Vol 2 Chapter 669: Idonia Civil War

669. Idonia Civil War
World of Resident Evil: Curse, 2012, Republic of Ionia.
"This is the British BBC radio and television station. I am a field reporter Julie. Now let me bring you first-hand news about the civil war in the Republic of Ionia." On the TV screen, a short-haired beauty was holding a microphone. Walking through the artillery city.
Da da da! Da da da! ! A series of gunshots came from the far side of the burning street. Julie hurriedly hid behind a destroyed car with a cat waist. She sat on the ground, holding the microphone and continuing to the staff who was hiding with the camera: "Okay Okay, the lens is aimed at me. OK. Audience friends, we know that since the negotiations between the government of the Republic of Ionia and the resistance army broke down three months ago, the civil war has broken out..."
Boom~~~ There was a violent explosion on the balcony of the third floor of a building not far away. Julie quickly hugged her head and found no one here to pay attention. Then she continued: "The offensive of the government army is very fierce, but The rebels have repeatedly warned that if the government forces continue to attack, they will invest mercenaries in the war... It is said to be a mercenary group called the Guardian Group Company."
Rumble rumbling ~~~~ There was a roar, and three T-72 main battle tanks appeared on the street, only to see them advancing side by side, and the surrounding government soldiers carefully watched the surroundings as if they were facing the enemy.
"It's the government army!" Julie whispered, "Hurry the camera over there!"
At this time, several soldiers saw Julie, they shouted in Idonia dialect, and waved hard to let them go.
"We are journalists, journalists! BBC radio and television reporters!" Julie quickly picked up her reporter's badge and showed them to the soldiers.
"Go away! This is the battlefield!" a soldier shouted in crappy English, he shoved Julie one by one, "I know you are a reporter! Otherwise you are dead now! Now, leave me !!!"
He said that he kicked Julie fiercely again, and then came over to cover the camera and shouted, "Don't shoot it!"
Da da da! ! Da da da! ! ! Suddenly there was a burst of gunfire on the other side of the street!
"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!" The government soldiers near the tank shouted loudly. This person quickly left Julie and the photographer and ran towards that side!
puff! ! Without a few steps, the soldier was shot in the temple immediately, and he went straight to the ground without a word.
"Hurry up! Hurry up!" Outside the lens, the photographer greeted loudly.
"No! We have to see this mysterious mercenary regiment!!" Julie refused without hesitation.
Woo~~~~~ There was a sound of the electric motor, only to see the T-72 main battle tank on the street began to turn the turret, aiming at the other side of the street, boom! ! A shot! ! At this moment even the ground was shaking! Julie hiding in the abandoned building was disgraced by the shocked dust.
Da Da Da Da! Da Da Da Da! ! Gunshots continued to sound, and the powerful firepower immediately suffocated the government army, so he could only hide his head behind the bunker and stretch out the rifle to fire at random!
boom! ! Another tank opened fire! Immediately after the three tanks started and advanced, the side-by-side machine guns on the tank kept firing towards the front!
But the firepower on the opposite side has not been reduced at all, just like there is no need to hide there, the gunshots are still ringing! Huh~~~~Boom! boom! Several RPG-7 rockets fired from several directions and the front tank was suddenly set on fire! The track of the tank was blown up and immediately paralyzed.
More government soldiers rushed over, and a group of soldiers targeted the abandoned building where Julie was!
"Damn it! We have to go! There is now a crossfire now!" The camera shakes violently, reaching out a hand from the camera and holding Julie to drag her out.
Boom! ! The door of the abandoned building was suddenly smashed open, and then a government soldier rushed in with a buttstock and smashed the photographer to the ground. Several soldiers came over and picked up the AK-74U assault rifle in their hands and pointed them at their heads. Speak loudly in the local dialect.
"We are journalists! We are journalists! Now the whole world is watching you!" Julie said aloud in English with her press card.
But these soldiers seemed unable to understand, they kept yelling loudly, and one of them was going to fire as soon as he pulled the bolt to Julie's head! !
Da da da! Da da da! ! A series of gunshots came, and immediately sifted the government soldiers who wanted to shoot! Immediately afterwards, I heard only a burst of boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! The heavy footsteps, a huge figure over two meters tall came over! !
"Ahhhhhhhh!!!" The government soldiers saw the person suddenly mad, and they shot at him desperately! But the comer didn't even mean to avoid it!
Dangdang Dangdang! ! The bullets were all bounced away! ! Julie just saw that it was an iron gray body with a sturdy body, a head that looked like a skull, and red eyes with bright eyes! ! On the chest of the robot, a white paint is sprayed with a ‘T’ mark, and the mark is written in English below-Guardian Group.
I only saw this robot coming over, grabbed Julie and threw her behind him, followed by Dangdang Dangdang, countless bullets hit it! Da Da Da Da Da Da Da! The robot immediately opened fire and returned fire, knocking down several soldiers again!
The few remaining soldiers looked at this horrible, invulnerable robot, immediately lost all their fighting spirit, turned and ran! The robot walked two steps, grabbed a soldier's combat backpack and pulled him back, then grabbed him to the ground and used it violently. Raising his hand was the same as the government army. The AK-74U assault rifle was a bullet! !
Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! More footsteps came! Julie looked back and found that there were a lot of robots who didn't know when they had entered the battlefield! Not only there are such skeleton-like robots, but also a large number of robots that are slightly smaller and have a simple structure with a spherical head and red one-eyed eyes.
Da da da! Da da da! In the face of the firepower of the government army, these robots do not flicker at all, unless a machine gun can cause damage to that simple robot. As for the skeleton-like robot, until now Julie has not seen any weapons that can hurt they! !
"Quick! Quick!!! Aim the camera over there! Over there!!! These robots!!! My gosh is a robot!!!" Julie exclaimed in silence, "The mark on them is the Guardian Group!!! This is the anti-government armed mercenary regiment? It is actually the robot regiment!!!"
"I... I haven't seen this in my life...it's really a robot!!! A robot that can be used in the frontal battlefield!!!" The photographer's trembling voice came from outside the lens~EbookFREE.me~Ito The situation in the Republic of Neasia is not very peaceful, and the soldiers of the government army can be talked about in battle! But they have no resistance in front of this robot army! ! Julie said aloud.
Da Da Da Da Da Da Da! ! A series of intensive gunshots sounded, and the camera quickly aimed over there, only to see that the government soldiers temporarily established a machine gun position, and the two PK general-purpose machine gun racks opened fire on the bunker! Suddenly, a few simple robots were beaten into a sieve, and they could not afford to fall!
However, a skeleton-like robot next to it found this firepower point, and it immediately turned around and walked past, AK-74 kept firing! But the rebel soldiers are experienced and their bunkers are well set up, and the robot's bullets can't be beaten at all.
Da Da Da Da Da Da Da! ! Two PK universal machine guns are desperately firing towards this robot! But it ignored these bullets at all, and although it was beaten up, it did not cause any effective damage! !
I only saw this robot and rushed directly into the bunker with a bullet. A scream came, and the inside was completely quiet. After a moment, the robot was covered with blood and came out of the bunker. With one hand, it easily picked up the two PK general-purpose machine guns on the ground and advanced forward while firing wildly!
"Quick! Record all of this! This robot legion!!! It's terrifying!!! Guardian Group, what the is that?!"
All scenes in this scene were sent to TV stations all over the world through Julie and her photographer assistant!
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