Chapter 49: 1 chaos

  Thanks for the passing away-solo dance reward, every support you give is the motivation for Xiaojing to move forward!
   This week's water test push will definitely come up with beautiful results! This is just the beginning, "Mechanic" and Xiao Jing will accompany everyone to go further.
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   49. Chaos
  Los Angeles has become a city of sin. Since the unmanned tanks and armored vehicles raged in the city, news of the collapse of the National Guard’s 7th Independent Armored Brigade spread irresistibly among the people. The city began to fall into chaos, with robbery, forced women, theft, and murder, and various crimes were emerging.
  In this chaos, the Los Angeles Police Department was exhausted, and after two heavy blows, their limited police strength could not be taken into account at all. Calls from various district offices for help, as well as alarm calls from various places, exploded almost every line in the police station.
   After learning of the police’s powerlessness, the major criminal groups raised their heads and turned Los Angeles into a dark and degenerate city. The roads leaving Los Angeles were crowded with countless cars, and everyone wanted to leave here as soon as possible.
At this time, even more fatal things happened. Some gangsters appeared on the roads out of the city. They set up cards on the roads that left the city and snatched everyone who wanted to leave cleanly. Some rampant gangsters Even the cars and accompanying female relatives of the poor people were included in their robberies.
  T-X controlled unmanned tanks and armored vehicles raged in the neighborhood has become a severe disaster area, some bold gangs after filling these vehicles with gasoline, suddenly became an indestructible killer. Of the hundreds of tank and armored vehicles, only a few were recovered by the Los Angeles Police Department.
At this point, the power of gangs and criminals began to override the police station, and after learning that the California National Guard will not continue to come to support, the Los Angeles Police Department simply shut himself in the office and said nothing. Refused to come out.
The news of the annihilation of the entire army of the 7th Independent Armored Brigade even made the Excellency President sleepless at night. On top of the homeland of the United States of America, an entire armored brigade was destroyed by the formation, and more than 4,000 people were able to escape alive. There are only more than a thousand frightened defeated defeated soldiers. This is a disaster that the United States has never experienced since the Civil War.
  Now the entire Pentagon has quarreled for this matter, and there are only two things basically reaching consensus on the side of the Ministry of Defense. First, the force of the 7th Independent Armored Brigade has super powerful electronic warfare technology and can even remotely control tank armored vehicles. Second, a group of officers led by Colonel Kono is likely to commit treason.
  Under the circumstances of who is the opponent, what the means are, and what the purpose is, it is very dangerous to continue to send troops to go. Therefore, the Department of Defense can only increase investigation efforts, send regular troops to the cities around Los Angeles, and the three aircraft carrier formations also enter the Port of San Diego, California military base, and begin combat cruises along the coast of Los Angeles. But whether they are stationed in Los Angeles, the big brothers are arguing with each other.
  However, at this time, several departments headed by the FBI suddenly sent trouble to the Department of Defense. The impeachment Department of Defense was directly responsible for the status quo in Los Angeles, and pointed out that there was an unspeakable secret transaction between the Department of Defense and Cyberin. At the same time, several FBI agents also gave some clues to link the shootout on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles with the destruction of the 7th Independent Armored Brigade. The California State Government also seconded the FBI's impeachment, and for a time the Ministry of Defence suddenly clamored.
   The political situation in the entire United States began to become chaotic.
   Valdy was sitting in the police station dispatch room with a look of distress. This was his father, the director of the Los Angeles Police Department, who had seen him idle before the police station was seriously understaffed. He simply asked him to come over to help.
   But according to Vardy's completely undisposable temper, let him sit in the office and kill him. But what else could he do, after all, he did not dare to disobey his father. So he can only watch the surveillance video everywhere, and watch the robbery and shootings, and he is just perfunctory about the transferred call.
   "Hello, eh, rob? How much was robbed? Oh, I'm sorry, now we will not accept robbery of less than one million yuan, bye." Click, hang up.
   "Hey, kidnapped? Who was kidnapped? Male and female? ... your son? Oh, no interest, goodbye." Click, hang up.
"Huh..." Vardy lay down on the chair bored, lighting a cigarette, but remembered that day that robbed his girlfriend, smashed his luxury car, and humiliated himself. Teenager.
   "Asshole! You better don't let me see!" Valdy clenched his fists fiercely, and suddenly he started to check in countless surveillance videos.
   Jingle bell... The phone rang.
   "Hey. Is it another robbery? Did a group of black people rob the jewelry store? Oh, I'll talk later." Click, hang up.
"Hey, uh. The shooting? There is also an explosion? A woman took one man, one woman and two teenagers? It's interesting, in which block?" Valdi clicked on the computer, and the monitoring screen switched to'fantasy work On the block where the office building is located.
A familiar picture appeared in front of his eyes, "Cameron? FK, it turned out that you smashed this little watch! You are really mixed with that smelly hanging wire! Wait for me! Let me see you! FK!"
  Vardi slammed the table and walked out of the office to find a police officer and said, "Hey, Uncle Andy. Just now a good friend of mine was robbed by a few robbers. I have to help him."
   Officer Andy said frowningly: "Oh, Valdy, now we really don't have more people..."
   "It's okay, just a few bastards, you help me get a few guns out, and I find some friends to scare them away." Vardy said.
"How could that be..." Andy refused subconsciously, but he looked at the chaos around him and the gunshots faintly heard outside the window and sighed, "Ah, okay. But I can only help you Lead the pistol."
   "Okay, that's enough. Thank you Uncle Andy."
  In the general manager's office on the third floor of the office building of'Fantasy Studio', Tang Yu and his team were sitting together with Mills-Dyson, the atmosphere was a bit weird.
   Tang Yu just sat on the sofa with his head down and said nothing.
  Cameron is helping Sarah deal with the wound.
   Sarah was seriously injured and lay in a semi-coma on the sofa.
  Click, Dyson opened a can of coffee from the company lounge and handed it to Tang Yu. Tang Yu took it silently and got bored. Slap, he put the canister heavily on the table and looked at Dyson with bloodshot eyes.
"I want to stop Sabotin's research, I want to recapture the uncle's CPU chip, and now there are two super powerful terminators wandering in Los Angeles, tell me, what should I do?" Tang Yu's voice seemed a little bit Dry and hoarse.
  Click, Dyson opened another can of Coca-Cola and handed it to Tang Yu. Tang Yu took it and drank it without hesitation.
   "Sebotin, they kidnapped my daughter Kelly, I have lost Paul, I can't lose Kelly anymore." Dyson opened himself a can of beer and poured a big bite.
"John, you hope to stop the research of Cybernetic and the birth of Skynet, I understand. But this is not a simple thing. As far as I know, behind this research, there is the shadow of the Ministry of Defense. So, I took the liberty to make a request, I hope you can rescue my daughter before starting the operation formally."
Dyson said, looked at Tang Yu, and added: "After ensuring the safety of my daughter, I hope to be able to join you. I saw the mechanical spiders under your control, which is an engineering miracle, and, I believe I can upgrade them further."
   "If I can rescue your daughter, I happen to know two FBIs and can entrust them to help take care and protect them. The question now is, do you know where your daughter is?" Tang Yu said.
  Dyson nodded and said, "Just in Los Angeles."
   "John, we'd better leave here as soon as possible. Our exchange of fire just now was too great." Cameron treated Sara's wound and hugged Sara to Tang Yu. Interestingly, because of fear of touching the wound, Cameron embraced Sara in a princess hug position. You should know that tall Sara is one head taller than Cameron...
Tang Yu nodded at Dyson, and the whole party packed up and walked On the road, Sara was slightly awake, feeling that he was held by Cameron in this posture. , Frowned, whispered, "Enough is enough, let me down, what's this like."
   Cameron gave Sara a strange look, and said to Tang Yu: "Sara's body temperature began to rise, and it seems that there is some fever. The wound may be infected and needs to be treated as soon as possible."
   "Okay, thank you Cameron, but let me go, I'm okay." Sara emphasized again that she couldn't accept her being held by a Terminator in particular.
  Cameron said strangely to Sarah: "Wouldn't women like to be held like this? According to the database, the secretion of hormones in women in this state is 15.733% higher than normal."
   Sarah said bitterly: "Did your database tell you that the most annoying things for women are diodes and screw caps?"
   Cameron tilted his head and thought about it, put Sarah down, went to find a towel, poured some mineral water to wet it, and handed it to Sarah. Sara was so depressed that she grabbed the towel and threw it on the ground.
  Pedestrians went downstairs and prepared to go to the truck. Just walked to the door, a sudden slam shot hit him at the foot! Tang Yu looked at it, there were several motorcycles parked in front of the office building, but the leading teenager was somewhat familiar. Isn't that Cameron's "boyfriend"? Not only that, Tang Yu’s roommate in the youth correctional institution, Teles is also inside! This is a coincidence.
"Cameron, you're smashing this little watch! Roll over and kneel down for me Valdy!" The arrogant voice of the leading teenager the readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest Serialized works are available at Please read it for mobile phone users.
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