Chapter 858: So familiar

   The information that Eila Lesbo got from the angel Amy just confirmed his thoughts. As expected, the Decado family won’t let dangerous things follow their descendants?
   Now this black egg matter can be put aside, but the existence of the devil cannot be ignored! Ella Lesbo was caught in deep thinking. She wanted to think about all the possibilities, and it would be best to solve all the hidden dangers in the academy at once. Siman is someone who must be treated with caution, and this girl feels so strange to herself! Ella Lesbo fell into deep thought.
The game in the academy is still going on. The second opponent that Lianling Decardo faced was Xiangzi Yuqiangang. When the two stood on the battle platform, Lianling Decardo immediately recognized Out of the other party, because Xiangzi Yu Qiangang hardly changed.
   Xiangzi. Yu Qian just looked at the cute and beautiful pink-haired girl opposite, this beautiful doll turned out to be his opponent. And this baby has already opened the eyes of the law, although the fluctuations are blocked by her hairband!
   But my true eyes have already felt, but the girl's eyes of the law give me the feeling, how is it so familiar? Is it someone you have ever met? But such a beautiful doll, if you have seen it, you should not forget it! It's really strange!
  Lian Ling De Cardo and Xiang Zi Yu Qian Gang, at the same time they gave each other a bowing ceremony between the mages, but the ceremony of Lian Ling Di Cardo was very shallow, but very standard.
   And Xiangzi. The gift that Yuqian just gave is completely wrong! At this time, some of the children from big families watched, and Xiangzi Yuqian laughed after just giving the ceremony!
   Actually Xiangzi yesterday. Yu Qiangang also did the same. First, the other party's bows were not standard, and second, there was no comparison yesterday. Lian Ling Decado's standard mage ceremony has become a mirror, and it can be seen that the other party is actually wrong at all!
   Xiangzi. Although Yu Qiangang doesn't know what the audience is laughing at? But he is naturally aware of it, and it is easy to understand that he is laughing at himself. At this time, the countdown to the sky above the battlefield had become zero, and Lian Ling Di Cado still quickly covered himself with an earth shield.
   Then a string of thunder and lightning explosion have appeared next to Xiangzi Yu Qiangang! At this time Xiangzi Yu Qiangang had already covered himself with an earth-type shield, Earth Guardian, and a gold-type shield diamond cover.
   The two-layer passport will enjoy the capital. Yu Qiangang is wrapped very tightly, and at this time, the enjoyment. Yu Qian has just prepared to resist these sudden lightning explosions.
   With boom, boom, boom! The sound kept ringing, and soon Xiangzi. Yu Qiangang's two-layer passport was broken! However, the thunderstorm ball did not stop. Xiangzi Yu Qiangang could only move quickly while adding a shield to himself again, but at this time Xiangzi Yu Qiangang suddenly realized that he was around him due to the impact of the lightning explosion ball. There is no stable magic element to form a shield, and even if you use your own magic power, you can't complete the shield magic.
   I was in the middle of an explosion, no matter where I moved, I would be bombed. Xiangzi Yuqian soon discovered that if he moved faster, the lightning that fell on him would be less and his power would be weaker.
Just when Xiangzi Yuqiangang was about to move at high speed, he suddenly punched Xiangzi Yuqiangang's side arm with the power of thunder, and at this time Xiangzi Yuqiangang had actually come to the battle. The edge of the table.
   Xiangzi, who had been injured under this punch, Yu Qian had just been hit directly from the battle stage. Just like this, Xiangzi, who was dizzy, had already been injured all over his body when Yu Qian fell under the stage, and his body was scorched and smoked.
   spit out the exhaust gas in his mouth, enjoying the capital. Yu Qian just knew that he was already on the battlefield! This shows that I lost! It turns out that it's not moving fast and falling on the body, the lightning will be weak!
   It turns out that the opponent is guiding him to the edge of the battlefield! OMG! The other side also knocked himself off the stage after his own injury!
   Xiangzi. Yu Qian just walked out of the crowd in grief, ready to change his clothes and come back again, anyway, there is another one. After taking the medicine, he should be able to recover immediately! In fact, his injuries are all skin injuries and not serious, but his magic robe is over!
  Lian Ling Di Cado actually went all out from the very beginning, and has been performing Xiaoyaobu following Xiangzi Yu Qiangang. It is precisely because of this that Lianling Dicardo's lightning explosion ball and thunderstorm ball can accurately hit Xiangzi Yu Qiangang.
   Otherwise, at the speed of Xiangzi Yu Qiangang, he would have escaped the range of lightning attacks long ago! Moreover, Lianling Decado deliberately lured Xiangzi Yuqiangang to the edge of the battle platform. Under the cover of continuous explosions, Xiangzi Yuqiangang was completely unaware that he had come to the edge of the battle platform. Ling Decardo succeeded in one blow.
Lian Ling Decado understands that the opponent is lower than his own star rating, but Lian Ling Decado feels that he will have a good chance of winning if he goes all out. Therefore, Lian Ling Decado has a lot of battles. Use your magic power to attack the opponent.
   Lian Ling. Decado knows that if he competes with magic power, he has no chance of winning. But if the opponent’s magic defense is really strong, he still has a magic circle! Xiangzi Yu Qiangang was actually shocked by the thunder and lightning that came up! He didn't show his true strength.
   After the match between the two players, Lian Ling Di Cado received a reward of one credit, and he left the game and was ready to watch other people's games.
   When Lian Ling De Cado finished the game today, there were already several platforms that had completed the game. Although Lian Ling De Cado’s game time is not long, it is not too short!
When Lin Ling Di Cardo was standing under the battle stage, Mecome had already come to Lin Ling Di Cardo. Mecome smiled and said, "What? Is the opponent strong today? It takes such a long time to complete? Your style! And the opponent hasn't suffered any injuries, so he took a good rest and changed his clothes! I think he can still play! It seems that you took a trick in the game!"
Mecome just wanted to tease Lian Ling Di Cado, but Lian Ling Di Cado nodded and said: "Yes, a very strong person, and he should be close to the sixth rank of the planetary star! I have seen it before. This person, therefore, will use today’s fighting method. Otherwise, it will take a long time to divide the victory and defeat! And for those who lose, there is one more game today! It’s better to end the game soon."
  Mikemei was surprised and said: "I didn't expect it! You are sincere! As expected of my friend of Meikemei, I can admit that the opponent's strength is very good! I don't know who his opponent will be in the next round?"
   (Fun Game: One Heart, Two Use 3
   Now let’s play some harder games, listen to novels while reading novels. One hour, one hour to do two things at the same time, and can be completely unaffected.
   This game is a bit difficult, but it should be easy to complete after contact. )
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