Chapter 40: Accept fate

For a long time, Yuntian seemed to have made a decision, and slowly said, "All please, Miss Tang. The medicinal materials in the warehouse are free to use. If it is not enough, I can send someone to another planet to find it again."
Su Bo looked anxious and couldn't help reminding him, "In case, what if the cure is not good?"
Tang Xin interrupted when he saw the machine, and squinted at him, "If it is not cured, you will definitely vent your anger and hack me to death. I'm not in a hurry, why are you in a hurry?"
Su Bo's chest is tight, his stomach is full of complaints, and he can't explain clearly.
The life of my master is more valuable than Tang Xin's. One life for another life, they lost a lot.
The sky was calm and calm, and said in a deep voice, "Miss Tang is willing to take a shot. It is purely to someone from the hands of the king. To save a life, I should not die, I met a noble person; if I can't be saved, it is my fate. If you die early, you can only face it calmly. Remember, no matter what the outcome is, you must not embarrass Miss Tang."
Even though he knew that if he could not be cured, Yun Tian would definitely die, and the dead could not care about what happened to him, but at the moment he said that, Tang Xin was quite relieved.
After discussing it properly, she stood up and planned to leave, "I will start treating you tomorrow. Before you recover, I will live in Yun's house, okay?"
The words were addressed to Yuntian, but her eyes were looking at Uncle Sub.
This means taking the initiative to stay hostage.
Yun Tian sighed softly, "Why Miss Tang should be like this."
Tang Xin said casually, "Anyway, I can cure you well. It will be more convenient to live in Yun's house without running around. Or do you think that if I stay here, you have to be responsible for my safety. It's too troublesome? "
"Miss Tang is willing to appreciate living in Yun's house, it couldn't be better." Yun Tian smiled.
Tang Xin slapped her hand, "It's a deal."
After Tang Xin left, Su Bo collapsed and looked sad.
Yun Tian was funny, and casually ordered, "Clean up the room next to the bamboo house and let Miss Tang live in it. By the way, she has a guard, right? Pack up two rooms and entertain the distinguished guests."
Su Bo was shocked, suddenly thought of a possibility, and eagerly said, "Master, would she deliberately say to heal you, but she actually took the opportunity to approach you and want to find a chance to attack you?"
Although he stays at the master's side all the time, it is inevitable that he needs to leave.
Yan Hao's sixth-level strength, taking advantage of his absence, is unfavorable to his master, and leaves quickly after committing the crime. How can he find someone?
The more Su Bo thought about it, the more frightened. People nowadays are unreliable!
It's as reliable as Xu Jiahui, and it's not that the Qi family has been slaughtered, but Tang Xin has only just met each other for a long time.
Yuntian was a little helpless, "Uncle Sub, do you think too much? I am a person who has lived soon. If she wants me to die, she only needs to ignore and ignore it, and I will live soon, why bother Do it yourself against me?"
It makes sense, and Suber cannot refute it.
"Besides, when she analyzed my condition, she seemed to take it easy and effortlessly. It was as if she knew my condition by just looking at it." Yuntian showed a confused expression, "I have seen many pharmacists since I was young. Yes, nameless, even tried a folk remedy, never met a person like her."
Uncle Su secretly slandered himself, that is, all the masters met were excellent and benevolent doctors, with high medical skills and good medical skills. Tang Xin, I don't know how medical skills are, it's pretty big.
It seemed that as long as she angered her, she would immediately quit the burden and just leave without medical ethics.
Yuntian continued, "I have a strange feeling that what she said is true."
Maybe it's because Tang Xin is too confident?
Strong self-confidence has become a spiritual offensive, even affecting him, making him inexplicably believe that Tang Xin can do it.
"Speaking of which, she is willing to change her mind and come to me on the initiative. She should have asked for something." Thinking of her drooling on the medicinal materials on the light curtain, Yun Tian couldn't help but chuckle.
"Qi Xing can't threaten her anymore. She probably really needs medicinal materials."
"Show her all the medicinal materials at home, and get what you want."
"If I need a miracle to survive, I might as well take a gamble and put the chips on her. I always think she can do it."
"In addition, after the start of treatment, if my condition really improves, send someone out to solve Qi Xing. Do you understand what I mean?"
Su Bo sighed to himself, bent down and said, "Yes."
The master still likes to do things perfectly and does not leave any chance for the opponent to turn over.
However, since you decided to take a gamble, why not choose the more capable and familiar Master Yungui? Choose an outsider instead?
However, the master has already made a decision, no matter whether he can understand the meaning, all he can do is to obey.
Back home, Tang Xin told Yan Hao to pack his luggage and prepare to move into Yun's house.
"Why?" Yan Hao rarely did not follow the orders. He was motionless, his eyes dark, as if he wanted to see the master's eyes.
"What and why?" Tang Xin began to pretend to be confused.
"The Qi family has been resolved. We are very safe. Why do we need to live in the Yun family? What conditions did the master agree to and Yun Tian would allow us to enter?" Yan Hao said the question in his heart, staring at the master's face, no Let go of any expression.
Tang Xin thought to herself that the guard had become lively, which made things tricky. It would be great if he stood silently behind her forever as he did at the beginning.
why? What else can he do, of course, to improve his genetic level and make him stronger soon!
Tang Xin stared at Yan Hao quietly, his body would gradually get better and better after conditioning. But even so, he wants to break through the seventh level before the age of 30, the success rate will not exceed 50%.
The higher the level, the more difficult it is to break through.
If he can drink the gene purifier and smoothly raise his gene level, one year faster and two years slower, he can definitely break through the seventh level.
If you have the opportunity to directly improve your talents and take safe and reliable shortcuts to make things easier, why not go?
However, Tang Xin couldn't say these words directly.
She pretended to be star eyes, showing a smile of joy, "The Yun family has a lot of precious medicinal materials! We have visited the entire planet before, but we couldn't find the materials I want. Since only his house has them, we can only go to his house. I promised to treat Yuntian, he immediately let go and promised to give me the medicine."
"What medicine do you want to give me?" Yan Hao continued to ask.
Tang Xin froze suddenly.
Why would he know! !
Fear, panic, and anxiety surrounded her heart, and she could hardly maintain the joyful expression on her face.
Yan Hao sighed.
The master is not the one who shakes the decision just to cherish the medicinal materials.
If the master is greedy for medicinal materials and decides to abandon the principle, he can change his mind as early as when he visits the Yunjia warehouse, why wait until now?
According to his understanding of the master, the Yun family was forced to go to the Yun family by Uncle Sub, so the Yun family did not apologize, and the master would never take the initiative to come.
Now that the impossible has happened, Yan Hao can only think of one reason, for him.
The master's love for him is not a matter of one day or two. Before, he said to himself that he had become stupid, obviously to please him and wronged himself.
He specifically left him and ran to the Yun family alone, didn't he just want to let him know the content of the conversation between the master and Yuntian?
Yan Hao smiled bitterly. If the master wanted to impress him in this way, he would undoubtedly succeed.
Such a master is so stupid that he feels distressed.
Tang Xin was still stunned, her various thoughts intertwined, and her whole body froze in place.
Yan Hao rubbed Tang Xin's head and said sternly, "Don't do this next time, I'll feel uncomfortable."
Doing so many things is nothing but hoping that he likes her.
He has since.
"I'll pack my luggage."
Tang Xin held his head and continued to be confused, unable to recover for a long time.
She was just a little kind to him, and she was bold enough to commit the following crimes! Can she touch her head casually?
Early the next morning, the two went straight to Yun's house with their luggage.
Along the way, Tang Xin's face was stinky, not as lively as before.
Yan Hao helplessly comforted her softly, "I didn't blame you."
Just don't do the same thing again next time.
When Tang Xin heard it, her face went dark again.
She thought to herself, he took the medicinal materials to make a gene purifier for him, and he also took the opportunity to touch his head to take advantage, is there any reason?
"A young girl in her twenties is in charge of your treatment? Master Yuntian, please forgive me for not being able to agree." Yun Gui strode into the bamboo house and said eagerly.
He is in his fifties this year, and his face looks just in his early forties, not showing his aging. The voice was full of breath and energetic.
She is the exclusive pharmacist of the Yun family.
When Yuntian's mother became pregnant, she was sent to take care of Yuntian's mother.
She not only watched Yuntian's birth with her own eyes, but also watched Yuntian grow up slowly.
It is a pity that she has excellent medical skills, but she can't cure Yuntian's strange disease.
To this end, she has read many books and turned through ancient books, and has gained a lot of knowledge, but she is still helpless.
On this day, Yun Gui learned that Yun Tian had found a powerful pharmacist and said that there was hope to cure the strange disease.
To be honest, she didn't want to believe it from the bottom of her heart.
She has lived for more than fifty years and is fascinated by medical skills. Even she can't cure a strange disease, who has the ability to cure it?
Yungui would love to meet this person.
When he found Su Bo and asked, Yun Gui suddenly became anxious.
The yellow-haired girl in her twenties was not cured, so she used the medicinal materials in the warehouse to live in Yun's house to cheat and eat?
Regardless of which item is picked out alone, it makes people feel unsure, and when they are stacked together, Yun Gui has to think more.
It is estimated that I met a liar.
Have you finished reading all the famous medical books? Do you know common medicinal materials? Has anyone been cured?
Yungui thought it was funny. Even if it is a lie, at least find an old white-bearded grandfather, what's the matter with a young man in his twenties?
The trick is too low-end.
Unexpectedly, not only medical skills are not enough, but even deception is so inferior. Yungui has no hope for the coming.
If it hadn't been for Young Master Yun Tian that he had allowed the visitors to stay and had prepared the room, she would have thought of asking Young Master Yun Tian to drive away the liar.
"Aunt Gui, Miss Tang is a real person." Yun Tian was a little helpless.
If it is someone else, he can suppress it forcibly without raising objections.
But he grew up under the care of Yungui, and the two have a deep relationship. He couldn't ignore Yungui's opinions.
Really capable? I haven't learned the deceptive skills.
Yun Gui felt that what she said was quite polite. In order to take care of the young master's face, she didn't directly say that Miss Tang was a liar.
She took a deep breath and said softly, "Master Yuntian, your health is important. If Miss Tang has real abilities, it's better to play against me. As long as she can beat me, I am convinced, and there will be no more words. "
Knowing that Yuntian could not persuade the crowd, he turned to look at Tang Xin, "What do you think of Miss Tang?"
Yun Gui was startled slightly, and followed Yun Tian's line of sight. What he saw was a pretty girl and a handsome man, looking at her face.
Yun Gui couldn't help frowning. He was so gentle and pretty. Why didn't he do serious things and go on a crooked road?
Tang Xin held his cheeks and asked curiously, "Have you not considered this possibility? I can cure the disease, but I can't beat you. In this case, Yuntian would not be killed by you."
Yun Gui was taken aback for a moment, and quickly reacted, and retorted, "Even I can't win, how could I be cured of a strange disease! Are you afraid?"
afraid? Is it too embarrassing to be afraid that the other party's crotch will not be left?
Tang Xin stood up, rolled up her sleeves, and was about to go for a big fight, "Since you want to defeat with all your heart, then I will reluctantly fulfill you."
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