Vol 2 Chapter 946: Line of defense collapse

、Defense line collapse
"Get away from me!!" Gage roared and rushed in the direction of Maya, and her mechanical arm immediately stretched out a digital battle claw that was the same as the death trap, towards the experimenter who stabbed Maya with a dagger. Grab your back!
Although Maya was seriously injured, she did not panic. After all, when she was a cult saint on her home planet Athena, she was trained to kill Щщш.. lā. She clenched her teeth to resist the pain and died with her backhand. Grab the experimenter's hands, and a powerful current radiated from her palms, which made the person howl.
  Now! Ge Ji's digital battle claws were grabbed hard, and the experimenter's body burst open!
   "Phase imprisonment!" Maya immediately used phase imprisonment on the exploded shattered corpse, and then a pure essence of life was extracted by her and injected into her body. I saw that the wound in her abdomen that was almost pierced by a dagger immediately began to heal, and some black blood was squeezed out.
"You stupid beeps, let me go to hell!" Gaiji successfully swears a with a shielded sound. She suddenly took out more than twenty shotguns from the space installation and dropped them on the ground. Most of them All are explosive bombs produced by the company!
   "Chaotic Shooting!! All stinky gangsters blow me up to the sky!!" Gaiji picked up a shotgun and fired randomly around him! However, these bullets flying around hit the obstacles and immediately rebounded back, shooting from all angles towards the experimenters from all angles without dead ends! She shot madly, regardless of whether she hit or not, the magazine of one gun was immediately picked up and the other gun continued to shoot! In fact, the computer terminal on her mechanical arm has helped her complete the aiming and reflex positioning work.
The experimenters were suddenly confused by the bullets flying around, but although these people were uneven in strength, they were also the golden group. They quickly discovered that although these bullets were amazing, but their power was limited, they calmed down immediately in Nemo. With the help of the war song, continue to inflict great damage on the robot corps of Hyperion!
   Boom! boom! boom! Although there are thousands of t-terminators on the battlefield outside the cntb base, the combat power of these t-terminators is simply not comparable to that of the elite robot corps of Hyperion, neither in volume nor in firepower. They also only serve to increase the firepower density, and slightly disperse some of the resistance of the rebels.
  Although the experimenters headed by Jiang Huan were unorganized and undisciplined, their direct insertion into the central tower did indeed disperse the defense of the Hyberon robot. After the chaos after the emergence of Saturn, the giant robot on the side of the Hypertron, the Rebels, began to organize very effective attacks.
  Rebels, headed by Axton and El Salvador, organized elite soldiers to organize a pincer attack from both sides of the base, trying to tear out the defense of the Hyberon company. On the other side, Zero is wandering like a ghost on the battlefield. He continues to create chaos on one of the elevators leading to the high platform of the cntb base, affecting the actions of the company.
   Although the performance of these robots is very powerful, after all, the intelligence is limited. The intelligent machinery is carried out according to the battle plan made in advance. Soon, the platform in front of this elevator was blocked by a large number of robots and vehicle wreckage.
  After all, after an old fritter that had been a soldier, Axton immediately discovered the fighter. He immediately assigned a team of soldiers to attack the elevator violently, and also asked El Salvador to help. This man is only about one meter and five, the muscles are extremely developed, the width of the mad gunner is almost larger than the height, and the whole person is a moving firepower point. Taking him as an arrow, the resistance army finally took down an elevator! !
The super construction machine on the platform immediately cut off the power to the elevator, but the rebels were already prepared and immediately connected the backup power supply. Soon, this large elevator with a load of more than 500 tons and an area of ​​about 200 square meters began to operate, and batches of resistance soldiers directly attacked the base platform!
   Saturn, a giant robot in the other direction, was finally unable to support it under the continuous blow, boom! boom! boom! boom! The rebel soldiers did not know where to pull several artillery pieces, placed them on the spaceship of the refuge, and began to bombard Saturn! Although there is basically no accurate head in this case, in fact, the giant robot with a height of 20 meters, Saturn, does not need to be accurate.
   Saturn's self-detonating drone was also exhausted, and the four ion turrets on his shoulders were also destroyed. It could only be returned with a missile launcher and several six-barrel machine guns on his waist. But even the material of the alien ruins has its limits. Finally, under the concentrated attack of the rebels, Saturn's body crooked and banged loudly, and it fell!
   "Ou!!! Ou!!! Chong!! For Pandora! For freedom!!!" The rebel soldiers cheered, and their morale was so high that they took the opportunity to launch another wave of offensive!
  However, even if the robot corps of the Hyberon Company is facing such a difficult situation, it is still very rigid and constantly launching counterattacks, constantly consuming its own strength with fueling tactics. The balance of war finally began to lean towards the rebels!
   Boom! ! Hoo lao la la la ~~~~Gai Ji’s death trap was besieged by several gold group experimenters, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was soon beaten to maintain his form, and suddenly dispersed into elementary particles, Go back to Ge Ji's robotic arm.
   Surrounded by a large amount of debris from the robots of the Hyberon Company, these robots have become fragile and completely unable to play their due combat power in the corrupting sonata of the minstrel Nemo. Under the influence of the Song of Depravity, Geki and Maya's movements became slow, and for a time danger seemed to be circling.
   The war situation started to deteriorate, and now it is completely supported by Christina alone! The Song of Depravity is only effective for living beings. For Christina, it is just a sonic wave. Moreover, although Corruption also reduced her physical strength, the gold group experimenters present were not too strong and could not keep up with her skyward speed, so there was no danger for the time being.
   Maya and Guy can only fight back together, and the door to the core of the database is behind them!
   "Just work harder! Now the defense of the Hyberon company has collapsed! The door to the database is right in front of you! Punch!" Jiang Huai shouted loudly.
   At this moment, suddenly, the door opened itself! I haven't waited for Jiang Huan and others to see who the person is, only to feel a tremor around him! The wreckage of the countless Hyberon robots on the ground suddenly moved on its own! These wreckages started to splice on their own, and suddenly formed a large number of broken robots, fluttering towards them with shaking! )!!
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