Vol 2 Chapter 826: T-600-VSTS-300

826, T-600VSTS-300
Bang ~ Bang ~ Bang ~ ~ ~ five or six large boxes accurately landed on the roof.
With a bang, one of the big boxes was kicked open violently, and Schwarzenegger came out of it. Inside the box, it was dark, and it was not clear what was put.
Schwarzenegger moved his head left and right, walked to the corner of the building, took out a disc-shaped device and put it in the corner, and turned on the switch. The green indicator light on the device suddenly turned on. Then he did it in the same way, put down the same device in several other corners of the building, and turned on the switch.
Then Schwarzenegger took out an advanced laptop, pulled out a data cable and connected it to the back of his neck, and activated the switch! Countless invisible rays are emitted from those devices at various wavelengths, and the structure of the entire building is quickly scanned!
The three-dimensional structure of the building immediately appeared on Schwarzenegger's computer and was immediately shared. Not only that, this scan also marked all the moving targets in this building! But it lasted less than two seconds, and the signals of those devices were immediately cut off, and the signal lights of the devices turned red.
Obviously, the building's internal defense system began to fight back.
Downstairs, only dozens of black vans rushed towards the building, most of them went directly into the underground parking lot, and the remaining small part was divided into two groups again, dividing the building The front and back doors are completely blocked!
The car door opened and a middle-aged man came down first. It was the assistant who had betrayed the Chinese entrepreneur Zhang Dashao before! I only saw the light blue light flashing in his eyes, and said lightly: "The building of Kalimpa Group is here."
Immediately afterwards, a large number of people wearing large black cloaks, very burly people came out of the car and walked towards the building!
The security guard in the building, which had long been silent, panicked and shouted back, shouting, "Don't...don't come here! This is a private property!"
With a thud, the security guard's back hit a rock-solid chest! He shivered and turned back, but he saw a bald man in a black suit with a cold face standing behind him, and more bald men came over! This is the last screen that the security guard saw!
Snapped! The bald man grabbed the security guard and smashed him directly to the wall next to him. Blood and brains spattered out, and the whole wall was covered!
The death of the security guard is like touching a switch! I only saw the big men in black cloaks who walked into the building. Under their faces covered by the shadows of their heads, two scarlet lights immediately lit up! For a time, these big scarlet eyes appeared like stars!
Immediately afterwards, these big men suddenly raised their weapons under the cloak and fired without hesitation! ! Da Da Da Da! Da Da Da Da! ! A dazzling blue arc was sprayed from the muzzle, and a large number of 10 mm weight gain armor-piercing projectiles were launched like raindrops! It is the 10mm-caliber electromagnetic assault rifle that the Guardian Group has never sold to the outside!
The bald man who just killed the security guard responded very fast, kicked the ground violently, and the whole person shot like an arrow from the string, moving toward the side at high speed! The first wave of bullets hit the ground and walls! The high-grade reinforced concrete wall was crushed by the powerful 10 mm electromagnetic machine gun!
This is because Tang Yu was not willing to cause too much confusion in the city, so these T-600s were only equipped with the ‘Sharp Knife II’ 10mm caliber electromagnetic rifle originally planned for the Guardian IV. Because if you bring the heavy weapons specially equipped for the T-600, even if it is not this building, there will be nothing left.
Da Da Da Da! ! The T-600s wearing black cloaks are still firing nonstop, adding ammunition compartments behind them to provide them with ample ammunition and energy!
Before that bald male TS-300 jumped to the wall at a very fast speed, grabbed the wall with incomparably powerful force to advance! T-600 lost its target for a while! While running, this TS-300 took out its own weapon-the laser rifle produced by Skynet!
咻咻咻! ! The blue laser beam is irradiated, and the ultra-high temperature can melt the T-600's outer armor into a hole just by instant irradiation! The head shell of this T-600 was burnt through, and the cloak on the body started to burn at high temperature. After being hit several times in a row, the T-600 collapsed!
But almost at the same instant, more electromagnetic rifle bullets shattered this TS-300 into pieces! Fragments of artificial blood and ceramic bones are everywhere!
These T-600s wearing black cloaks started to move forward, and the wreckage of the T-600 that was just destroyed was not put in their hearts at all, and they were directly stepped into parts!
Da da da! Da da da! The electromagnetic machine gun in the T-600's hand kept firing, and the TS-300 that had just been supported later spread out, and various weapons in his hand began to fight back! Skynet brought few advanced laser guns to this era through causal weapons. After all, more than half of these TS-300s still use 64-type assault rifles smuggled from the Japanese Self-Defense Force, as well as a large number of AK-47s.
Although these old assault rifles are very old, it is still better to use them in large calibers if they are handed over to robots. The mainstream 5.56mm small-caliber assault rifle in active service, whether it is a user or an attack target, is expected by humans, and is naturally not suitable for use by robots.
From this detail, it can be seen that the positioning of the Karimba Group for the robot is still very clear. At least it took the Robot Corps a long time to use the SG-550 assault rifle before it was later reflected in the special development of robot-specific large-caliber weapons. Tang Yu is better.
But the concept belongs to the concept. In the case where Tang Yu has established his own industrial system, the Kalymba group and the Order of God, which have no concept but cannot be put into action, are not worth mentioning.
The most straightforward answer is here. The 7.62mm caliber rifle bullets have no effect on the T-600! A large number of bullets ripped the black cloak on the T-600 into pieces, exposing the metal skeleton without any paint underneath. After leaving a scratch on the top, it was bombed again, nothing more!
Da da da! Da da da!咻咻咻! ! Countless bullets shuttle back and forth~EbookFREE.me~ Occasionally there are lasers interspersed among them. Unlike the TS-300, which keeps moving and avoiding each other's fire nets, the T-600 simply keeps on advancing, firing, and never avoiding!
The advantage of firepower and the advantage of quantity, soon, the T-600 completely destroyed the dozens of TS-300 rushed to the hall into scrap iron! No more reinforcements come down, obviously the other party is building a defense line upstairs!
At this time, a few more trucks came over, these obviously modified truck compartments suddenly unfolded, and an unknown buzz came! I only saw hundreds of disk-shaped aircraft with a diameter of about one meter flying out of the truck. It is a dragon-type two miniature combat aircraft!
Inside a large container truck, more than a dozen people with full-coverage electronic eyepieces are manipulating these Dragon Rider II aircraft. They have all undergone brain chip implant surgery to control these drones!
I only saw countless black-and-white drones of Longqi II drove toward every corner of the building. Although this building is huge, it is still difficult to expand the T-600 army. However, for the Dragon Rider UAV with a diameter of only about one meter, it is completely high-flying, and you can gallop at will!
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