Vol 2 Chapter 518: 1 left

518. One left
United States, San Francisco, aBc National Radio and Television Building.
In the bright and spacious hall, pedestrians walk in twos and threes. Here you can often see well-known presenters and actors who are familiar to everyone, but most people are in a hurry.
"Quick! There was a shooting incident at the Seongnam Gas Station, and a policeman was killed! Go away!!!" A group of people carrying big bags and small bags rushed out with the camera.
Oakland pressed down the brim slightly, taking advantage of the commotion caused by these people and walked in through the side door. When passing by a pot of plants next to him, his hand in his pocket shook slightly, and a small black thing fell out of his pocket and fell into the pot. Then he looked around, and the security inside the building is very tight. Several security guards scattered a few key areas, staring the whole hall to death. It seemed that there was no drama to sneak in, and it didn't make sense, so he walked towards the lady at the reception desk of the TV station.
"Can I help you, sir?" the lady at the front desk asked with a smile.
"I want to see you guys who can do things. I have big news here to break the news." Auckland said in a low voice.
The lady at the front desk looked at Oakland. She had seen too many of them. Most of them are persecuted delusions, and they always feel that some people want to harm me. They grabbed some so-called news that he has heard and distorted the facts. Moreover, in general, such breaking news is related to politics.
However, good professional habits still let her put away the contempt in her heart. She smiled politely and said: "Okay, sir, I have a registration form here. You can fill out this form first and leave your contact. Way, we will arrange a team of reporters to investigate in depth later."
"Damn it! I don't want these foolish things! Listen to me, I'm in danger now! Not only that, my companions are also in danger! If this news can't be exposed immediately, we will all die!!" Auckland yelled. .
The lady at the front desk was more sure of her previous views. Whether this is a persecuted delusion or a late stage. The professional smile on her face was even stronger, saying: "You also need to give us some time to study and understand your news. Please don't worry, after you fill out the form, we will start to follow up within half an hour. Enter."
"Shut up! I want to see your supervisor! Immediately! Immediately!" Oakland banged on the table with a loud roar, and the pedestrians around looked sideways.
"Are you calm down, sir? This is of no help." The lady at the front desk still advised patiently.
"Asshole! You..." Oakland just wanted to do it, and suddenly a cold voice came to interrupt him.
"What's the matter? It's so noisy." A very dignified middle-aged woman wearing gold-rimmed glasses came over.
"Manager Matilda... I'm sorry, this gentleman has a piece of news that wants to break the news, he is very emotional." The lady at the front desk was obviously scared of the woman, and quickly lowered her head and whispered.
Matilda looked at Oakland and said coldly: "Come with me, I'm here to take care of things." I didn't care about him afterwards and walked away.
Oakland watched vigilantly outside the door of the TV station. There was no abnormality, so he quickly followed.
"Can you tell me something about the news that you have?" Matilda asked as he walked.
"There is a group of robots that are exactly the same as our human beings and have mixed into the human society! The Assault Group, which was just established a few days ago, is the master behind the scenes!" Auckland whispered.
"Oh~~~? This is a very good entry point. But, no one will believe, you, is there evidence?" Mattilda asked without looking back.
"Evidence, of course! I have compiled some video materials!" Auckland nodded.
"Video material? That's great. Now, give it to me." Matilda stopped suddenly and said back.
Auckland suddenly felt a very strong heart palpitations! ! He naturally knows that when the opening of the brain domain reaches more than 1o%, this kind of crisis hunch-like ability will appear, and most experimenters have it. He rolled around without hesitation, uh! ! A flash of cold light flashed, and a wound was suddenly cut behind his back! !
"You are not Marty..." Oakland just stood up and was about to speak, but now where he stood in front was'Matilda'. It was clearly a beauty with a golden head in the back and wearing an orange tight leather jacket woman! ! T-x! ! !
"Ahhhhh!!!" Oakland yelled, and he quickly took out his staff, and the power of the soul began to condense!
"Soul Great Sword!!!" A huge white lightsaber instantly condensed and cut towards Christina! ! But at this moment, a boundless fear suddenly swallowed him up! As if he was in the eighteenth layer of hell, the intense fear almost made him unable to think, and the power of the newly condensed soul immediately dissipated and turned back! !
puff! ! Oakland spit out a bit of blood, and at the same time, Christina's hand turned into a long knife pierced his heart instantly! ! Auckland's eyes dimmed and fell to the ground.
"You have been ended, Oakland." Christina said, picking up her mobile phone to notify Tang Yu.
Suddenly there was a jingle, but I saw Oakland, which was supposed to die, opened a grenades insurance! ! "Perhaps you don't know that everything from "The Dark Soul" is undead!!!" Oakland grumbled, letting go, the grenade dropped to the ground, and at the same time, a golden color appeared on his hand Light wall!
"Distorted light wall!!!" Boom! ! ! The grenade exploded suddenly! ! However, the explosion was rebounded again by the flashing twisted light wall, and directly blown on Christina! !
Oakland was also seriously injured, after all, the twisted light wall can only last one second! Wow! He slammed through the glass and jumped down! Here is his only way out! !
Boom! ! This is just the second floor. Oakland jumped down. Here is a garden. He was very lucky to fall on the dirt without being injured. Ran away! ! There was a burst of joy in Oakland's heart. He had just looked up, but now a beautiful shadow was blocking himself! ! Suddenly it seemed that a bucket of ice water drenched him from beginning to end! "T-x...no...impossible..."
This beautiful movie is Christina! I saw a smoking device in her hand. She dropped the device and extended a pale index finger and shook it. "This is a nano shield."
But Oakland no longer knows ~EbookFREE.me~ The boundless fear has swallowed all Oakland's consciousness, yes, he is crazy. "Ha ha ha ha! I'm grabbing you! John Conner! Die! Ha ha ha ha" He laughed wildly.
There was a cold smile in the corner of Christina's mouth. She reached out her right hand and grabbed Oakland's head and lifted him up. Then, her right hand transformed into an ion flame sprayer and blasted! ! ! The fiery white flame erupted! !
"The experimenter, Bieheim's Oakland, died. John Connor scored 1ooo points."
The explosion just aroused everyone around, and the aBc National Radio office building was suddenly in chaos! Pedestrians, staff, and even well-known hosts are running around! A few more courageous reporters rushed over with the microphone.
And in a corner that no one noticed, a thin-faced, unshaven man wearing a worn brown trench coat walked to a potted plant. He looked around, and no one really noticed him. So he pretended to be coughing and spitting, took out what Oakland had thrown in before, and then he couldn't take a closer look, hurried in his pocket and quickly left.
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