Chapter 12: untitled

Cyric is the of murder, alias ‘Dark Sun’. Because he holds the priestly lie, there is also a separate name called the King of Lies.
However, since this guy read his own "Siri Sutra", his thinking has become chaotic, and the divine power has quickly moved from 'strong' to 'weak', and now only a trace of divine thought remains.
But it is not easy to let the "King of Lies" tell the truth.
At the moment when the truth was spoken, Cyric felt his liar's clergy shake.
The priesthood brings divine power, and as long as there are lies in the world, Cyric can gain strength from it. The price is that he can no longer tell the truth and cannot do things contrary to his priesthood.
But after leaving from his kingdom, the supreme throne, Cerek has wandered the world for decades. Is it currently in a state of chaotic thinking and weak strength, it has become more inclined to mortal thinking and has less and less divinity.
When he said, "Zhou Qingfeng is dead, he will also die completely." Cyric even issued a cry, "The lie" clergy has a tendency to leave it.
Zhou Qingfeng was keenly aware that there seemed to be something to be separated from Cyric. His thoughts turned into thin lines, and a light touch of gray chaos immediately gave him a tongue blooming lotus, and immediately weaved lies Deceptive impulse.
This is definitely not a good thing.
The clergy is the law. Touching the clergy is equal to touching the power of the origin of the world.
Even if it refers to a light touch and a quick break away, this simple touch is also an unimaginable experience for Zhou Qingfeng. But he protested against the lie, and there was an extra item on the property panel.
Under the skill of "hiding in the shadows", there is a line "identify lies".
Alas, are there such benefits?
Just a touch, it actually added me a passive ‘skill’
Zhou Qingfeng expressed his joy. But when he wanted to touch it again, Ciric had regained control of the lie priesthood, taking back the gray chaos into his own thoughts.
The unlucky deity fell into silence again.
There is nothing in the equipment library suitable for Zhou Qingfeng. In addition to the fine-stabbed sword, he made at most a lighter cotton coat, plus a pair of warm sheepskin boots, and a backpack for stuff. These are ordinary goods, not worth a few dollars.
Todd was a giant axe and leather armor, and he had an iron helmet on his head. He was much heavier, he shook the ground and walked heavily.
"I feel much more comfortable." The barbarian held a huge axe, raised his chest and laughed.
Poor Uncle Zhou was carrying a thin bayonet sword, neither was his back nor grasped, but he could only insert it towards the waistband of his pants, which greatly lost his image.
Baiya Village arranged accommodation for Todd and Zhou Qingfeng, and provided food and beverage. At night, the two slept in Datongpu, with a dozen rough man's nests. Everyone was stinking, and the taste was really uncomfortable.
I was also tired. After sleeping late at night, Zhou Qingfeng once again entered his 'information network'. He still can only look at the prayers of some ordinary people. It is nothing more than food and clothing. There is no unlucky banquet like him that makes him take advantage.
After a round of inspection, Zhou Qingfeng felt bored. The information he intercepted seemed to be of little use, and could not change his current situation. He occasionally appeases a few people who are in trouble and life, but it makes no sense to do so.
The weak need food, clothing, shelter, and a sense of security. This can't be solved with a few empty consolations.
The poor little girl prayed again last night. She is still hungry and cold.
Zhou Qingfeng looked at the little guy from an overhead angle.
The little girl didn't even have a place to live. She could only pile up hay under the cold windy eaves, curled up, and waited for the death to come. In the face of this cruel scene, he revenge was extremely incompetent and powerless.
"What can I do? I can't do anything." Zhou Qingfeng scolded in his head in annoyance, and only sent a cotton shirt he had brought to him.
The light cotton coat straddled the obstacles of time and space and fell on the little girl. The child had curled up and was almost frozen to death. After covering her body with a cotton coat, she noticed after a while, weakly shouting into the night sky, "Who is it?"
"It's me, who gave you food yesterday." Zhou Qingfeng sighed. He could see that the little girl's condition was very bad. Under the hunger and cold, a cotton coat could not solve the problem at all.
It's so cold tonight that she will definitely be frozen to death without help from others.
The little girl tried to wrap her body in the oversized clothes and tightened her body. But her hands and feet were cold and her body temperature couldn't be maintained. The empty cotton clothes did not bring warmth. She begged again: "Please, can you give me some more food? I'm hungry."
The pleading was heartbreaking, and Zhou Qingfeng was sore. But he didn't have anything on hand, so he asked, "What about your parents?"
"Dad is gone. Mom is dead."
"No one takes care of you?"
"What do you do for a living?"
"I can wash clothes, clean people, and do anything for those adventurers. I am very capable. But the supply of the Black Forest has been cut off recently. No one feeds me again. Think I'm going to see my mother. "
The little girl was talking, but rather calm. 'Going to see mom' is a relief for her.
Perhaps it was because Zhou Sifeng, who was also in plight, was extremely manic. He didn't want to watch the little girl die, and saving each other was like saving himself.
If this humblest little girl can survive, then Zhou Qingfeng can also survive.
After a moment of groaning, Zhou Qingfeng gritted his teeth and whispered, "You wait, I'll think of a way. I must save you."
Zhou Qingfeng wanted to quit his information network, wake up from deep sleep, and find something to eat. But when he had the idea of ​​quitting, he suddenly found that his consciousness had entered another inexplicable area in his mind.
In this area, a black sun hangs in the sky, and in the center is a white skull surrounded by purple and black rays. In front of the skull was a dozen thin lines that came from nowhere and a stream of information.
Zhou Qingfeng's mind brightened, and he immediately realized that what he saw should be a server, that is, a god.
It's Cyric.
The of murder has opened up a small realm in Zhou Qingfeng's mind, and is accepting the prayers of believers. Compared to Zhou Qingfeng's information network, which can see a lot of information flow, here is only the part that belongs to the 'dark day'.
Seeing Zhou Qingfeng appear, the skull in the center was also very surprised, "How can your boy enter my god's realm?"
"This is originally my place." Zhou Qingfeng also yelled. He looked at the stream of information that the believers prayed for, and whispered for a long time: "Xirick, you are so pitiful, there are only so many people worshiping you ?"
"Nonsense, there are only these believers in the vicinity. I was in the Kingdom of God 'The High Throne', but I could directly contact all the believers in the entire Feren continent. I did n’t know many of the believers at that time." Rick struggled to justify.
But it's better not to say this, it seems that the current state of Cyric is really terrible.
Zhou Qingfeng was stunned for a long time, and his sulking Cyric was yelling.
It's really shameful that the divine spirit made this state before him.
"I said, Cyric, what are you talking to believers? Can you get them something to eat?"
"Eat? Get away, I'm the of murder. I'm confused, I'm evil, I'm cunning, I just need the power of faith. I'm the most powerful dark day in the world, and I don't want anything to eat. ! "
"you sure?"
"of course."
"You wait."
Zhou Qingfeng turned around and walked away, leaving the realm of Cyric.
The of murder looked at Zhou Qingfeng's back and disappeared. After a while, he was a little afraid of the boy. "Wait, let's discuss it again."
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