Vol 2 Chapter 640: Blaster

  640, Backboiler
  The battle in Murvert County is nearing its end. With the support of US superior air firepower, the alien army can hardly withstand a single blow. All buildings in the town were cleared one by one by the precision-guided bombs of the f-15e/f fighter bomber, and the aliens exposed to the broad daylight were vulnerable to powerful long-range firepower.
   In this case, even if the alien was replaced by the zerg inside, it was also a part of the slaughter by the US military.
Tang Yu returned to the town and found Shi Mingdong, Christina, and others, together under the guard of a dozen t-600 terminators, crossed the battlefield and headed towards a villa located in the northern half of the city. .
   On the way, Tang Yu was also very embarrassed to hear Shi Mingdong's story about returning to the sea. Especially in the last battle with the dragon alien queen, Tang Yu knew very well that if it were not for the return to the sea, it was almost a struggle to burn life and soul, they might not be able to support the arrival of the Tomahawk cruise missile, or There is no time to show him drawings of cruise missiles.
"It should be said that this time the independent members of our two teams are very powerful. Our return to the sea has played an important role at the critical moment. Although Brad is funny and has always been reserved, his skeleton soldier There are also a lot of highlights. There is the other party's zero..." Tang Yu said.
"Actually, if we were not isolated in the pyramid and broke each other, our two teams battled openly and it was really unclear who would win. We have the Skeleton Sea and the Terminator Legion, and each other also has a strong Master, Dragon Knight, and the alchemist who can heal all injuries with a snap of his fingers." Shi Mingdong said.
"Regarding the fight against high-end combat power, this is also the main reason why I designed the Longqi series aircraft. But now it seems that it is still not enough. This time back to the system space, I need to charge the world well. Tang Yu nodded.
   "I need to learn more, too." Shi Mingdong said with emotion.
www 徸Laoqiuxiao霘shuo焁o诜rg   "Me too, I still need to learn more and more powerful magic skills. The first battle of the gold group, we have a lesson for us." Zhang Ruijun said.
   "I also want to upgrade..." Kristina looked at Tang Yu with great anticipation. Tang Yu touched her head with a smile.
"That's it. I used Charles-Wilander's clone chip to locate them." Tang Yu pointed to a villa in front of him and said, "Charles-Willand is not dead yet. This can be done through the system." Confirm. They should also be impossible to leave, because this is where the alienation is most severe."
   "Oh, I hope they run out, maybe save a lot of things." Shi Mingdong looked at the slime that completely covered the whole villa and said.
Hula~~Several t-600 terminators started to clean the mucus on the villa. Tang Yu walked over and put the detection device on the wall to start. Suddenly, the internal structure of the entire building immediately appeared on the photonic computer connected to Tang Yu’s brain. on. Not only that, but also a hidden elevator in the middle of the villa, leading to a large underground space.
   "Found it! Let's go and see the Lord, Charles-Villander. The perfect Pirate Man." Tang Yu said jokingly.
   "Spitfire?" Christina asked, tilting her head.
"If there is such a big event, we must give the US government an account. The US government also needs to explain to several other permanent members, as well as its own people. Therefore, it is always necessary to introduce a goal. Compared to this, Although Wieland Industries strictly speaking has little to do with this matter, but who let them have the fact of researching aliens? This pot, they can't get rid of it." Tang Yu said with an open hand.
   The elevator began to descend, just reached the bottom, only heard the sound of a bolt pulling outside the elevator door, Tang Yu smiled, and instantly controlled all the weapons outside the door, even including the automatic machine gun mounted on the wall. The elevator door opened, only to see more than a dozen mercenaries standing there in a daze, and was easily resolved by Shi Mingdong and Christina.
www爻qiu迈xiao榃shuo钅 approvedcom    "Where is Charles-Villander?" Christina lifted a mercenary, and the nightmare aura started, and the mercenary suddenly shivered.
   "No... I don't know..." As soon as the mercenary's voice fell, Kristina snapped her neck, and she dropped her body and walked to the next mercenary.
   "I said beautiful women, why are you going to trouble these mercenaries?" Shi Mingdong said, "how could they know."
   "They have weapons." Christina replied.
   "I don't know if I have a weapon!" Shi Mingdong was a little crazy, and then he walked over and kicked the door of a room, and pulled out a technician wearing a white coat from the inside, "should ask them."
   Christina tilted her head to look at the technician, her right hand immediately began to transform into a chainsaw, and slowly walked over.
   "I said! I said!!! Charles-Villander was in the Central Laboratory!!!" The technician suddenly got out of his urine and said loudly.
   "Lead the way." Christina said expressionlessly.
   The entire underground space is about 3,000 to 4,000 square meters in size. The pedestrians were unimpeded along the way, no matter what tactics the mercenaries used, they could not leave the result of the weapon being stuck and then subdued by Shi Mingdong. The automatic machine guns on the road, the code door, and any equipment are all useless in front of Tang Yu. Only the technician who was held by Christina in her hands was frightened.
   They also saw a lot of laboratories along the way, with some deformed deformed limbs placed in them, and they saw that they were studying the alien shape.
   came to the center of the underground space, and everyone finally saw the goal of this time Charles-Wieland. His appearance is exactly the same as the clone they saw in Antarctica, but now he is just lying on the bed with a pipeline plugged all over his body and connected to the life support instrument.
"You... finally came..." Charles Wieland's voice was old and weak. "Who are you? What is the purpose? I don't remember that I had a conflict with a powerful person like you~www.mtlnovel. com~鬒qiu买xiao択shuoo Seedr飗g  "Who we are is not really important, but our purpose is really to kill you. Speaking of conflicts, there really are none. Strictly speaking, maybe you tried to study aliens, and still deceived and killed more than ten scientists in Antarctica? "Tang Yu said.
"I am just an old man who wants to live. I have just taken my steps on the road of scientific exploration. I am not willing to die like this. I can give you whatever you want. Can you just say a number? "" Charles Wieland said.
   "You don't need to put yourself a halo of scientific discovery, you are just a person who can't let go of your money and power, and for this, you don't hesitate to sacrifice the lives of others." Shi Mingdong said.
"Let me tell you what will happen next." Tang Yu said: "Because Wieland Industries illegally researched alien creatures and caused a leak, the entire Mover County was occupied by alien monsters, causing Major casualties. And you, Charles Wieland committed suicide because of fear of making things big. As for Wieland Industries, I believe that with such a big thing, your stock will plummet to an incredible extent, and then Will be acquired by my guardian group. In other words, everything you have now will be mine in the future. So what do you think you can give me?"
   "You!!! You can't do this! Verlander Industry is my life's hard work!!! Cough cough cough!" Charles Willand was excited and coughed constantly.
   Tang Yu pulled out a pistol and said, "I'm sorry, I can do that."
boom! ! rw
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