Vol 2 Chapter 659: Devour

659, Devour
Boom! Boom! The giant purple scorpion charged forward constantly, and the robot corps lacking heavy firepower could not stop it, and it was quickly penetrated by the defense line. ????W㈠W㈠W㈠. ?8?1㈧Z??W?. ?C?OM followed by venomous spitting venom, trapping and corroding a large number of robots. The big silver bird sky blasted a gust of wind, delaying the degree to which other robots came to fill the hole.
Looking at the three gods of Dashenwei, Hojo smiled proudly.
The type gods on the twelve-type discs are completely different from the type gods he summoned with spells. They can all be said to be the level of the general, especially in the four square gods! ! If all the gods are lit up, then the twelve gods will come out together, and Hojo Shilin is confident, even in the platinum group, he can also exist sideways!
boom! ! Kristina fired again! This time, we are aiming at the formation! The high-temperature ion cluster exploded on the thick carapace of the Gou array, and immediately burst a large piece of carapace directly, exposing the green tissue below.
"Go and get rid of the robots with wheels!" Casa yelled and slammed on the ground, turning into a black afterimage. "Roar!!!" Several black flames spewed out, Kristina blasted around! !
The purple giant scorpion hooked a turn and rushed into the direction of the guardian type five, and immediately scattered these robots equipped with large-caliber electromagnetic cannons.
boom! ! Kristina aimed at Casa, who was unable to borrow in the air, and shot again. The blue and white high-temperature particles pulled a long strip of light and shot straight at Casa!
"Magic dragon roaring!!" Casa spouted a big mouth of black inflammation, and immediately detonated the high-temperature particles! However, the location of the explosion was too close, and Casa was still affected. He was suddenly blown up and smoked, and some black scales were also blown off. However, he grinned and kicked the wall, swooping down towards Christina! !
Kristina wanted to distance her as soon as she turned around. She reapplied her tricks. There were dozens of T-6oos and Guardian IVs coming towards Casa. They wanted to cover Kristina and hide again, waiting to be used. Chance for the ion gun to fire!
However, only a sharp hiss was heard! A huge green body swept over like a long whip! Boom! Boom! Suddenly pushed down the robot trying to cover Christina, and now Christina is completely exposed in front of Casa! !
"Come on! Tx!!! Don't hide! Obediently let me disassemble the parts!!!" Casa grinned grinningly, with a black flaming hands, a sharp whistling sound was launched, and he was cruelly directed towards Kristina. Catch it! !
Tang Yu has almost lost consciousness. He feels that his body has been rubbed and crumpled like dough by C virus and nanorobot, the bones are crushed, and the skin is torn, but then these places heal again, and then change direction Try again!
This process simply made him desperate, he had countless times to give up, let himself faint, away from this endless pain! Because he couldn't see the end, the level c virus and nanorobot used his body as the battlefield and fought terribly. And he must not let this battle win or lose, he must maintain a balance!
But balance is not enough! Because this is the most like going back to the past, but under such a body, he can't show his strength at all!
The combination of T-3ooo and c virus, mechanical technology and biotechnology, can never be just a little more powerful, and it will be so simple to use a nanorobot as a tool!
Therefore, what Tang Yu wants now is to dominate! ! Absolute control! ! With his own will, he completely overwhelmed the level c virus and nano robot, and truly and completely controlled his body! !
But how to control? Among the three, Tang Yu's consciousness is arguably the weakest! Moreover, the physical pain constantly tortured him.
That's it... Give up completely, let them go, and turn your body into anything, just don't let yourself suffer such a torture anymore.
The core of the black sun was also cheering in Tang Yu's brain, it kept laughing loudly and cheering: "Wow ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! So you are always just a weak man!!! A inferior creature!!! Tang Yu!!! Ha Haha!!! Inferior creature Tang Yu!!! Can't you see the potential of this body? Why should you suppress them?"
"You... don't understand anything at all! The core of the black sun!!!" Tang Yu struggled to respond in his brain.
"I only know...this is my...best chance..." The voice of Hei Ri's core suddenly became low, Tang Yu immediately felt wrong, but it was too late! He only felt an unbearable tingling in his brain! ! !
"Wow ah!!!" Tang Yu screamed loudly, suddenly opened his eyes! However, he now appeared in darkness! His body was intact, but when he looked down, the loose muscles and the slightly raised swimming ring on his stomach were his body when he was in college! !
In front of him, there was a dark shadow floating, and the outline of this dark shadow seemed to be distracting from himself! The black shadow suddenly opened his eyes and grinned: "It turns out that you are not worthy of being the master of this body! Still obedient, be my ration!!!"
"Hahahahaha!!" The core of Hei Ri rushed towards Tang Yu with a laugh! Tang Yu only feels that his body is like rust, and the action is almost a slow motion! After all, his body is now just the ordinary one that can no longer be ordinary, the body of a college student who grew up in exam-oriented education! Even sports rarely participate!
The dark shadow swallowed Tang Yu in an instant! Tang Yu only felt that every part of his body was being bitten by countless small mouths, and his body slowly turned black! !
"Do you think!!! Will I make you wish? The core of the black sun!!! You are destined! It can only be my servant!!!" Tang Yu cried out loudly, and the mechanical field instantly condensed in his spiritual power and formed A spear pierced the shadow of the core of the black sun! !
"You!...you're crazy!!!" The core of Black Sun was suddenly hit hard! There is a scream~EbookFREE.me~ Don't you want this body anymore? Once you lose control, your body will collapse! ! ! "
"I don't want this body, but also let you disappear completely!!" Tang Yu shouted, he made up his mind completely, he felt that he couldn't let the core of the black sun continue to be in his mind, today, just To solve this hidden danger completely! !
"In this case, then I'll eat you first! Let's take care of this body slowly!!" The core of the black sun roared, its black shadow suddenly became very large, and rushed towards Tang Yu overwhelmingly! !
Tang Yu has already consumed too much energy in the battle against the C virus and nano robots, almost to the point where the lamp is dry! Before, he gave the Hei Ri core fiercely in one breath, but soon, the Hei Ri core that had come back to power immediately prevailed! !
"You inferior human beings! Never be my opponent!!! I will eat you!!! I will reappear in the world with a perfect attitude!!!" The core of the black sun roared.
"You...make...dream..." Tang Yu shouted, but he was still swallowed by the shadow of the core of Black Sun! !
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