Vol 2 Chapter 638: ??Easy?/a

638, left village
Despite the fierce fighting next to him, Shi Mingdong just sat on the ground with his eyes closed, holding his long alloy knife in his hand. ?? Bayi? Chinese W㈧W?W?. ?8㈧1?Z?W㈠. COM
A huge figure was walking slowly towards him, nearly three meters in height, wolf-headed, wearing a wide feather weave, holding a sword in his hand. Return to the sea, or to say, the left village of Rongcun! I only saw him covered with bruises and bruises, and there was a scary scratch on his face, which directly scratched his left eye.
However, the wound on his body did not bleed, but only a trace of black gas emerged from the wound and dissipated.
"People who use swords should not fear. The only thing to be awesome is the sword in their hands. A sharp sword will not make you stronger, because your real weapon is the sword in your heart." Slowly said, "How much did you see in the battle just now?"
"I saw you one person and one sword, blocking the dragon alien queen. Even if it is much stronger than you, but you also fight your own life, creating an opportunity for Tang Yu's attack." Shi Mingdong suddenly opened his eyes and said , "I saw, a fearless warrior heart."
"I got the demon sword-Baiqian long boat and light, I thought that I became stronger, but in fact, I gave up a lot of things invisible, on the contrary, I became weak. Being taught..." Shi Mingdong Station Get up and bow deeply to Gui Hai.
"Hehehehe, your partner Tang Yu, has a robot corps, has a strong firepower, and is invincible, even in the golden group, it is also a very strong presence. However, you are a warrior, a warrior, not weaker than anyone!" Gui Hai Smiled and said.
"You...should be treated as soon as possible." Shi Mingdong frowned.
"Old man, dead..." Gui Hai shook his head and came over to sit next to Shi Mingdong.
"You..." Shi Mingdong was a little surprised. He looked at what Gui Hai wanted to say, but Gui Hai waved his hand to prevent him from continuing.
"Ten years ago, a war swept the corpse soul world where the old man was. The two teams of platinum group leaders led their troops and directly intervened between the invisible empire and the corpse soul world. The war almost instantly Achieved. However, the old men’s opponents were very strong, and the team of platinum teams on the old men’s side was defeated, and the war finally advanced to the Ling Lingting. At the gate, the old man knew that there was no chance of being spared, and he used the technique of humanization for the first time." Gui Hai looked at the sky with fire and said slowly.
Shi Mingdong nodded, "It's not an exaggeration to describe the war between the platinum groups as a whole."
"The technique of humanization can give the old man strong power to become an undead body, but he needs to dedicate his heart. And after the spell disappears, the old man will also die. However, this is just the beginning..." Gui Haichang sighed, "When the old man woke up again, he had come to a strange space, and a Shiba Inu was waiting for me."
"Are you in the system space?" Shi Mingdong said.
Gui Hai nodded and said, "The old man didn't remember anything at all, only memorized some superficial swordsmanship. But the old man's body at that time maintained the state of humanization, and he could be healed by multiple injuries. And the Shiba Inu Because at the beginning, he wore a piece of clothing with a seven-character on the back of the clothes, so the old man called it, Qilang. In this way, the old man named himself Gui Hai and took Qilang to wander in the system space for ten years. , The awakening of the soul-cutting sword is no longer the previous condemnation, but Shura."

"But in the endless journey, the old man still knows a lot. Qilang, in fact, is the old man, to be precise, a lingering soul of the old man. As for why it is a Shiba Inu instead of a wolf, it should be because, "Guardian"! "Gui Hai continued."
"Guardian! This is an old man, a life-long duty, and also an old man, the sword!" Gui Hai proudly said, "After coming to the system space, thousands of people died under the old man's sword. But, the old man There are more people saved! Even if you are trapped in killing, you still stick to your heart! Only when you find your true meaning and wield the sword, you will not be confused. And you have not done this."
Shi Mingdong lowered his head.
"Under the pyramid, the man named Zhang Xuan used the stone of the sage. He wanted to refine the entire pyramid into a living body under his control. If he did, we would all die. So, the old man Qilang blended into one and used the first and only final solution in the life of the old man." Gui Hai looked at Shi Mingdong and said, "From that moment on, the old man remembered everything, the past life, this life."
"But at that moment, you are already dead, aren't you? But, in order not to let the alien spread, you choose to drag the dead body again and brandish the sword again! And, the target is such a powerful dragon alien Empress!!!" Shi Mingdong said with a trembling voice.
"The old man said, guarding is the old man's sword and the old man's true meaning!" Gui Hai stood up sharply and nodded to Shi Mingdong: "The warrior's road is still very long. The old man believes that you will Become a powerful warrior. When the time comes, everyone in the corpse soul world is still waiting for the old man in another world, old man, it is time to go."
Having finished speaking, Gui Hai turned and walked slowly towards the distance, and there was more and more black smoke on his body, and his body became more and more blurred.
Shi Mingdong looked at Gui Hai's back, slammed the long knife into the ground in front of him, knelt down on one knee, holding the sword handle with both hands, without a word watching Gui Hai gradually dissipate.
"Whether he is the left of the village or the return to the sea~EbookFREE.me~ He is a samurai who admires." Zhang Ruijun's voice came from behind Shi Mingdong.
"Because, he followed his swordsmanship." Shi Mingdong said lightly. "And I don't even know what this sword is for."
Zhang Ruijun suddenly raised a hand, facing the sunlight, his hands gleamed with golden light, he muttered: "Time never stops, the world will never end. Go ahead, warrior, your soul, will continue. Rest in peace, your warrior, walk with me..."
"I thought you would read the Bible..." Shi Mingdong glanced at him.
"I am a pastor who practices in "Winterless Night". There is no Bible in that world." Zhang Ruijun said with a smile.
Shi Mingdong turned back and looked at the direction of Gui Hai's departure. However, Gui Hai's figure had disappeared and he called~~~! ! ! Several fighter formations skimmed through the air, and a roar of engines sounded as if to send off the Warriors.
"Lanxiang team, an independent player, returned to the sea, died. The steel and flame team, each get 5ooo points."
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