Chapter 35:

The soul weapon forged by the Great Kingdom Division is in the middle of the Twin Peaks of Shaoxian Mountain. Listen to the guide, because there are two peaks covering it, there is no sunlight all year round, it is cold and dark, and there are many strange plants and strange beasts. Never People dare to go hunting there, and even if they go, they never see anyone coming back alive.
This is a great place to bury the soul weapon.
After walking for a day in the direction of Shuangzi Peak, the temperature dropped and became lower and lower. Jiang Chaoge grew up in the south and never stayed in such a cold place. The whole person was so cold that his blood was frozen, holding Zhixuan straight. In contrast, Yu Renshu and Long Yan, because of the soul protection, wearing thick coat is enough to protect against the cold, even Ruan Qiansu is much smarter than him, which makes him a bit frustrated. Zhixuan requested to turn into an adult form for heating several times, but he did not agree. At this time, when he went up the mountain, danger may occur at any time, and his soul power should be saved.
Zhixuan said, "You will lose your life like this."
Jiang Chaoge smiled bitterly: "If I can't fight the strange beast, I will lose my life."
Drunk You blinked, "Would you like me to warm you up? I'm also warm."
Sun Xuan turned his head fiercely, "Sao Fox, get away!"
Drunk you are not angry, just say to yourself: "What the are you, curious?"
Long Yan said: "Come and sit down, the drunk tail is really warm."
At this time, Jiang Chao Ge Zheng and Yu Renshu were sitting together on Tian Rong. He looked at the nine furry fluffy big tails of Drunk You, and was really moving.
Zhixuan stared at him without a word.
Jiang Chaoge understood the territorial instinct of Zhi Xuan very well and had to say, "Forget it."
Zhixuan was silent for a moment, "Let's go, lest you lose your life."
Jiang Chaoge quickly jumped to the back of Drunk Yu with Xuan Xuan, and then picked up a drunk tail to surround himself. The thick, thick fur kept warm and windproof was first-rate, making Jiang Chao Ge feel almost alive almost instantly.
Zhixuan turned away awkwardly, obviously angry.
Jiang Chaoge wrapped around the fox's tail, holding a small heater, his frozen body was slowly recovering, and he was feeling better. His chin was against the little shoulder of Sun Xuan and he hummed the song softly.
Zhixuan turned his head to look at him and whispered, "What are you singing?"
"I do not know either."
Zhixuan watched Jiang Chaoge's frosty, chapped lips touching the lip, and the slender eyelashes were stained with dew, and his eyes were tired, and a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart. He did not like to see Jiang Chaoge's uncomfortable appearance, because it would definitely reduce his life.
Zuiyou shook her tail. "Xiaoyu, I have eight tails, all of you."
Long Zheng said rightly, "No need."
The snow is getting thicker and thicker, and their speed has slowed a lot. After Jiang Chaoge was warm, he began to practice. When he was a boy, he always rushed to the front with a machete and dagger. Otherwise, how could the younger brother serve him, but now he can only try not to drag others on his hind legs. He The most disgusting thing in life is cowardice, but he is in this state now.
The strange animal relied on its natural sense of direction and stargazing to see the moon, and found the Twin Peaks of Shaoxian Mountain. At this time, the snow was getting weaker. Behind the snow, two towering peaks stood side by side, like giant figures. At this time, it is estimated that the Twin Peaks are at least one day away from them.
They found a camp under a leeward rock because they did not dare to make a fire and could only continue to scorch the meat. They are not sure how many days they will stay on the mountain, so the first thing they eat is the food that is stored outside. The food in the bag should be kept in reserve. Those things have been frozen for a day and they are as hard as stones. Jiang Chaoge feels like My teeth are going to be broken.
Zhixuan saw that he was really uncomfortable eating. A small fire broke out in the palm of his little hand, roasting that pork. "Let's eat it again. Human teeth can't even bite the bones."
Drunk was startled. "What kind of strange beast are you?" He thought for a long time, but for a moment he couldn't remember the heavenly beast that controlled the fire.
Not only were they drunk and surprised, Long Yan and Ruan Qiansu also cast suspicious eyes. The identity of Xuan Xuan along the way caused them to speculate. Obviously Yu Renshu and Tian Rong knew, but the insiders kept their mouths as if they were big. Secret, which makes them even more curious.
Zhixuan ignored them, and heated the dried meat by himself. Very quickly, the defrosted dried meat exuded a scent. Jiang Chaoge gulped a few mouthfuls and took the ice dumplings into the belly. .
In the distance, a strange howling came suddenly. The sound seemed to be a person laughing, or a ghost crying, mixed with snow and blowing into everyone's ears, making people feel cold.
Ruan Qiansu stood up and said, "Quit the fire!"
Zhixuan extinguished the fire, just a dark cloud covering the moon, and suddenly fell into darkness all around.
Tian Rong felt for a moment, "More than one, a group."
Long Yue said: "This voice should be the shan jun army (hui). Human beasts and dogs are usually a group when they come out. Hurry up."
Yu Renshu said decisively: "No, now the dark clouds cover the moon, it is difficult to tell the direction. If we run away, we will be in trouble."
Ruan Qiansu shook his head. "Yes, don't run. The Shan Jun army is very clever. We must find a way to surround us. If we run away, it will be easy for them to be scattered and broken one by one. We must persist until the moon comes out and retreat. "
The snow underneath was trembling, and apparently many things were running towards them. From all directions, Yu Renshu and Long Yan were battle-hardened. At this time, his eyes were like a torch, not timid. Although Ruan Qiansu never He did not leave Prison Mountain, but hunted and practiced martial arts from an early age, and he was not afraid of strange animals. Only Jiang Chaoge's heartbeat accelerated, holding the palm of the Sunburst Blade, and he also sweated in the cold winter. After all, he is a modern man, thinking The strange beasts were rushing at him with their mouths open, and he shuddered.
In the snow curtain, a pair of green eyes gradually appeared, and the number may be as many as 100. They were surrounded by rocks, and the tall human body with rough human faces and tangled muscles made them look endless. The cries of crying and laughing were quite sultry in the night.
Tian Rong yelled loudly, there was a riot in the Shanyu army, but they quickly gathered again, apparently they were starving, and hunger had completely overcome the fear.
Yu Renshu pulled out Tian Rongyu and yelled loudly: "Kill!" He rushed out while sitting on Tian Rong, and the mountain soldiers swooped up. He swiped across, and a mountain soldier was beaten by his ribs. Broken, spit blood in the mouth, and flew out of motion, Yu Renshu and Tian Rong rushed into the rabbit group like tigers and wolves, killing the Quartet.
Longyu and Zuiyou also rushed into the Shanyu army group. Zuiyou bite one, his fangs pierced his neck, and then threw it out fiercely. One of Longyu's halberds was almost as high as the others, with long weapons. The so-called one-inch long, one-inch strong, and large attack range are the biggest advantages of long weapons, but the shortcomings are also obvious opinions, that is, it is difficult to control, especially with the height of the dragonfly, it is like a child playing a flower gun. His hands were like a natural pair, stabbing, picking, cutting, and slicing, which made him powerful and soon covered with blood. Although he is only a three-level soul soldier, but young, his strength is amazing.
Ruan Qiansu rides on Zheng Chen, grabbing Zheng Chen with his two hands, his legs clamped on the horse's belly, and ran forward. The mule is a tight weapon and can be used as a hidden weapon. He turned into an iron flying saucer and flew out in an arc. He bleed blood freely in the mountain squadron army. After a large circle, he flew to Ruan Qiansu's head. Ruan Qiansu stretched his arms and grasped it firmly. She threw her hands out once again, and at the same time drove Zhengzheng to smash the Shanyu army group. Everywhere Zhengzheng went, there was a scream, as if with eyes, they slaughtered the hunters in the snow mountains, and then honest Fly back to Ruan Qiansu.
Jiang Chaoge watched the three men bravely kill the enemy, hiding behind himself, his cheeks getting hot.
A mandrill army noticed him and came around from behind.
Jiang Chao's eyes were cold, and the moment Shan Shan rushed over, he seized the opportunity, and slashed with his sword. The soul power attached to Sun Xuan Sword produced a powerful lethality. The Shan Shan army had not approached him yet. Knife gas split his stomach. Jiang Chaoge was overjoyed, and that stab did not cost him too much soul power, which gave him self-confidence. He looked down at Sun Xuan, "You go and hide behind."
"Why? I won't die. I want to check the results of your cultivation during this time." Jiang Chaoge's prestige just made him quite satisfied.
Jiang Chaoge grinned, "Okay, then you come to check and accept."
The Shanzhang Army was mostly wounded and injured, but there were still a lot of delays in retreating. They slyly found that Jiang Chaoge was the weakest and began to attack him frequently.
Jiang Chaoge danced with a big sword and halted to meet the enemy. In the past, he didn't believe he could cut a monster at such a fast speed, but the soul power was flowing in the body. He felt his vision, strength, physical fitness, speed. And agility have been improved several times over the past. No wonder they are not afraid of cold. No wonder Yu Renshu can "fly" in the air. The higher the level of soul soldiers, the closer the physical fitness is.
At this time, the dark clouds covering the moon began to drift, Yuehua sprinkled on the white snow, was launched by the white snow, and the ground shone straight.
Tian Rong passed Jiang Chaoge's side, Jiang Chaoge held Yu Xuan in one hand, grabbed Yu Renshu's hand, and jumped on Tian Rong's back. They broke through the siege by moonlight and ran to the distance.
Jiang Chaoge looked back at the corpse of a mountain squadron and sighed, "The ground-level soul weapon in this place, how much can it sell?"
Yu Renshu reluctantly said, "You are a real fan."
"Your Highness, don't forget that you are now supported by my wealthy fan." He originally followed Yu Renshu to return to the imperial capital. He wanted to hold gold thighs and make small money, but in the end it turned out that he wanted to bleed so many people And beast, it is really sad to think about it.
Yu Renshu snorted.
They left the Shanshou Army far behind and ran for several hours overnight, a big step closer to the Twin Peaks.
In the middle of the night, they were so exhausted that they could not support a tent or dare to regenerate the fire, so they covered a drunk tail and went to bed.
Before the dawn, the smell of their bodies attracted some strange beasts, which were dog-faced monkeys and two pairs of batwing monsters. Their names were xiao, and they were bigger than humans. Just hovering over their heads, but not down, as if watching.
Yu Renshu said: "Qian Su, kill them."
Ruan Qiansu shook his head. "They are fast and Zhengzheng can't catch up." Although Zhengzheng can fly, the horse is too large and the wings are heavy. Although the endurance is good, the flying speed is not good.
Jiang Chaoge whispered to himself, "It's good to have a gun."
"Gun? I'm afraid it's hard to hit this distance."
"Oh, the gun I said is not the gun you understand."
Everyone was curious: "What's that?"
"It's kind of ..." Jiang Chaoge thought about how to explain to them: "Organization, you know the organization."
"It's a mechanism that you can hold in your hand. Just push a button and you can shoot a small piece of copper. It's faster than anything you've ever seen. Humans and beasts have no time to dodge. They will explode when they enter the body. It is very destructive to the internal organs. If it is hit at the key, it can be deadly. It is a very powerful weapon. "
Long Kun frowned: "How can an institution be a weapon."
"In our world, there are many weapons made by institutions, very powerful. Some weapons can blow up a mountain and sink an island to the sea."
Yu Renshu laughed and laughed, "It's ridiculous."
Neither Long Yan nor Ruan Qiansu believed it, it was really a nightmare to them.
Jiang Chaoge shook his head with a smile. He did not expect these people to believe, but he wanted to find someone to talk about his world. Since the death of Meng Meng, no one can talk to him anymore, but these people do n’t understand. Makes him sad.
Sun Xuan blinked and looked at him, "Interesting, why didn't you tell me before?"
Jiang Chaoge cried, "Do you want to hear?"
"Think." Zhixuan nodded earnestly, "Don't you want to take me to your world one day, I want to know something, even if it doesn't work, I can tell him I know next time I see Yinchuan What he didn't know. "
Jiang Chaoge smiled happily: "No problem, I will tell you later when I have time, but the whole world, I can't finish talking for a lifetime."
After Yu Renshu laughed enough, he said, "However, the organ weapons you said also exist on the Tianling continent. Have you heard of the Western Fan family? The four major families on the Tianling continent each have their own advantages, and the northern Qi family is good at fighting. It has five heaven-level soul weapons, hundreds of mysterious soul weapons, and its strength is unmatched; Dongfang Cui's is well-made, and they have the most top-level Horcrux divisions. ; South Su's good businessmen, wealthy enemy nations, caravan expeditions overseas, almost everyone owes them money; Western Fan's good doctors, their soul guides are the best medical practitioners in Tianling mainland, however, Fan's also There are always geeks, and they have many senior Horcruxes and top soul guides, who have contributed a lot of strange and strange Horcruxes and Soul Drugs to Tianling Continent. But unlike Clan, they rarely study orthodox souls. Weapon, soul medicine, but like to make organs, hidden weapon, poison, magic potion, witchcraft, and go out the door, the kind of weapon that you can take in your hand, if it is really so powerful, maybe Fan ’s He can make it. "
Jiang Chaoge was interested, "It's really possible to hear you say that, if you go to the West in the future, you can go to meet Fan's people for a while."
"Fan's character is sinister and weird, not so good as 'will'." Ruan Qiansu said: "The Qi's married a Fan's woman, who was as beautiful as a flower, but then the person was addicted to it and wanted to treat him -The prostitute brought home, and was finally poisoned, like a cricket, immortal. Since then, no one in Qi has dared to marry a woman of Fan. "She said with a sneer," A man has a wife If you have a cricket, but you have to provoke the cricket-prostitute, you deserve it. "
Everyone remembered her life and murmured.
Seeing that it was dawn, those crickets flew away. They ate something and continued on their way.
On the way to the Twin Peaks, from time to time there was a whirlpool hovering over their heads. Midway Ruan Qiansu flew up in the air with Zheng Zheng and expelled once, but after a few hours, they reappeared, annoying.
After dark, they were very close to the Twin Peaks, and the mountains were faintly visible. The ravine between the two peaks was their destination. They decided to take a good night's rest, and they will enter the gloomy darkness that no one can come out tomorrow. Ground.
When he slept at night, Zhixuan pestered Jiang Chaoge to give him the story of that world.
For a while, Jiang Chaoge really didn't know where to start, so he talked about Zhi Xuan's wine of interest. He heard Zhi Xuan's eyes glow, and he was eager to try.
Talking, Jiang Chaoge yawned and fell asleep.
Zhixuanwo was in his arms and shouted, "Say one more, and one more."
"Ah ... um ..." Jiang Chaoge muttered a few words, and soon fell asleep.
Zhixuan looked at Jiang Chaoge's eyelashes. The eyelashes were like two small fans, trembling. He felt his heart itch. It didn't make any sense. He reached out and touched the eyelashes lightly. Jiang Chaoge was half awake He blinked unconsciously, and his eyelashes fluttered even more. Zhixuan licked her lips, and couldn't help coming up, covering her eyelashes with her lips, and licking Jiang Chaoge's soft eyelids. The touch was never felt by Zhixuan, and she could n’t describe it, just made him feel ……Very comfortable.
Jiang Chaoge felt that something wet was sticking to his eyelids, but he was too sleepy and told the story to the ancestor for a long time. He really was too lazy to open his eyes and just wanted to feel dawn.
Zhixuan had eyelashes for a while, and felt no taste. Then he licked his tongue and licked, but there was still no taste. He moved his lips down and covered Jiang Chaoge's nose. There was still no taste. He looked at Jiang Chaoge's lips. What will it taste like?
Jiang Chaoge wrinkled his nose, finally couldn't help but open his eyes, and said dumbly, "What are you doing? You haven't slept."
Yan Xuan closed her eyes and "sleeped."
Jiang Chaoge yawned, rolled over, and fell back to sleep.
Zhixuan's little hand propped her head, staring at Jiang Chaoge's face, her golden eyes sparkled in the dark, and she looked for a long time.
The author has something to say: Ruan Qiansu is not a man, but a real royal sister ~ 2k novel reading network
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