Vol 2 Chapter 761: Rivalry

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In the darkness, a team of more than twenty special forces are advancing, and their goal is awesome as the No. 1 planting base in Qianshan!
"Listen, we have received information that there is hope 1 gene map and experiment log in this planting base! Get these materials at all costs, and then burn the farmland over there!" The commander of the special forces whispered to the communicator Said.
"To tell the truth, who did Shenzhou No. 1 recruit who developed the planting hope in the end? This should be a good thing, why do you want to destroy it?" A member of the channel questioned.
The captain said sharply: "Don't talk! Hope that No. 1 itself is not wrong, but only owned by the wrong person! Our duty is to obey orders!!"
"More than fifty hectares of field... This burn, I don't know how many people are going to starve to death..." A team member murmured in a low voice.
The captain ignored it, and he knew that the army's heart had long since dispersed. Although the high-level ‘Eden’ had reorganized the remaining active forces, and the elite was stationed on the edge of the ‘Eden’, it was considered that they had touched the upper echelons. However, even if the immediate relatives of these troops are placed together, there is no way to place more relatives and friends. With such a layer-by-layer relationship, it is strange that the military can be stable!
"Is there anyone in the planting base?" the captain asked back.
A special soldier turned on the scanning device and aimed at the base. After a few scans, he replied: "There are only two or three people in the control center, and there are more than a dozen guardians of the four types conducting symbolic patrols. There are no more signals."
"Or is the defense so slack? Is it intentional, or is Shennong really going bankrupt? Weak?" The captain groaned and said with a sudden wave of his hand: "No matter, action!!!"
No one noticed. A special soldier next to him quietly pressed a device on his waist. In other words, there are two or three people doing this.
These special forces are the elite of the elite. They are nimble, they move like a black panther under the cover of the night, they quickly evade the surveillance, kill the guardian four robots at the door, and quietly sneaked into the planting base. Office area. all the best!
"Okay! Divide into three groups of actions! Look for the data of Hope One!" the captain whispered.
Huh! Huh! The voice did not fall, and the surroundings were suddenly brightly lit!
"Exposed!" Someone exclaimed and looked closely, but found that standing in front of them was a large group of civilians holding wooden rods and iron bars! It is worth mentioning that they have a blue cloth their arms!
"What's the matter! Didn't you say no one? Why didn't we find it!" The captain exclaimed loudly, trying to exit the door, but found that there were a large number of people coming outside to surround them!
Wang De arbitrarily treated his dirty shirt, holding a signal shielding device provided by the'Hope Army' in his hand, and looked at these overwhelmed special forces and said loudly, "It's you!! To destroy the Shennong Company! Want to occupy the Hope One!!! Those who want to deprive us of the hope of survival!!!"
"Yes!!! It's your group of running dogs!!!" The crowd around was excited.
The captain picked up the MP-5 submachine gun and pointed at Wang De: "Relax! Relax! No one wants to deprive you of the hope of survival... We are only here to investigate this unknown company with unknown origin..."
"Nothing of unknown origin! Didn't Shennong develop pollution-free food? Are you not jealous!? I will be here today! Let me put down all the weapons! Accept the people's trial!! Otherwise, unless you put We have all killed, and we will never allow you to destroy here!" Wang De said loudly.
The captain saw someone in the crowd carrying the camera, apparently prepared, he whispered to the team members: "Watch out! Try to get out!"
"I surrender!"
"Me too!!" Suddenly a few players dropped their weapons and raised their hands with their hands, shouting, that is, they quietly pressed the button to notify the people inside the base. The formation of this group of people suddenly appeared a loophole! These civilians immediately seized the opportunity to force up!
"Damn!!" The captain's hand trembling with a gun, he was afraid to shoot him with 10,000 guts, know that there are hundreds of thousands of civilians standing in front of them, and their purpose is nothing but Want to live!
"Put down the gun! Surrender!!!" the captain said loudly, and he felt relieved immediately, and everyone was relieved.
A special force sent by the ‘Eden’ to destroy the Shennong company’s planting base was caught alive by the angry crowd! This news caused an uproar in the world!
Whose cake did Shennong Company and Hope No. 1 move? The answer is self-evident. Now the media have also begun to split, after all, the "Eden" has begun to lose control of the situation!
More and more news and reports about the "Eden" against the Shennong Company were exposed, and the people were immediately angry! Why do you eat and drink well, and we can only eat contaminated food! Why do we just want to eat clean food, we will be taken away by you! !
If the people in power in the Garden of Eden are there, they will definitely cry out injustice. They never thought of depriving people of the right to eat uncontaminated food, they just wanted to control Hope No. 1 in their hands ~EbookFREE.me~ just as they used to control wealth. Then in this way let the people continue to work for them.
However, things started to move in extreme directions! The situation is also becoming more and more uncontrollable, which makes them feel that no matter what they do, they will skew aside, and then cause harm to the people, and then the conflict between the two sides will become more acute!
If you don’t realize that there is a black hand behind the scenes at that time, then those people will be arrogant.
However, under such circumstances, Shennong Company declared bankruptcy proceedings! ! The situation became weird. The major factions in the "Eden" began to dread, and no one wanted Shennong to fall into the hands of competitors. Not only that, led by China's "Green Sky" consortium, began a secret game with the Rothschild consortium in Europe, the purpose is Shennong Company! !
However, something happened that surprised both sides. A high-profile ‘Hope Army’ organized by the people spontaneously appeared! They declared that Shennong Company would protect them, and any attempt to destroy Shennong Company was anti-human! Outside the remaining planting base of Shennong Company, countless members of the Hope Army with blue cloth on their arms patrolled with wooden sticks, and even people near the company employees' homes were secretly protected!
Not only that, the Hope Army officially announced a break with the "Eden"! Show that they do not welcome anyone from the "Eden" to enter their land!
Not to be outdone, the Garden of Eden immediately announced that the Hope Army was a terrorist and was ready to send special forces to the encirclement and suppression!
In this case, the Kaiju Beast'Scythe Head' invaded! The largest three-level Kaiju beast in the history of this movie story is directly strengthened into a four-level Kaiju beast in the current broken world! !
Yes, the fourth-level Kaiju Beast officially appeared! Invasion target-Anchorage! !
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