Vol 2 Chapter 615: Alien Legion VS Robot Legion (4)

615、Vs Robot Corps of Alien Corps (4)
"His~~~!!!" The abnormity flew to Tang Yu very quickly, and he could even clearly see the abdomen mouth full of mucus and sharp teeth! None of the surrounding robots shot! The program is set in the case of possible accidental injury, they will not shoot!
Boom! Too late and fast, the nano robot formed a huge fist and shot the alien on his head to the ground! At the same time, a huge black shadow appeared behind Tang Yu instantly, with a loud bang, the huge iron fist directly flew the alien behind him!
At the same time that the flying alien screamed and crashed into the factory wall and crashed into meat, the alien being photographed on the ground was also shot dead by other robots. ?W㈧WW. 81ZW. COM
But the other direction is not so optimistic, a large number of aliens launched a surprise attack on Tang Yu, a robot army, from the darkness! More than 20 aliens are difficult at the same time. They rushed out immediately before those robots did not respond, and threw down some of the peripheral robots. At the same time, the powerful tail swept violently and hit another robot!
However, most of the robots arranged by Tang Yu on the periphery are the guardian type four combat robots. At the same time when they were attacked, the T-6oo at the core position immediately began to fight back! Suddenly numerous gunshots sounded, and a large number of laser beams pierced the night sky!
Da da da da da da! ! Several aliens were hit by countless bullet lasers and hissed to pieces! However, more aliens were able to escape into the darkness immediately, leaving only the wreckage of twenty or thirty guardian type four destroyed by them.
"Monster!!! The monster is coming!" The survivors panicked. They screamed loudly and fired indiscriminately. There was even a guardian type 4 head hit by stray bullets, flashing with sparks. on the ground.
While in chaos, more deadly attacks are coming! Some aliens climbed to the trees on both sides of the road, on the lampposts, jumped down under the cover of darkness, and fell directly into the middle of the formation! !
"Ah!!!" A civilian was suddenly thrown up by a special shape. When the robot next to him had not turned around, his back was torn by a special shape with sharp claws, and then a terrible wound. When screaming, the shaped mouth snapped forward, the inner nest teeth popped out instantly, and a big hole was suddenly opened in the back of his head!
"Monster! The monster is in the sky!!!" A middle-aged man panicked when he saw this situation, no matter what was in front of him, he picked up the pistol and bang! boom! boom! Slap around everywhere!
"Ah~!" A woman on the truck was suddenly hit by a stray bullet in her shoulder, suddenly bleeding like blood, screaming loudly. Those survivors were even more chaotic, shouting loudly, and even some desperately rushed out of the protection of the Robot Legion and ran into the darkness. Soon a black shadow swayed, and the people who ran out no more.
"His~~~ hiss~~~~" The screams of aliens in the darkness kept coming. After causing confusion to the survivors, more aliens appeared from the darkness, and the second attack was launched again!
Da Da Da Da! ! Meet them with more violent counterattacks! The robot has never been shaken by the confusion of several survivors. At the same time, several T-6oos suddenly unloaded a few round things from their bodies and threw them towards the roadside house! Grenade!
Under the strict control of government departments, the grenade is a rare commodity for Tang Yu. He only brought a few hundred grenades in total. The main source of this heavy weapon is Svetlana in the "Resident Evil: Curse" world, but she does not dare to be too blatant now, after all, her cooperation with Tang Yu is now carried out without Moros.
So next we can only look at the layout and plan of Svetlana.
boom! boom! The grenade exploded violently among the nearby houses, suddenly blasting those houses for more than half of them. The explosion also ignited some wooden furniture, and the fire began to illuminate the surrounding darkness. Through the flashing fire, I only saw a lot of aliens cruising around, there are hundreds of them!
"His~~~" Several aliens realized that the firepower of the survivors above the truck was very weak, and they climbed up the lampposts and jumped down towards the truck! However, T-6oo, who had a night vision system, reacted immediately and raised his gun to shoot towards the sky! Soon the Guardian IV also reacted, raising his gun and firing, and numerous light bombs and laser beams instantly illuminated the night sky!
Several aliens were suddenly hit in mid-air, screaming and falling down! The highly corrosive blood is splattering everywhere, and all the robots produced by Tang Yuxin have no anti-corrosion coating, and several robots were suddenly damaged by corrosion!
Boom! A special shape broke through the fire net and successfully landed on the truck! Screamed loudly at the teeth of those survivors! !
"Ah!!! Help! Monster! The monster is on the car!!!" Most of the survivors on the truck were old people, women and children, and they panicked and wanted to jump off the car.
"His~~~!!!" This alien screamed and wanted to pounce on one of the survivors! The survivor could only yell in horror. Suddenly, this strange and strange shape rose into the air, and then, a pair of yellow-shining eyes appeared in the darkness!
It is a huge iron arm to catch the alien! The next second, this alien was thrown out like a cannonball and hit an alien on the periphery accurately! Both aliens were smashed into puree! At this time, the survivors only saw that this is an armor with unusually large arms and more than two meters in height!
"His~~!!!" Three more aliens descended from the sky! I only saw this mech take a step forward, his iron arm stretched out, and accurately grasped two of the shaped heads, and the third shaped hiss screamed at the mech head! However, suddenly an iron fist came from the darkness and slammed the alien! This mech, there is a second one! !
"Everyone gets on the truck! Don't panic, keep a good formation, and use our long-range firepower advantage!" Tang Yu's voice rang from the mech, and then the mech was thrown again as a cannonball in his hand. Go out!
Tang Yu uses the body and the nano-robot to control one each~EbookFREE.me~Destroy the general shape and throw out all the aliens that burst into the formation! At the same time, the electromagnetic machine gun equipped on the shoulder of the mech kept firing toward the outer aliens!
The aT-6's huge power, heavy iron arms, and very flexible movements under direct manipulation in the mechanical field, matching the aliens are as simple as beating children! The survivors saw the power of aT-6, and looked at the orderly resistance army of robots. They also awakened from the chaos. They began to help each other climb up the truck. The men stood on the truck and shot desperately at the aliens. Women and the elderly are treating the wounded.
boom! boom! A few grenades exploded again, and there was more fire around! After solving the chaos in the formation, Tang Yu manipulated aT-6 to directly pull up the roadside lamppost and rushed out! The four- and five-meter-long street light poles wield like windmills, sweeping away several aliens at once!
Seeing the ordinary aT-6 under the gods, those survivors cheered! After dropping dozens of corpses, the aliens scattered and fled.
"Enter the factory immediately! All survivors establish a defense line in the factory's loading and unloading area! The terrain is open and there are no opportunities for these aliens!" Tang Yu ordered the robot legion to immediately advance!
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