Vol 2 Chapter 626: Alien Legion VS Robot Legion (15)

626. Alien Army Vs Robot Army (15)
"Dragon alien is coming!!!" Shi Mingdong shouted, and lifted ap to aim at the belly of the dragon alien, which was a shot, but the bullet was directly blocked by a magic circle!
"Christina! Help me adjust the formation! Come apart!" Tang Yu roared, and immediately released the guardian of the snow guard type five combat robot and the dragon riding type one mini combat aircraft!
After helping Shi Mingdong to evacuate before, there are 14 remaining Guardian 5 robots and 18 remaining Longqi 1 robots, which have been left by Tang Yu, just waiting for now! !
After the guardian type five combat robot comes out of the sixteen pack, it immediately enters the battle mode! And follow the flying direction of the dragon alien queen quickly, the 2o-mm electromagnetic gun with both hands is aimed at the sky, and countless large-caliber tungsten core shellless shells are shot out! Da Da Da Da~~~~~
At the same time, the eighteen Dragon Riders were immediately lifted off, pulled up and spread out! The 3mm-caliber miniature electromagnetic machine gun equipped on it is also aimed at the dragon alien queen. No matter it is useful or useless, countless small-caliber needle-shaped bullets have also poured out!
"Roar~~~!!!" The dragon-shaped queen, who was set on fire, was angry, and she flew up into the air, and then swooped down with extreme speed! Spit out a lot of acid while diving!
咣~~~~~! ! ! The dragon-shaped queen dived down, and the four wings reversed, and immediately stood upright, her strong hind legs clinging to the ground and grabbing hard! The robots passing by have been smashed by the ground!
boom! boom! boom! Longqi 1 immediately fired a rocket! Hundreds of miniature rockets instantly covered the dragon alien queen! However, it didn't take this level of damage at all. It circled and blasted back into the air. Two pairs of huge wings swept like sharp blades, destroying four or five Dragon Rider One aircrafts nearby!
Immediately after that, the dragon alien queen grabbed a guardian type five combat robot that was galloping on the ground and flew into the air. The strong arm was slammed and the guardian type five, which was made of scrap iron, flew straight like a cannonball. Go on, and immediately crash a few T-6oo Terminators!
Elsewhere, because Tang Yu was worried that the Robot Legion was too dense to be massively destroyed by the Dragon Alien Queen, Kristina commanded the legion to disperse. Bayi? Chinese W? W? W?. (I) 81ZW. Com's extremely agile alien form immediately seized the opportunity and inserted directly into the front of the Robot Legion. The scene suddenly became chaotic!
Da Da Da Da! ! A T-6oo fired violently, killing the two aliens in front completely. However, from the side of it, suddenly a few aliens rushed over and hung on it! Da Da Da Da! ! T-6oo immediately fired indiscriminately, and punched in to try to open the alien! However, the alien movement is faster than T-6oo. I don’t know how many times! Uh! ! The inner nest teeth pop up instantly! A hole was immediately opened in T-6oo's head! The electric spark was splashing, and it stopped completely.
"Asshole! Can't be like this! Won't you fight?" Lei Fan shouted at Tang Yu when he saw the chaos of the Robot Legion!
Tang Yu also immediately awakened, but indeed, he is indeed a layman for commanding operations! Including his special training in the Delta Force, he also thought about how to improve his own strength. For combat command, he really did not get involved.
But it was too late, the dragon alien queen was wreaking havoc, the number of aliens was increasing, and she began to wedge into the front of the robot legion! Once in chaos, the long-range firepower advantage of the Robot Corps no longer exists. This chaos is precisely the favorite of aliens!
"Hurry up to Kristina's side!!! Help her command the Robot Legion!!!" Tang Yu said loudly, and at the same time waved his hand, the huge figure of aT-7 appeared immediately, and he sat in without a word!
"Asshole! I have only served in the SEALs for a few years, you really think I am an expert!!" Lei Fan cried out loudly, but he only saw the huge mech which was four or five meters high in front of him. As soon as the ground turned, he walked towards the dragon alien queen, and the two thick barrels on his body began to condense two groups of terror energy!
"Damn it! Are you catching a duck on the shelf? Fight!" Lei Fan scolded, knowing that it was not time for care. He hurried towards Christina and yelled, "Beauty! The Robot Corps." Divide into two! The formation is broken, resist in place! The rest of the robots immediately retreat to form a second line of defense!!!"
Christina's head immediately turned 180 degrees and looked at Lei Fan, and answered, "Understood."
Then the robot legion began to act. Under the unified command of Christina, the legion was divided into two parts, divided into two parts. I only saw a lot of T-6oo and the upper body of the guardian 4 still facing the front line and desperately opened fire, but the lower body turned 180 degrees and turned backwards, and began to retreat.
After the robots in front resisted in situ and paid a heavy loss, the latter robots began to distance themselves from the aliens, forming a second line of defense.
"Next! The robots at the forefront began to be withdrawn in batches!! The back cover!!" Lei Fan shouted loudly.
Woo~~~~Hoo~~~~! ! ! Two thick lasers instantly cut through the sky! Almost at the same time shining on the dragon alien queen in the air!
"Roar~~!!!" Two magic circles also appeared at the same time, blocking the laser irradiation of aT-7! However, such a powerful attack immediately angered the dragon alien queen! It roared, gave up its intention of being entangled with Longqi, turned its direction, and sprayed a big sip of acid into Tang Yu's aT-7! !
Tang Yu didn't dare to make it, he quickly controlled the nanorobot and immediately formed a wall in front of aT-7! Immediately after the light blue energy flooded ~EbookFREE.me~ the entire nano-energy shield immediately became extremely strong!
Pooh~~~~~~~ A lot of acid drops from the sky like a waterfall, blocked by a nano-energy shield! Almost at the same time, Tang Yu felt that his nano-robot was destroyed in large quantities! Nanorobots have very weak resistance to high temperatures and strong acids! This is the same as T-1ooo series liquid metal!
The Nano Energy Shield immediately melts like a candle! With this bit of acid, Tang Yu lost nearly a quarter of the nanorobot! ! He began to feel a little lucky that he did not choose to completely robotize his body. If that is the case, he lost a lot of nano robots, I am afraid that even the action will be very difficult!
Da Da Da Da! Da Da Da Da! ! boom! boom! ! The large-caliber electromagnetic cannon and electromagnetic machine gun equipped on the aT-7 were also fired! This mecha, which was defined by Tang Yu as a heavy firepower platform at the time of design, has the firepower of an armored battalion!
"Roar~~!!!" More acid has not yet been made, and the dragon-shaped Queen's four wings waved into the sky! Most of the attacks of aT-7 are blocked by the magic circle! Its eyes stared at aT-7, and it clearly understood that its biggest threat was this behemoth that was so conspicuous on the battlefield that its volume was almost half of its own! !
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