Chapter 854: Wise mind

The demon fiercely knew that he had caught Siman’s mind now, so he was ready to lure Siman into his trap. The devil fiercely continued and said very humblely: "My wisest master! In fact, your own wisdom can already be used. Learn freely!
   and I don’t need anyone’s instruction, but the humble I just lived a little longer, and understood some human knowledge better. In fact, with the passage of time, your wise mind, master, can naturally learn, but time also has shortcuts. If I summarize and pass on the experience of a demon for thousands of years to you, master, you will save thousands of years. time.
   This would be a good thing for you, a smart master, but the master-servant contract restricts my right to teach you as a master. A humble servant cannot teach you a noble master. therefore. "
The devil said fiercely and stopped for a while, feeling Siman's breath that has become rapid. The devil fiercely showed a weird smile at this time, and then continued: "Therefore, the noble master must sacrifice to reduce the long time. A boring wait.
   Our demons are very good at offering rituals. As long as some blood from your master, we can complete an offering ritual. Then you can get ten years of knowledge directly from the servant, and fully grasp the knowledge. Exchange is an ancient contract of the devil, and as a master you cannot get it out of thin air. "
   The devil fiercely made things very reasonable, and there is indeed such a sacrifice ceremony. This is a pure exchange ritual, in which both parties pay something to exchange fairly under the witness of the devil.
   Of course, the fierce devil won't let himself suffer. For Siman's understanding! Let the devil fiercely understand that this selfish and arrogant woman will not make a fair exchange, and Siman is still a very greedy person, and the common problem of greedy people is the desire for everything.
   Therefore, Siman will definitely not be satisfied with the ten-year knowledge exchange, and will only want all of his knowledge. And didn't want to give anything. Of course, the laws of the universe would not allow this to happen, so Siman was destined to seek other methods from herself.
now it's right! This is just a beginning, a beginning, time will help me, this Siman can't escape! Ha ha! The devil gradually carried out his plan viciously.
  Siman felt that he could no longer stay in this game field! So he walked towards his dormitory alone, thinking while walking Siman, his blood can only get ten years of knowledge. What if this demon has lived for tens of thousands of years?
   Isn't it that all of his own blood can not fully learn all the knowledge it has mastered? It's a joke if it doesn't work, so Siman passed the contract and said viciously to the devil: "You won't have lived for tens of thousands of years! This way, I don't have enough blood in my whole body! And the knowledge is obtained randomly, or by appointment ?
   If I get it randomly and get some completely useless knowledge, would I waste a lot of blood? This doesn't work, I have to change it. There is no harm to my body! "
  Siman is totally unbearable, the devil is vicious, because Siman believes that he is noble, wise, and should override everything. How can he exchange knowledge with a demon in blood?
  Although you can take the shortcut of time! But how does a humble devil deserve his noble blood? It is only worthy of kneeling on the ground and licking its feet. This is already its most merciful way!
   However, this demon actually let himself make a contribution and make a fair deal with it, huh! It is also worthy of fair trade. Is a devil worthy of fair trade with himself? It's a joke!
   No wonder let yourself give up punishing it! Such a slave is really hateful! Wishful thinking is gone! Siman has completely forgotten that if there is no help from the idols, facing a king-level demon, she will only have to tremble!
   And facing the constant star demon at the beginning, Siman was also cautious, where would he look down on the devil and viciously like it is now?
   These are completely the result of the devil's vicious use of words. The more humble the devil's language and the humble his voice, the more Siman will lose her reason and promote herself to the altar.
   In fact, Siman used to be completely different. In the secret realm, Siman carefully survived in the cracks, and gave up the opportunity to get rich rewards for safety, and finally left the secret realm safely. This is the power of the devil.
   The fierce and fierce devil's anxiety towards Siman was completely expected. Of course, this selfish woman would never want a fair deal, and the devil did not have a fair deal, so this woman would not agree.
   The devil felt fiercely that he could move on to the next step! Then the devil's vicious and humble voice sounded again: "My dear master! You have to pay when you get it. Life has always been like this. Eating to get energy is the law of the universe.
  As such a smart master, how can you do anything in vain? You are my master. We are not friends. The flow of knowledge between friends is called exchange.
   But it’s impossible for the master and the servant to do so. You can easily understand everything. How could you not know? Just as I gained my power in vain, I naturally gave up my freedom, UU reading www. became a humble servant.
   So master! Give up unrealistic ideas! Without giving, there is no gain. Besides, I am still a demon, a demon who will definitely abide by the contract! We are not friends my master, I am just your humblest servant. "
   The devil viciously knew that at this time, he could not achieve his wish, but as a demon viciously, he naturally understood that sometimes waiting is the best choice.
   Let things ferment by themselves! Everything needs the transformation of Siman's own consciousness, and it is not yet the best time, Siman still has some jealousy and desire.
  Siman can still remain sensible in this situation. When Siman completely loses his reason, he has the best opportunity. Now I can only wait, and now Siman still doesn't understand what he really means.
   This kind of thing still needs to happen several times before Siman can understand what she really means. Everything must be natural, so Siman feels that what she thinks is not induced.
   The first time the devil felt viciously that his hope of freedom was not far away! It has always been fierce and fierce, he is a very patient person, and in fact, the waiting world will not be too long!
Believe in Yisiman’s heart and nature, what will happen in the Ovresi Bona Mowu Academy, Siman will soon understand what it takes to have power. After all, this Ofresi Bona Mowu Academy, but The universe is famous for its high mortality! Is death the best motivation! Hehe! Wait, then!
   (Fun Game: One Heart, Two Uses 1
   Most people have a book while listening to music. This is actually the simplest one-minded two-purpose.
   Now try to play Sudoku or some Chilean games while listening to novels or cross talk. )
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