Chapter 37: revenge

The next day, Qi Xing really went out early in the morning as he said.
Xu Jiahui immediately followed the plan and went to inform Wang Feng, claiming that the master told him to go to the male guard next to the unknown pharmacist and told him where to find someone.
While talking, Xu Jiahui rejoiced.
She made a secret transaction with the unknown pharmacist and made a special agreement that at noon every day, the unknown pharmacist would sit in a dessert shop for half an hour. Go to the dessert shop scheduled on time and you can find someone.
She told Wang Feng the address and time carefully, and she personally delivered Wang Feng to the sixth-level martial artist.
Wang Feng didn't think much about it, and immediately responded. He was very clear about Xu Jiahui's position in Qi's family. Although he had no real power in his hands, he was regarded as Qi Xing's confidant and did not doubt her at all.
He even actively discussed with Xu Jiahui, "If the other lion speaks loudly, I will bring his request back and let the master decide. What do you think?"
Xu Jiahui smiled like a flower, boasting, "Good idea." She sneered in her heart, not to mention that you would not be able to come back when you meet a sixth-level martial artist. Even if you can come back, there will be no more families on the planet.
Xu Jiahui smiled and watched Wang Feng leave. Waiting for someone to leave her sight, she turned and went straight to Qi Huan's room.
She had already calculated the various steps in her mind countless times.
Take Qi Huan's surgery first. Qi Huan is the flesh and blood of Qi Xing's beloved woman. Come to think of it, Qi Xing should be able to deeply feel the pain and despair when he sees his son being tortured to death by her? Just like when she found herself betrayed by Qi Xing.
The second goal is the pharmacist trained by the Qi family since childhood. They were adopted by Qi Xing. They were taught since childhood and uniformly trained. Not to mention Qi Xing's loyalty, they all have good medical skills and have a high level of pharmacy.
Although they could not leave the Qi family in this life after reading the Qi family's prescriptions, the Qi family usually served them delicious food and drink, and sent someone to wait for them, and their life was extremely comfortable.
Had it not been for this group of people, Qi Xing would not sleep 24 hours a day to make medicines, and he would not be able to sell so many.
If there is free time, she intends to kill the shopkeeper and employees of the main store. Those are Qi Xing's direct descendants, and they are all respected and loyal.
Xu Jiahui reviewed the plan again and confirmed that there was no problem, and could not help laughing happier.
Without his beloved son, without a large group of pharmacists, without any capable subordinates, Qi Xing saw it when he came back. He must have split his eyes and hated her.
Xu Jiahui rejoiced when thinking about the scene after success.
She just wanted to make Qi Xing feel heartbroken and plunged into endless despair.
Wang Feng probed his head outside the dessert shop. As he looked around, Yan Hao was chatting with his master.
Tang Xin was talking most of the time when he said it was a chat.
"A few days later, I have visited the pharmacies on the planet one by one, and I have already walked all the way, but I didn't find any useful herbs."
"One by one, I am embarrassed to boast. What is the most complete range of herbs in our pharmacy on the planet? So complete, how come Yuntian has them, and they can’t sell them?"
"Liar, all liars."
Tang Xin took a bite of the chocolate pie. Only sweets can calm her melancholy mood at the moment.
Yan Hao was funny, just about to say something, suddenly frowned and turned to look in a direction.
Tang Xin was lowering her head, seriously eating chocolate pie.
Yan Hao paused and stood up, "Eating chocolate pie makes it easy to get thirsty. I will buy you a drink."
"I want hot cocoa." Tang Xin is polite to order.
Yan Hao was helpless, wouldn't he get thirsty as he drank? "Okay, I'll buy it."
Tang Xin propped his head with his left hand and quietly watched Yan Hao leave.
Do you really think she didn't find him behaving strangely? Seeing that he was comfortable with Xu Jiahui last time and answered very well, she believed him once.
I hope he will not disappoint her trust.
Wang Feng originally thought that what Xu Jiahui had received was false news. After all, an unknown pharmacist is good at hiding. If he is easily known where he is, he may soon be troubled.
He went out happily in the spirit of being able to make a business trip for nothing.
Unexpectedly, as soon as I found the dessert shop, I saw a man and a woman, two black figures sitting straight at the gate of the dessert shop, facing the road.
Wang Feng was a bit speechless. He had seen someone who was unrestrained and unrestrained.
No wonder he asked Xu Jiahui, he didn’t know the face, and the black clothes were the basic style. How did he know which two people they were, Xu Jiahui looked constipated and said in a deep tone,
When you arrive at the dessert shop, sweep through the crowds. At a glance. If you see the Lord, you will naturally know that you are looking for these two people.%1
He looked at his surroundings and felt that the reason why the two of them were calm and composed must be because there were a large number of people in ambush nearby.
"Something?" Yan Hao asked coldly. Constantly looking, secretly staring at the line of sight, made him very uncomfortable, always feel that the person in front of him does not look like a good person.
Wang Feng was shocked, and the alarm bell rang out. When did this man ran in front of him?
He just wanted to be on guard, and suddenly thought, this time he made a special trip, isn't he just to convince the person in front of him to turn back? Now that the master and servant are separated, isn't it an excellent opportunity for persuasion!
"My name is Wang Feng and I belong to the Qi family. I am coming this time and want to discuss business with you." Wang Feng smiled confidently.
No matter when and where, he will be treated specially when he announces the name of the Qi family.
It turns out that he was right.
Yan Hao's face became colder when he heard it was from the Qi family, almost freezing to death, "Said."
If it wasn't for the master's interest, Yan Hao wanted to slap the guy in front of him directly.
His heart moved. Wang Feng smiled more and more proudly.
Yes, money, fame, power, beauty, men in the world, how many of these things are not interested in?
"As long as you are willing to change from now on to the service of the Qi family, money, fame, power, beauty... Whatever you want, the Qi family will give it."
Should I say that he is indeed from the Qi family? The practice of teaching and instigating betrayal is exactly the same as Xu Jiahui.
I just don't know what the end of this one will end in the end. Like Xu Jiahui, she was brainwashed by her master?
What you want, Yan Hao has no expression on his face and secretly said, he prefers Qi Xing's life, I don't know if Qi Xing is willing.
As for the others...
money? Who is better at attracting gold than the master? Yan Hao sneered.
Fame and fortune? Huangshacin ranks last in the Federation. Even if it is the number one on the planet, who will admit it after being out of this planet?
In the same way, power and influence also dominate the small planet. Have the ability to go outside and be with others.
As for the beauties, Yan Hao snorted softly, much lazy to say something. Who can call a beauty in front of him? Don't you know he looks in the mirror every day?
With such an analysis, the other party's proposal is not attractive, and it is not even as attractive as the master's hand-made pot of medicated food for him.
"Your suggestion," Yan Hao paused, unwilling to say attractive without conscience, "it's interesting."
Wang Feng laughed. It was beyond his expectation that things went so smoothly.
He winked his eyebrows and smiled, "Trust me, it will be more fun when the brothers hug each other after it's done."
Yan Hao couldn't help frowning, it sounded boring.
The Qi family are so stupid to lure him with such boring things.
If the Qi family was beaten up by him, he might be more interested.
"Wang or something? Wait, I'll go back." Yan Hao said coldly.
Was it going to tie the nameless pharmacist directly to him?
Wang Feng couldn't help but his heart was hot, this is a great achievement! The master is clever, why didn't he think of this way earlier? Now, easily taking down the master and servant can also increase the strength of the Qi family.
Yan Hao paced in no hurry, returned to his seat in the dessert shop, and told the master about the conversation between Wang Feng and him. He didn't hide the least.
At the end, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, a little proud, "I have memorized all the dialogue, and it is not bad."
When Tang Xin first saw Yan Hao, he was shocked that he didn't bring a drink to cover up, so he returned. Before he had time to ask, he was stunned by Yan Hao's words again, and couldn't help muttering to himself, "It's amazing..." I remembered everything.
Yan Hao tried to suppress the corners of his mouth that he wanted to fly, and kept calm, "Please tell me."
"Instructions?" Tang Xin repeated the words foolishly, not understanding what Yan Hao meant.
She is still in a daze and has not yet recovered.
Yan Hao nodded and said naturally, "You are the master, you are the one who makes the decision. You make a decision and I will run errands. I can cooperate with you whatever you want."
Tang Xin stared at Yan Hao for a long time, making sure that he was not joking, and sighed slightly. The people of the Qi family would never have thought of it. The opponent was a loyal dog and ignored their hooking at all.
Tang Xin was not unmoved, but moved too much, but at a loss what to do and didn't know how to express it.
At the moment, she can't think about how to yin Qi family, has been thinking hard, what should she do with her own guard.
The white clothing Xu Jiahui always loved was dyed dark red with blood.
The blood on the clothes was Qi Huan, pharmacist, shopkeeper, and employee, but not her own.
Xu Jiahui stood alone in the courtyard, laughing loudly, looking crazy.
Things went smoother than she had imagined. No one had ever doubted her. Everyone even followed her instructions to create favorable conditions for her actions.
Qi Huan died. Before he died, his face was cut forty or fifty times with a dagger. The scar almost covered his face, and his legs were broken into several pieces.
Xu Jiahui thought to herself, Qi Shao didn’t understand how sad it is to disfigurement. She would rather buy scraps and scraps than scar cream for her. He had to let him feel what she felt before he died. .
Of course, this is far from enough.
Obviously Mrs. Qi Xing was dead long ago, but Qi Huan kept mentioning the dead in front of Qi Xing, trying to block her way. It was hateful!
The new hatred and the old hatred were added together. Xu Jiahui smashed Qi Huan’s kneecap and smiled at him,
When I was about to break the leg of the nameless pharmacist, didn’t you come out to stop it? If that’s the case, you will suffer for her. ."
When Qi Huan was rolling in pain because of the crushing of the bones in her legs, she was leisurely again, cutting Qi Huan's face with scars.
"Kill me, kill me!" Qi Huan wailed in pain. He even wanted to climb to the wall to kill himself, but his legs were scrapped and he couldn't move.
Xu Jiahui kept holding her hands, daggers flying like butterflies, muttering to herself, "Not enough, not enough."
She wanted to take revenge on Qi Xing ten times and one hundred times for the pain and sin she had suffered.
When Qi Huan got more out of air and less out of air, she cut his throat with a dagger and killed him happily.
Pharmacists are much easier to deal with than Qi Huan, most of them are technical nerds, and there is no way to fight back.
Xu Jiahui held the dagger, almost one by one, killing everyone quickly.
Immediately afterwards, the shopkeeper, staff, and guards of the main store...
Xu Jiahui blushed, and when she woke up, she was the only one living in the huge Qi family.
At this time, Qi Xing still did not return, and Wang Feng was still absent.
It's a pity that the people in the branch can't call it casually, it's too easy to attract attention.
Xu Jiahui couldn't help but feel sorry, but she quickly threw away her happy distracting thoughts and got excited again.
She deliberately wanted to set a fire to burn the Qi family completely, but then she thought, if the fire burns too badly, Qi Xing comes back and there are ashes everywhere, wouldn't she not recognize his precious son? I don’t know how many crimes my precious son has suffered before his death, what a pity!
Xu Jiahui ignored the corpses everywhere, went back to the room and took a hot bath, changed into a clean white coat, and then left Qi's house calmly.
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