. I can see that you are also a warrior. For these political topics, it is better not to intervene." Jack said.
"Is Shimadama's whereabouts found?" Tang Yu asked.
Jack shook his head and said: "The Japanese government has issued a wanted order, and their land self-defense forces have directly occupied Shimada Castle and Makinohara City, but no traces of him have been found. The Maritime Self-Defense Force also blocked the entire Sea of ​​Japan. He Should not escape."
"But in fact he has escaped. He has only one place to go now, which is the Tianzhao class mecha manufacturing plant on the seabed." Tang Yu said looking out the window.
"The advance special forces have already searched the seabed, but the Shimata family's document you gave me about the Black Day Project does not have the location of this factory. Maybe Gabriel Leyes knows, but he has already destroyed all the materials. You also know that if you want him to speak, it is harder than going to the sky." Jack frowned.
"Let's start looking from the waters near Incheon, South Korea." Tang Yu said suddenly.
"South Korea? If you want to start searching from there, you must bring South Korea in. But the fewer people who know this, the better. If it's not particularly necessary, we wouldn't even want the Japanese government to notify us," Jack said.
"Then tell them that we are here to find the factory of Donghai Zhiji, which they have always had a headache. The Donghai Zhiji is a Tianzhao class mecha. Koreans are sure to have a lot of relevant information." Tang Yu said without hesitation. He thought that in the world ten years later, he first encountered the Tianzhao class mecha, which was a battle with Black Claw on the Binhai Expressway near Incheon, and then the signal sent by the core of the Black Sun attracted a Tianzhao Mechs came and attacked.
Moreover, this Tianzhao class mecha is in a damaged state. If there is no accident, it should be that in the original history, the peacock has been here and has dealt with the Tianzhao class mecha. The evidence is that a peacock eye above her peacock's feather fan was inserted into this mech's shield generator.
This is the only clue. It can be seen that in the cooperation of this matter, I do not know what means or benefits ‘Izumo’ used, so that the Zhiji Center agreed to cooperate with the Shimoda family. But after all, the powers of the two sides are completely asymmetrical. One is the intelligent machine center that has caused a global crisis and still occupies the deep sea area until now, and the other is the gang on an island country. Therefore, the intelligent machine center does not trust The Shimada family is certain. Therefore, it is inevitable that they keep the factory secret.
"Okay, let me contact the Koreans. However, your robots are still occupying the central Tianshou of Shimada Castle. The Japanese government has also asked a few times. You also know that we are very sensitive to robots now. . Should you withdraw those robots?
Jack asked.
"The technology in the central celestial guard should not appear in this world. You should know that no matter what country or any organization, once the black sun core is developed, then he will have the strength to declare war with the entire world." Tang Yu eyes He stared at Jack scorchingly.
"Then how do you ensure that you won't use this technology to conquer the world?" Jack narrowed his eyes and said, "You also want this technology, right? Otherwise, you won't let the robot occupy there, nor will it stop us. Direct air strikes against Shimada Castle."
"I can’t give you this guarantee. I can only tell you two pieces of information. First, I come from a world where the forces of different worlds called "Izumo" are the same. Second, I come from ten years later. The Shimoda family's black day plan torn the world full of holes." Tang Yu said.
"This is a very interesting statement." Jack smiled, noncommittal.
"Look at you like this. In the world ten years later, I'm your hero. Forget it, show you this." Tang Yu said, drawing something from his pocket and handing it to Jack.
"This is!!!" Jack Morrison was shocked when he saw this thing, because it was a soldier's nameplate, and there were some dry blood on it. "Where did you get this?"
"It was you who sent me back to the world ten years ago, Jack Morrison ten years later. You all asked me to bring some words back, Genji, McRae, Torbion. Only you did not ask me to bring any words, but just gave me this nameplate. After you got this thing, you would promise me any request." Tang Yu said with a smile.
"Are you monitoring me? Say! Where did you get this thing from?" Jack Hudder stood up loudly and said sharply.
"In the ruins of the battlefield outside the city of Nubani, five years later, there will be an earthquake, and a huge cave buried under the ruins will be revealed. An elite unit of Overwatch vanished during that crisis. Inside the cave. If you go now, you can find an identical nameplate, because this thing comes from ten years later. By the way, that cave is a smart factory that is still in operation. If you want to get rid of it early, it’s not bad. "Tang Yu waved his hand carelessly.
Jack Morrison sat down slowly, Shen Sheng said: "Peacock also said that she will go to the other world of "Izumo" and fight against "Izumo". So, you are ready to fight with her Together?"
"That's right, so either the Tianzhao class mecha, the Black Sun core, or the Devil King on the sixth day, will increase my chances of winning. You know, Izumo is a huge force that is too large to be imagined. .Something that is leaking through their fingers can create the huge beast of Shimada." Tang Yu turned his head and looked out the window again.
"Did the battle start before you asked me to get paid?" Jack also laughed and saw that he was in a good mood now. The owner of this nameplate was one of his iron buddies, with him and Gabriel Leyer Sri Lanka received the transformation of super soldiers in the same period. It's just that the effect of the transformation is not as complete as he and Reyes, but still leads a small team active on the battlefield.
Until one day he suddenly disappeared and could not find it. Can only be labeled as M.I.A (Missing-in-A, missing in combat), and his widow cannot get his due pension. Jack, the unwilling brother who died unexplained, did not find his whereabouts for a long time, which became a heartache for him.
Now, finally this hero can get the treatment he deserves. Jack held the nameplate tightly and looked at Tang Yu. This strange Chinese, although every word he said is unbelievable, but people can't believe it~EbookFREE.me~ Okay, then I agree to your request. But you have to guarantee that this technology will never be used against us, otherwise, no matter which world you are hiding in, I will come to the door and fight with you desperately! Jack said seriously.
"This is natural." Tang Yu nodded.
"Okay, then I'll contact the Korean government now." Jack said, and found out the communicator. Who knows, the communicator rang at the same time! He and Tang Yu glanced at each other and connected the communication.
"I'm Colonel Jack Morrison....Yes, we are on the way....Oh? Send me the coordinates....Okay, I get it." Jack ended the call and turned his head to look at Tang Yu, revealing A strange smile.
"What's wrong?" Tang Yu asked.
"I was thinking that our luck was indeed good. Just now, intelligence came from South Korea. Tokai Zhiji appeared on the coast of Incheon." Jack said.
"Now that's the case, let's get started!!! It's time to cut off the dragon claws of Shimada's family!! Let's start the dragon slaughter operation!!!" Tang Yu stood up sharply and said firmly.
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