Vol 2 Chapter 820: Inventions that change the world

820. Inventions that change the world
Tokyo, Japan, in the magnificent office building without any sign.
"This time we planned 17 operations, and failed 14 times. Among them, 9 were escaped by the target ahead of time, and 5 operations, an unknown situation occurred. All the TS-300s sent were destroyed. We It’s not even possible to know who did it..." The man in the suit was sweating and bowed to Dr. Hollister, who was sitting silently in front, his face almost touching the table.
"In this world, there is the strength to quietly kill a whole team of TS-300s, except for John Conner who owns TX. I am more concerned about who leaked the news." Dr. Hollister Instead of violently jumping, he seemed calm.
"There is no clue... We have not detected any abnormal communication..." The suit man whispered.
"Then it is clear that they have mastered a communication method that we do not understand, perhaps quantum entanglement technology? Ha ha, interesting." Dr. Hollister sneered.
"Please...please indicate..."
Dr. Hollister stood up, walked to the man in the suit, stretched a cold mechanical arm on his cheek, and said with that hoarse electronic synth: "Technology is dead, but people are alive. The first part of the plan’s leak must have been people, why have you always wondered?

"I'm sorry...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The man in the suit just said a few words and suddenly screamed loudly!
Dr. Hollister grabbed the eyeball in his hand and squeezed it again, blood and white eyes flowing across, "Go ahead. Don't come back if you don't know who is revealing our secret. Now."
"Yes... yes... I will immediately arrange a few false actions to seduce the traitors!!!" The man in the suit covered his empty eyes, and a lot of blood flowed out of his fingers and stumbled out.
Dr. Hollister stood still for a long time, and then said to himself in a low voice: "I have foreseen...failure...When the technology of Tiannet no longer gives us advantages, we will not Has an advantage."
Then he raised his hand again and looked at the rotten flesh in the palm of his hand. "But destruction is my goal. The difference is only how many people pull back... John Connor can do this, certainly not possible. There is only a half-dead assault group! Then...regarding this action against China, their response was so fierce. In this case... it may be the worst situation...Guardian Group!"
With that, the red light in his electronic eye suddenly became dazzling, "So, throwing the Assault Group as a target, but actually ran to Huaxia? What a good move, John Connor!!"
"An observer was secretly arrested." Remy's projection suddenly appeared behind Tang Yu, who was busy with Christina in front of the wreckage of a TS-300.
"Oh." Tang Yu didn't look up. "It's not surprising. Has the plan been implemented?"
"I have deleted all the data in his implanted chip, and disconnected him from the network of sublimation. Now his implanted chip is just a chip." Remi still has no emotion the sound of.
"That's enough, they can't dig out every observer. They use the cake of redistribution of resources to form a religion that is rooted in the interior of human society. I will give it to each other in my own way. Use their faith to implant our seeds into them." Tang Yu stopped his work and looked back at Remi Zhanyan with a smile.
"The Order of God, although it has penetrated into all walks of life, it also determines that they are a relatively loose organization. In the face of the infiltration of observers, they have no way." Tang Yu continued, "In addition to their actions against China Frustrated, so you can guess how much the Guardian Group has a problem. It does not matter, let Li Xinghao prepare, let Guardian Medical Technology begin to promote automated prosthetics, and implant chips in the brain!"
"Okay, the order has been issued." Remi finished, paused, and continued: "In addition, Moya asked us through the sublimation road network. Since the existence of the observer and the implanted chip has been exposed, is it in order? Launch a revolution within the religion?"
"Let him wait, and let the market and reputation of implanted chips and automated prostheses come out to play the best effect." Tang Yu answered.
"Also, the super soldiers in the US government's Warriors plan appeared in Huaxia, and the attacks and kidnappings against the chairman of major Huaxia companies have been arranged in this regard and public opinion?" Tang Yu turned around Asked the topic.
"It has been prepared, and the servers of major media in various countries have been hacked by me. Only when the time is right will this news be released to the world." Remi said.
A smile appeared on the corner of Tang Yu's mouth, "So, the countdown has started... Order of God, Kalymba Group, and Skynet!"
A revolutionary day! China Guardian Medical Technology suddenly announced to the world that they have the most advanced computer and medical technology. The brain is implanted with a chip, and it is officially facing the market!
complicated question? Complex formula? Advanced theory? No problem, the implanted chip allows you to learn everything as quickly as possible!
The modern education system will be overturned! Humans will not need to spend one-third of their life to learn existing knowledge, and then use limited time to create new theories. With the help of implanted chips, the progress of learning existing knowledge will be greatly accelerated, allowing people more time to create!
Advertisements from all quarters are coming! And ~EbookFREE.me~ After the launch of this concept, Guardian Medical Technology did not spread the entire sales, but used the implanted chips in the hospital very wisely!
An experimental program called ‘Newborn’ began to broadcast in front of the whole world. The content is that children with cerebral palsy, mentally handicapped children, and even high paraplegic patients who are recruited from all over the world. These people who are on the margins of human society will select representatives from them and then undergo brain chip implant surgery.
Countless pairs of eyes are watching these volunteer subjects, and the family members who sent them also observe every detail of their recovery at close range!
A miracle happened. After a few days of adaptation period, a child with cerebral palsy began to learn letters and language, and with the help of an implanted chip, memorized words at a very fast speed, and then began grammar training.
Half a month later, this child with cerebral palsy can communicate normally!
A month later, this child with cerebral palsy has started to study in elementary school!
The world is a sensation, this may really be an invention that can change the world!
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