Chapter 89:

Trek thousands of miles but could not find the smoke, the group was inevitably disappointed.
These days, Yinchuan became more and more silent, so that when they discussed whether to continue searching or return, he called Yinchuan a few times and he did not respond.
"Teacher?" Yunxi put his face in front of Yinchuan. "Teacher!"
Yinchuan returned to God: "What?"
"We've been looking for four days in Zhongshan. Are we still looking for it?"
Yinchuan looked around, and his ice-blue eyes went from blank to clear: "Go back. At the moment, there are only smoke, red abyss, bit clouds, and mock flying. There is no news. We can't find smoke, we can go and find other people. . "
"Okay, take a night off and return tomorrow morning."
When everyone was sitting around eating and talking, Li Yu was standing at the top of the mountain, watching the magnificent vast Zhongshan Mountains, motionless like a statue, if it were not for the violent wind blowing his clothes and long hair Hunting and flying, he was almost as if stationary with the world.
After Sisi finished digging up a big chicken drumstick, he found that the people around him were missing. He looked around and, reminded by Long Yu, looked up at the top of the mountain, and the setting sun set the mist lingering around the cracked feet. A layer of orange and red, the picture looks like a fairy, and it seems like the next second, the whole person will disappear with the mist.
Sisi paused, walked to the top of the mountain, behind the cleft feathers, and called his name softly.
Fissure is still like a statue, unresponsive.
Sisi took a few steps closer: "Crack ..." Suddenly, he paused. He saw two lines of air-dry tears hanging on Li Yu's face, his eyes confused, like a lost animal, which made people heart. Unbearable, he swallowed and suddenly didn't know what to say.
Fissure turned his head stiffly, and said dumbly, "Why can anyone forget himself? What the am I?"
Temples busy said: "This is not to blame you."
"Is it really like you said? My father deliberately abandoned my spirit."
"No, no, don't listen to me blindly, I don't understand anything, guess randomly." Sisi shook his head and regretted death. His nerves were too thick, and he couldn't understand the unrooted, swaying wind in the wind. He only knew that it should be uncomfortable to forget himself and his loved ones, but he didn't know how to comfort him.
"In this Zhongshan, I can always see and think of some special pictures, which seem to be fragments of my memory, but I am not sure."
"What kind of picture?"
"A red human-faced dragon with a kilometer length and fiery mouth, I know, he is my father." Li Yu sighed. "Unfortunately, I don't have any memory about my mother. What kind of human is she? Where's the woman? "
"It will be a strange woman to get the ancient beasts."
"I‘ see ’my father soaring between Zhongshan, in the same robe with heaven and earth, with the sun and the moon, with ease and prestige.

"You must have soared between Zhongshan."
"Of course, don't you grow up here?" Sisi laughed. "Why don't you take me and fly?"
Fissure's eyes flickered, as if hesitating, and hesitated, "Okay." As soon as his voice fell, he couldn't wait to turn into a black and blue dragon with a human face.
Sisi jumped on his back, grabbed his dragon horns, and yelled, "Oh, fly--"
The split feather carried temples, soaring into the sky, facing the sunset, stepping on the mist, and accompanied by the breeze, flying and passing freely in the mountains, temples overlooked the lush vegetation of Zhongshan, flowers and birds, uncomfortable Laughing loudly: "Crack Feather, guess, has your father soared with you and your mother like this?"
"It must have happened." Split feather road.
"I think so." Sis loosened his horn and hugged his neck instead. "Splitting feathers, don't be afraid, you don't remember others, it doesn't mean others don't remember you, I will always remember you, and help You remember everything you need to remember. "
Split feather whispered: "Thank you."
Sisi grinned, "Let's tie together, OK."
"it is good."
Temple was overjoyed, he couldn't help laughing, he pulled out his dagger, his arms trembled with excitement, "After the agreement, we can never be separated."
Li Yu turned to glance at him, his blue eyes were a little less alert, and a little more trust.
Sisi made a stroke on his wrist, and slightly pierced the dagger into the back of the split feather. After the blood poured out, he put his wrist against it and let the two blood flow together.
Suddenly, their bodies emitted dazzling white light, lighting up the dusk, and the entire Zhongshan Mountain was in the sacred light.
Li Yu could not help but send out a dragon chant, ringing through the forest, long and long.
In the Zhongshan Mountains, the birds and beasts boiled, and there were continuous calls in the mountain forest, as if in response to Xiaoshan's little master.
Sisi was so excited that he couldn't help himself. The biggest wish of his life was to have a great bow, which he once possessed, without regret in this life.
When they returned to the ground, everyone waited in front of the campfire, congratulations to Sis.
Sisi laughed with his hands on his hips: "In the future, I will return to the Ear Dais. My grandfather and Dawu will definitely treat me as a guest and welcome me into the village. Who dares to laugh at me for selling ... uh, anyway, I have the best bow , Ha ha ha ha ha. "
Jiang Chaoge laughed: "It's okay, you can't sell this bow if you want to sell it."
Sisi gave a strong "shhh", "Brother Jiang, don't talk nonsense."
After the split feather turned back into a human form, he stood silently on the side, and couldn't see the emotions, as if the matter of tie had little to do with him.
After Sisi Xian made a lap, he ran to Riyu and was excited. "When I take you back to Kunlun Mountain, there are a lot of fun, then ..."
Li Yu looked at him, his eyes suddenly became strange and alert: "Who are you ..."
Sisi's smile froze on his face: "No, it's only been a few days, and I forgot ..."
Fissure frowned.
Sisi resumed his smile: "It's all right, I'll tell you again, my name is ..."
Seeing Si Si tirelessly explain to the split feathers of their various kinds, everyone on the sidelines felt a little sad.
After dawn, they left Zhongshan and returned the same way.
Three days later, I passed the Minjiang Lake again. The cave cut out by Yinchuan had disappeared and the ice surface was as smooth as new.
They discussed whether to go back underwater and look for a groundwater channel in the last two days, but in the end they stopped, even if they found a space-time tunnel at the bottom of the Minjiang Lake, they would not be able to go through.
However, as they walked across the Minjiang River, they discovered something even more shocking-the shipwreck disappeared!
At first they thought it was out of place, or because they cut through the ice, causing water to flow, and washed the boat elsewhere. No matter what the reason, they let them care, so they divided into four waves of horses and launched a carpet-like search over the Oujiang Lake. Although the Oujiang Lake is large, it is not endless, and the sunken ship is huge and absolutely nowhere. It can be hidden, but after a day, they searched the whole lake and found no shipwreck.
In addition to being amazed, everyone was also afraid. But in just seven or eight days, a sunken ship disappeared from an immobile inland lake. This is by no means human, and even strange animals may not be able to do so. What is more incomprehensible is why? Why did the ship appear there, and why did it disappear after they found it?
Yinchuan couldn't place such a strange thing without studying it. He cut the ice surface again and dived into the water. This time, Sun Xuan, Tian Rong and Zui You all followed Yinchuan to dive. They were also curious about what happened. .
They soon found traces of the ship's previous resting place at the original wreck site, as well as a long, newly emerging trail. They swam along the trail for a long time, and the trail gradually disappeared into the dark ground. Nothing was found in the water.
After going ashore, Yinchuan and Zhixuan didn't look very good. They described what they saw underwater, but couldn't explain where the ship went.
Yinchuan glanced at Xuan Xuan and whispered, "Did you feel it?"
Zhixuan nodded: "It's a little faint, but you shouldn't smell it wrong, it's ..."
Yinchuan raised his hand to stop him: "Let me think." After turning, he turned back to the tent.
Everyone was left looking at Sun Xuan with a puzzled look, and Sun Xuan shrugged, too lazy to explain a word, and returned to the tent.
Jiang Chaoge chased in: "What's going on? What does Yinchuan mean?"
Zhi Xuandao: "I and Yinchuan were underwater and felt the smell of smoky smoke, very weak. I have little contact with smoky smoke, I don't remember his taste, but Yinchuan also smelled, we can't all Smell it wrong. "
Jiang Chaoge was surprised: "Did Yan Yan wake up, did he remove the shipwreck? Why?"
Zhixuan shook her head: "How do I know that I can't even understand Yinchuan."
Jiang Chaoge frowned, and his head was a mess. It was all messy things. They looked for Yan Yan in Zhongshan for several days and couldn't find it. It is likely that Yan Yan had already woke up somewhere, but the shipwreck How to explain?
Zhixuan pounced on him: "Why aren't you always thinking about the same thing as Yinchuan? You don't bother."
"I don't think like Yinchuan, he thinks ten million times more than me."
Zhixuan Yan frowned, "I hope you only think of me in your head."
Jiang Chaoge laughed: "So what did I do?"
"Female-beast, as my female-beast, you should only think of me."
Jiang Chaoge flew a kiss at him and perfunctoryly said, "I will do my best."
Zhixuan hugged his waist and whispered, "I never paid any attention to smoking cigarettes, not only because he liked to study human beings like Yinchuan, but also because he even married a human woman and became us. A laughing stock. "
Jiang Chaoge said helplessly: "You are a bachelor for ten thousand years, and dare to laugh at others."
Zhixuan Qi said: "What is a bachelor?"
"Well, it's a strange beast that hasn't been able to find a female-beast."
"Hmm ..." Although Sun Xuan was not convinced, he couldn't find anything to refute. He said, "Anyway, at that time, I thought that even if I didn't have a female-beast, I didn't think I could marry a low-level human."
Jiang Chaoge raised an eyebrow at him: "Now, what do you think?"
Zhixuan hugged Jiang Chaoge in his arms and said softly, "Now, I think Yan Yan is brave."
"Taking a human with a life span of only 100 years as a female-beast, how lonely and painful it should be after a rush of 100 years." Zhi Xuan voice trembled, "I thought, if you leave early, I will be left alone in the world, What should I do."
Jiang Chaoge was silent for a while and said, "If I die, you will also fall asleep. If you fall asleep, you will not be alone."
"Then I will be awakened again? I find that you are not with me ... I will kill the soul soldier who awakened me."
Jiang Chaoge smiled, but his smile was not in his eyes: "Sometimes things in the world are like this, it can't always be satisfactory. Although Yan Yan married a human woman, he has a son and enjoys a century of happiness. Maybe he thinks it is worth it . "
Zhixuan nodded: "I understand. Being with you for a day is worth a hundred years of my life."
Jiang Chaoge was stiffened. He wanted to tell Zhixuan that this was the best love story he had ever heard in his life, but Zhixuan probably didn't understand it, so he changed his saying: "Being with you for a day, than I am happy any day before. "
Zhixuan laughed: "Really? Happier than you in your world?"
"Of course." After all, there is no you in that world.
Yan Xuanmei smiled, and fieryly kissed Jiang Chaoge's cheek with lips: "Chaoge, I will definitely find a way to make you immortal. If I can't find it, I will accompany you to sleep. In this world without you, one second is unnecessary . "
Jiang Chaoge felt his heart softened. He rolled over and lay down on Sun Xuan, chuckling: "Why do you talk more and more? Say, who did you learn from?"
"I didn't learn from anyone, I said it all true." Zhixuan said very seriously.
Jiang Chaoge lowered his head, licked his lips gently, and smiled lowly, "I didn't learn from anyone, but my mouth was so sweet. Could it be a master without a teacher, and suddenly opened up?"
Zhixuan's cheeks were slightly red, and he said, "Drunk and quiet, because humans have a short life span, they love to hear the vow of eternal life."
Jiang Chaoge pinched his chin and kissed him again: "Not just humans, don't you listen?"
"Love to hear."
"That's it. Drunk You can really teach you a lot." Jiang Chaoge said with a smile, "So has he taught you other ways to please me?"
Zhixuan's big hand touched Jiang Chaoge's waist all the way to the back of his neck. Jiang Chaoge's head was pressed down, and four lips were fit together, enthusiastically lingering.
At the end of the kiss, Zhixuan gasped and said, "Teach a lot. Do you want to try it?"
"Of course I think."
Zhixuan turned over and pressed Jiang Chaoge under him: "That's fine, no matter how many times you do tonight, you must not stop."
Jiang Chaoge frowned, "You will not be tired, but I will be tired. You want me to die."
Zhixuan pursed his lips in dissatisfaction: "But I'm not enough, nothing can be enough." He clutched Jiang Chaoge's body and was about to move.
Jiang Chao Gepi smiled and said without a smile: "It's not enough to be left and right, you should always hold on." When talking, you should push away Xuan Xuan.
Zhixuan naturally could not let him go, overwhelm people to the ground, and start doing whatever he wants ...
That night's fighting made Jiang Chaoge so tired that he could hardly move his fingers. He didn't like the relationship between Zhi Xuan and Xuan Xuan, but it would be good if he could control his physical energy consumption range. Zhi Xuan's request was really demanding, and he could really die in bed.
At this time, he was wearing only a lining, and Sun Xuan had put it on him. He was sweaty, sticky, and very uncomfortable, but he couldn't get up to clean up his body, but he was humbled by Sun Xuan In my arms, a gentle kiss kept falling on my neck, strangely comfortable.
Zhixuan's hoarse voice came over his head: "Do it again." He put his hand into his clothes and stroked Jiang Chao's back warmly.
Jiang Chaoge said lazily, "Dare you."
"Huh." Zhixuan was rather dissatisfied.
"Don't kiss me, I want to sleep." Zhi Xuan's kiss made him feel like he was being licked by the puppy's tongue in the vague, itching, making him unable to sleep at all.
"If you sleep with you, don't let me do it. Always let me kiss yourself." Zhi Xuan arched Jiang Chaoge's neck with the tip of his nose. "You smell really, really smell."
There was a smile on Jiang Chaoge's lips: "You're old, don't bite."
Zhixuan smiled lowly: "I really want to taste it and have been patient."
The two of you, one sentence at a time, I said, meaningless but making the whole heart soft, this long night was actually so sweet that every minute and every second was tired.
Gradually, Jiang Chaoge couldn't answer the words of Xuan Xuan, he was so sleepy that he fought and fell into a dream.
Just as he was about to fall asleep, suddenly, there was a violent vibration under him, followed by a cracking sound of a cracking hard object.
Zhixuan sat up fiercely, and Jiang Chaoge was instantly awake, thinking that the ice layer of the rivers and lakes under them suddenly felt scalp.
The sound was by no means as simple as cracking a crack or two. Instead, the entire ice layer was shattered like a spider's web at the same time, clicking, clicking, clicking, rushing more quickly than in the night, provoking a person's root called fear Earth nerve.
The whole tent shook.
Jiang Chaoge grabbed Zhixuan Knife in one hand and wanted to grab clothes in the other, but Zhixuan took his hand and ran out.
As soon as the two were about to step out of the tent, they heard a crisp sound. The ice layer under them broke completely. The tent squeaked and fell into the cold water of the Oujiang Lake, but Jiang Chaoge felt his feet for a second. There was a coolness in the neck and it was completely immersed in the lake!
There was an exclamation in my ears, and it was clear that not only the two of them fell into the lake. Although it was impossible to see the outside scene, Jiang Chaoge could already imagine the spectacular scene of the whole ice layer of the Minjiang Lake.
The lake was rushing towards them like mountains and seas. The original warm and windproof tent suddenly became a cage for them, wrapped around their bodies, and dragged them into the bottom of the lake.
Jiang Chaoge's body was almost frozen and he almost lost consciousness. He clenched the sword, cut it with a knife, split the tent apart, and Zhi Xuan held him out of the tent.
Jiang Chaoge's suffocation had reached the limit, and his eyes were about to suffocate. His lips were hot and blocked his mouth. He took a sip of air and immediately rescued his lungs.
The two kept rising and eventually surfaced.
"Hah ..." Jiang Chaoge shouted, "I'm going to freeze me to death." He talked straight away, desperately shaking the water on his face, trying to open his eyes.
Zhixuan hugged him tightly and looked around, his big hand gently covering his eyes.
Jiang Chaoge said: "What's wrong?"
"You might be scared."
"I'm not scared." As soon as Jiang Chaoge's words fell, he heard Ruan Qiansu scream. Ruan Qiansu has always been strong and bold, even more powerful than men. It was the first time that he heard Ruan Qiansu cry with such fear. The sound, although short, was enough to make him nervous.
Then, he heard screams and gassing to varying degrees, and he trembled: "Sunburn, what's wrong? Take your hands away."
Zhixuan hesitated and let go of his hand.
Jiang Chaoge took a deep breath, made sufficient psychological preparation, opened his eyes, and suddenly, his body seemed to be frozen cold.
The ice layer of the Minjiang Lake is like being knocked down by a sledgehammer, broken into countless pieces, floating on the water, above the ice layer, countless corpses-heavenly soldiers, strange beasts, suspended in mid-air, they still keep Before the death, twisted, broken, swollen and blanched by the water of the Minjiang Lake, inflated like a ball, under the light of the pale moonlight, one after another, hanging on the limbs, as if invisible The rope puppets pulled up by the ground rope were suspended above them, and the situation was like on earth.
Jiang Chaoge's lips trembled, and he unconsciously retracted into the arms of Zhixuan Di. He had never seen such a terrible scene in his life, it was like a nightmare. No wonder Ruan Qiansu would scream, because just above her head, there was a deadly corpse of the heavenly soldier, looking down at her.
"This, what's going on ..." Yun Xi desperately hid in Yinchuan's arms, scaring the whole person.
Yinchuan stroked his head, his eyes staring at the thousands of corpses, his eyes were dull, and he didn't know what he was thinking.
Yu Renshu first responded: "Get out of the water!"
Tian Rong held him to swim to an ice floe, pushed him up, and climbed up.
Everyone found the nearest ice floe, and temporarily broke away from the icy lake, but their clothes were soaked and the cold wind blew. It was like a knife cutting their bones. The taste was really suffering for a second.
"What's going on ?!" Jiang Chaoge also cried in horror.
Zhixuan hugged him tightly, warmed him with fiery body, and whispered, "I heard that Yan Yan would control the corpse. The 'fire essence' contained in his mouth had the effect of mingling."
Jiang Chaoge froze for a moment: "Let's look for Yan Yan, isn't it because Yinchuan is still good with him?" If Yan Yan is really here, take this to "enter" them? Don't freeze people to death!
"I'm not so sure either."
"Yanyan, is that you?" Yinchuan Shen said, "I smelled your breath. It really is true, but I don't know how you hide yourself. Anyway, come out, I want to know you, you What exactly do you want to do. "
The water was calm and calm, and only those corpses were suspended, showing the chill of death.
The author has something to say: Good night everyone ~ 2k novel reading network
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