Vol 2 Chapter 618: Alien Legion VS Robot Legion (7)

618. Alien Legion vs. Robot Legion (7)
Shi Mingdong never thought he was the first to be attacked on a large scale! During communication with several other directions, he learned that Kristina, Lei Fan, and Zhang Ruijun were only harassed by dozens of aliens. Even Tang Yu, who is closest to the north of the city and has the most residential houses around, encountered no more than two hundred aliens.
But now there are more than 300 special shapes that appear on the periphery of this factory! !
Now he is in an embarrassment. When the Predator Warrior Pyramid was moved by Olivia, he left the sword-Baiqian longship and light there. Now he uses the super alloy long knife created by the world of "Overwatch". Although he has a certain degree of resistance to the corrosion of alien blood, he still can't take the risk by himself.
Well, the biggest possibility is to rush these survivors! Shi Mingdong met several groups of residents from Wei on the road and brought them all over. As a result, the factory where he was located gathered four or five hundred survivors. Thinking of this, he lifted the awp sniper rifle, aimed at a special shape crawling on the wall of the office building outside, and hit the special shape chest directly with a slam shot. The powerful kinetic energy of the bullet suddenly tore the entire shape!
But there are too many outside shapes, and the most terrible thing is that these shapes are really on the ground whether they are walls or ceilings!
"Hiss~~!!!" Several aliens quickly climbed up to the factory wall, jumped forward, and jumped in directly! More than ten guardian type four standing on the factory building immediately opened fire! These aliens ran s-shaped routes very cunningly, avoiding most of the bullets! A small number of bullets hit their carapace and the damage is very limited!
I only saw these aliens screaming at the factory window! However, only a few bangs were heard, and several of them suddenly flew out! The three t-600 Terminators stood guard by the window!
Da da da da da da! ! The aliens that fell to the ground were suddenly killed by the four types of guardian fire nets!
However, more aliens crawled in from all directions! The robot corps in the factory was divided into dozens of teams under the instruction of Shi Mingdong, and the aliens were hunted at each key location, but it still could not prevent the aliens from penetrating into the factory!
Fortunately, among the four or five hundred survivors, there were several people with high prestige. They were also the leader of the team who had been reunited to survive. Under their call, these survivors also organized and set up defense lines in open places. Twenty or thirty T-600 Terminators are also helping around these survivors.
"Damn! The National Guard is not reliable! If you continue this, otherwise, the spirit and physical strength of this group of survivors will first collapse! That guy Tang Yu, didn't he say that the quick response team will arrive soon? "!" Shi Mingdong fired one after another, killing several aliens, and scolded while changing the magazine.
At this time, he suddenly saw a disturbance in the direction of the road ahead, and quickly raised the awp to aim the sight at that side. Sure enough, he found that more than ten wheel-driven robots were rushing towards this side at high speed. robot! After a few seconds, twenty ultra-low-altitude Longqi-1 combat aircraft also appeared in the field of vision.
Only to see that these guardian type five combat robots have entered the combat state! The brackets attached to the chassis are tilted backwards, the center of gravity of the whole body is lowered, the fingers of both hands are turned backwards, and the barrel of a 20 mm large-caliber electromagnetic machine gun is protruded in the middle of the palm!
The speed of these robots on the highway is even close to 80 kilometers per hour! The solid tires made an unpleasant rubbing sound on the highway, and soon rushed to the factory occupied by Shi Mingdong! On the surrounding tall and low buildings, hundreds of aliens stared at this squad, screaming in deterrence!
Da Da Da Da Da Da Da! ! ! The guardian type five combat robot is the first to fire! Their bodies and hands are turning flexibly, and the powerful firepower of the 20mm large-caliber electromagnetic machine gun suddenly hit these aliens and flee!
Boom! An abruptly jumped upstairs from a supermarket, but the guardian type five did not slow down at all! At a speed of up to 80 kilometers per hour, the alien body is vulnerable! Suddenly hit hard, was thrown to the side of the road like a rag! The heavy armor sprayed with anti-corrosion coating did not make the shaped blood play a big role!
Da da da da da da! ! Although there are only eighteen guardian type five combat robots, the power they create is far more than those t-600 terminators and guardian type four that are working hard to defend the factory. The 20mm caliber tungsten core shellless shell is fired at a speed of 2000 meters per second under the acceleration of the electromagnetic acceleration system. Even if the alien body is covered with a thick carapace, it will be killed directly when it is hit! The barrel mounted directly on the robot's hand also makes their shooting range much more flexible than the t-600 with a rifle.
Almost in a face-to-face time, more than a dozen aliens were killed! The rest of the aliens screamed angrily, jumping from the upper floors one after another, and rushed to the array of five guardians! However, at this time, a buzzing sound came, Longqi a miniature combat aircraft! !
Da da da da da da! ! ! Twenty 3mm miniature electromagnetic machine guns fired! The small-caliber bullets fired like raindrops at the aliens who wanted to stop the guardian five! Although this small-caliber bullet is not powerful, it can still cause some damage when it is hit on the weak parts of the shape such as their heads!
Woo~~! ! A dull motor sound sounded~EbookFREE.me~The five guardian robots of the guardian suddenly accelerated! Heavy chassis, thick armor, sinking center of gravity, powerful firepower and a speed of up to 80! Suddenly broke through the special-shaped surrounding net, but there are still losses.
Several aliens descended from the sky and hung on the body of a guardian type five. These aliens were destroyed on the robot lifelessly, but they were helpless with their thick armor. The dragon-type one type of bullet rain fell from the sky and hit these. Only aliens screamed again and again, a large amount of acidic blood spewed out, and finally the strong acidic blood splashed on the guardian of the fifth-type bracket. The corroded robot suddenly broke under high-speed movement, the chassis was still moving at high speed, but the upper body fell down. Countless alien tears!
Soon, this fast squad broke through the siege, leaving dozens of alien corpses. They did not slow down. They rushed along the road. They were ready to return around the highway and continue to repeatedly attack the aliens surrounding the factory. .
"Good job!!" Shi Mingdong saw the pressure inside the factory greatly relieved and waved excitedly! Those squads led by the t-600 Terminator and assisted some of the Guardian IV began to play a role, and a large number of special-shaped kills rushed into the factory and drove away!
"Go to die! Go to die! Go to die!!!" Zero frantically brandished a silver dagger and a red sword covered the sky, cutting the withered forest around into pieces! Her eyes were red, staring at Bernard with a triumphant smile in front of her, and wished she could be broken into pieces now! !
However, between her and Bernard, there is a behemoth! Dragon shaped! ! Seeing this monster bred from Mihail's life, Zero became more angry and screamed, and the song mode was turned on! ! ! Find this site and search for ""Vertex Novel 208xs\", or please remember the site URL:
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