Chapter 61: plot

Tang Xin waited expectantly for the next day, wanting to see the bloodless expressions of Old Cheap and Tangning.
The next day, the cheap old man announced a big news as she expected.
However, the content of the message was beyond her surprise, "Ning Yi is unwell and stays to rest for a few days. After a while, he will leave the Tang house."
Tang Xin touched her nose, unexpectedly the cheap old man would be very attached to Tangning. She originally thought that as soon as Tangning became a b-grade gene, her father would immediately give up Tangning Yi.
Or, these people are stupid and didn't expect to test their genetic level? Don't know this at all?
When thinking, Tang Jing brought her guard to the door.
As soon as she entered the door, she complained to Tang Xin, "There were brothers and sisters who had been ill before they left home, but the owner immediately drove them away without any affection. This time, Tang Ningyi was changed, but it was an exception to let him stay. Rest. I think Tangning is the only one who is his own."
Before Tang Xin could answer, she asked curiously, "As soon as Tangning needs to rest, is it because the eighth sister did something?"
Tang Xin didn't speak, but looked directly at the man behind Tang Jing, "The guard you chose? Haven't seen it."
"Level 5, level b gene, good skill." Tang Jing immediately noticed, and took the initiative to say, "Why don't you let him go out and compete with Yan Hao and learn from each other?"
This is to distract him again. Yan Haohan grinned and walked out the door first.
Tang Xin deeply felt that Tang Jing's guards would become scumbags. Comparing with an eighth-level martial artist, it is still an eighth-level in a bad mood, and mode is just that.
When there were only two people left in the room, Tang Jingyouyou said, "He personally said that he likes me and is willing to do anything for me. Before the housekeeper was attacked, I let him do it, and he would never betray me. The Eighth Sister is not familiar with him, he is here, and he probably won't be able to say something at ease. It's okay to spread the guard together."
Tang Xin slightly embarrassed, "The guard likes you, are you still in front of him, are you dating other men? By the way, assign him to do something?"
Tang Jing didn't care, and defended, "I definitely rejected him a long time ago. It's just that he refused to give up and said that he would be very happy to stay by my side and work for me. Since he would be happy in this way, of course I have to You're welcome to call on him."
She is always impressed by Tang Jing's thinking. Tang Xin thought silently.
Tang Jing mentioned the old story again, "As soon as Tangning needs recuperation, is it related to the eighth sister?"
"En." Tang Xin readily admitted, "Checking his genetic level, there will be surprises. But I don't know if it was not checked, or his father secretly covered up the news, but he didn't let go anyway."
Genetic level, surprise? Tang Jing's heart jumped with horror, "Sister Ba, did you mean what I understood?"
The two made it clear that they didn't deal with each other. Since it was a surprise, there was only one possibility.
But, will there really be drugs that lower the genetic level in the world? Is it because she is ignorant, so she has never heard of it?
Tang Xin smiled, "I'm not the roundworm in your stomach. I don't know what you mean. In short, can you spread the news that Tangning's genetic level is actually b-level?"
Tang Jing looked deeply at the person sitting in front of her, secretly glad that she stood in the right line.
Tang Ning is favored because of her a gene grade. If it becomes b, many things will be different.
He might still be suspected. He has always been b and has always been disguised as a, which is a big conspiracy.
She didn't worry anymore and replied, "There are many ways. I think the best one is to use Tang Ningyi's beautiful guard."
"What do you mean?" Tang Xin asked.
"Sister Eighth probably doesn't know. The butler wanted to please Tangning Yi, so she went to find a beautiful, generous and capable girl to join Tang's house as a servant. She deliberately rushed to Tangning before she became an adult, just to make it easy for Tangning to choose. Things went well, and the butler played a little trick in the process."
"Small means?" Tang Xin showed a non-smiling expression, deliberately rereading these three words.
"The girl is good, and she lives with her younger brother who is two years younger. There is also a close friend, a childhood sweetheart, who has a very comfortable life at a young age. There is no special reason. Who would not marry and come to Tang's house as a guard? Still difficult? Long-term contract to get away."
"The housekeeper lured the girl's brother into gambling, lost all his wealth, and owed a debt. The girl didn't want to drag her fiance, so after dissolving the marriage contract, she reached an agreement with the housekeeper. She honestly entered the Tang house as a guard, and the debt owed by her brother was written off."
"Although it seems to me that if her brother couldn't control his gambling, it would be useless for the butler to seduce him. But she doesn't think so. As far as I know, she once drunk and said that she hadn't deliberately cheated her. Brother, her brother is so behaved and would never do such a thing."
"If you can provide a condition that she can't refuse, let her tell her herself that Tang Ningyi's genetic grade is b grade instead of a grade..." Tang Jing smiled, "There can be no better way than this."
Tang Xin was curious, "You always seem to know a lot of inside stories?"
Tang Jing rolled her eyes and choked, "Do you think you are all the same as you, so heartless, and you never plan ahead for yourself? Six years ago, I started to have a good relationship with the subordinates everywhere. Although. I haven’t come back for the past two years, and the relationship is a bit rusty, but if you give a gift or win over, it’s easy to restore a friendly relationship."
"..." Tang Xin had to admit that from the social point of view, Tang Jing is definitely a talent, "Then how are you going to impress her?"
"It depends on how the Eighth Sister has been mixed in the past two years." Tang Jing smiled, "If we can provide her with a large sum of money, a place where she can still shelter after betrayal, she can live with her brother after leaving. In this case, I believe she will be very happy to tell her what to do."
Tang Xin smiled even more.
She used the gene purifier to conduct "friendly negotiations" with the military forces on Jupiter. Now the relationship between the two parties is very stable. I believe they will close one eye and turn a blind eye to one or two who violated the contract.
The world is like this, saying that the regulations cannot be violated, just because the chips given are not enough to make an exception.
"Money is not a problem. It's okay to protect her after it's done, but how can I talk to her? She will trust us easily?" Tang Xin asked.
She wanted to directly act on the Tang family, sprinkle medicated powder below the seventh level, and release Yan Hao from the seventh-level martial artist. Later, I thought that it was too boring to use force to sweep, and it made Tangning interesting after suffering a lot, so I changed my mind.
But if this road does not work, it is not bad to use force to crush it.
Tang Jing smiled mysteriously, "I have a way to make her believe it. Eight sisters will provide the running funds, and I can manage the hiding place."
Now that Tang Jing said so, Tang Xin didn't bother to ask, and took out the address book, "Report me your Federal Card Number."
Tang Jing was slightly startled and reported a series of numbers.
Tang Jing operates on the address book.
After a while, Tang Jing received a text message in her address book.
When she opened it, she opened her mouth in shock and lost her voice, "Sister Eight?"
The account balance is over 100,000 credits!
She originally intended to get Bajie to sponsor 20,000 to 30,000 credits, but she didn't expect to give so much at once!
Tang Xin didn't change her face, and said, "Get things done as soon as possible. Wait for your good news."
Tang Jing looked at a string of numbers in the address book, her eyes stunned. Secretly, it's no wonder Eight Sister said she doesn't need money.
"No problem, wrap it on me." Tang Jing fully agreed.
Recently, there are two rumors circulating under the Tang family.
The first rumor is that the housekeeper died in the pond, and he was still in the dark, and wanted to find someone to accompany him. Ten young masters passing by hit the muzzle and fell unlucky, suffering from a strange disease similar to that of a housekeeper.
The second rumor is that Young Master Ten’s strength is undiminished, but his genetic level has dropped three levels in a row, and he has become a D-grade waste material!
The rumors intensified, and in the end most people would rather take a long route than take a shortcut through the garden.
When people were in panic, Tang Ningyi's guard suddenly lost his words after drinking. In front of many people, she said that Tang Ningyi's genetic level was not a grade.
The crowd was in an uproar.
What is even more shocking is that within two days of the beautiful guard saying this, the person disappeared.
Everyone believed that the person said the wrong thing and was secretly dealt with.
Tang Jingnan paced back and forth in the study, frustrated and asked, "Why does your guard say those things in public? Where is she now!"
Tangning became anxious and said, "I don't know... I have been looking for her for the past two days, but I can't find her. I have been to her house, but there is no one in the house. Her brother is also gone. "
"I don't know when I ask, I don't care about things, what's the use of you!" Tang Jingnan became more dissatisfied.
The issue of genetic level reduction has not yet found a solution, but the whole Tang family who has been publicized knows it.
Tangning was being trained silently, he hesitated, "Father, will it be the housekeeper..."
"How is it possible!" Tang Jingnan didn't hesitate to interrupt him, "There are no ghosts in this world. Besides, the housekeeper has become a ghost. Why don't you find someone who harms him and ask you to settle accounts?"
Tangning's expression was unnatural, and she dared not say anything.
Although it wasn't that the butler's strength was reduced by him, he should be the one who cut off the last hope of the butler.
The steward is self-sufficient, and he has his contribution.
Tang Jingnan stopped and exhorted, "In short, you stay in your room these few days, don't meet guests, don't talk too much, and wait until the pharmacist finds a way to cure you."
Tangning nodded hurriedly, "I see."
"Go back and stay. I'll take care of other things."
Tangning opened the door and was about to leave. Suddenly, a bunch of people pushed him into the house.
"Who?" Tang Jingnan frowned unhappy.
Three people walked in side by side, two men and one woman, all in their seventies, with white hair on the temples.
The only woman among them said, "Patriarch, the haunting in the garden has caused a lot of trouble recently. In order to appease everyone, the Presbyterian Church decided to test Tang Ning Yi's genetic level in public, so as to block Yoyo's mouth."
Tang Jingnan's heart sank.
The Presbyterian Church can restrict the existence of the Patriarch. They usually do not interfere with the decision of the Patriarch, and only come forward when they feel necessary.
The original intention was to prevent the Patriarch from going his own way and making wrong decisions, dragging down the entire Tang family.
Each generation of elders will have three people. Only those with outstanding performance in all aspects and outstanding character can enter the presbytery.
Moreover, all three members of the Presbyterian Church must agree to refute the Patriarch's decision.
Right now, obviously the elders felt it necessary to appease everyone and planned to directly test Tang Ningyi's genetic level.
If it is publicly detected that he is B-class, then everything is over.
Tang Jingnan pretended not to care, "It's just speculation from a boring person, why should the Presbyterian Church move the crowd?"
"Since it is a slander, please also ask Young Master Ten to cooperate with us and take the time to check it." The third elder winked, and immediately someone stepped forward and held Tangning Yi from the left and right, and pulled the person to the tester.
"Damn it, let it go! I am the tenth young master of the Tang family, how dare you treat me like this!" Tangning shouted.
The second elder, the only woman, frowned slightly, "The real can't be fake, and the fake can't be true. After the test, the young master will be innocent. Please stay calm."
At this point, even Tang Jingnan couldn't stop it. I could only watch Tangning do the genetic test, holding the last fluke in his heart, hoping that the test was a.
However, the facts cannot be changed with thoughts.
A bright "b" appeared on the tester.
Tangning immediately slumped to the ground.
The three of the Presbyterians looked at each other and exchanged glances.
Tang Jingnan let out a long sigh, which couldn't be covered up after all.
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