Chapter 132: Build

The construction funds of three thousand gold coins made Fei Zhe's heart fascinating. But he opened his mouth and said that he wanted to mine. He regretted it in a blink of an eye. He always felt that he had been fooled again. Hugo did this every time.
Fei Zhe decided that the mine should be dug and the money should be earned, but Chairman Hugo's routine must also be carefully discerned. He decided to stay and take a closer look. This time, he must not let the boy empty his teeth and take all the benefits.
There are many people who share the same mindset, and everyone feels that His Excellency Hugo must have hidden some secrets.
However, Zhou Qingfeng's resolution did not avoid anyone. He really started to build infrastructure in Harmony Village. The first project was ‘building a house, digging a well, demolishing a fence, repairing a toilet’.
The villagers of Heinuma Village are all devoted to Zhou Qingfeng. They have followed for a long time, experienced the most, and have the best cohesion. He used these people as the backbone and engaged in a dozen construction teams.
Wilson was seriously injured in the battle and was returned to Coldwind City for healing. The artisans who had been imprisoned by the Church of Bann also returned home to report peace. But Zhou Qingfeng used hardware coins for a month's high salary, allowing Wilson to recruit him new artisans in Cold Wind City.
There are technicians, backbones, and a lot of cheap labor. Coupled with sufficient food and funding, Zhou Qingfeng's plan soon began to be implemented.
The day after the resolution was issued, the Harmony Village began to demolish the old houses and rebuild according to the new layout. Residential districts, commercial districts, artisan districts, military camp districts, warehouse districts, and administrative districts are sparrows that are all small.
Sophia helped Zhou Qingfeng make the village a construction site.
Fei Zhe also thought that the construction of three thousand gold coins would take some time to start, but Zhou Qingfeng's efficiency was too high. Before he got up the next morning, he heard noise coming from the window. When he poked his head out of the room, his frown could not be released.
The first thing about infrastructure is repairing toilets.
It seems that His Excellency Hugo competed with the toilet. He repaired the toilet in Heinuma Village, and repaired the toilet when he arrived at Momo Village. After Momo Village changed to Harmony Village, he still repaired the toilet.
In the past, people in the village had to be convenient. It was really just a matter of finding a corner. But no matter who it is now, once he gets caught peeing, he will at least draw three whip.
"Shengying" led the team to supervise, Luke in the deciduous village was arrested twice a day. The courtship was useless, Zhou Qingfeng went out to smoke and informed the village without mercy. Many people originally criticized this, and they were honest after being whipped.
"Why do you have to repair so many toilets?" Fei Zhe really didn't understand this. "It would be better if there were one or two places in the village for shit, and there were so many digging."
According to Zhou Qingfeng's plan, Harmony Village will have a permanent population of 1,000 people, which is already a town in the other world. He requires that every household has a toilet, and the village needs a large number of public toilets. There is basically a toilet for every fifty people.
In the world of sword and magic, the density of this toilet is really a bit high.
But Zhou Qingfeng said that on the issue of toilets, we can't even be as bad as Asan.
Who is Asan? No one knows.
But Fei Zhe was awakened early in the morning, really because the public toilets were being repaired outside the house.
"This is really a waste of money." Fei Zhe didn't understand this very much. He looked at the villagers who repaired the public toilets for a long time, and found that there was still someone to bring them rice, bread with mushroom and vegetable soup, which was enough.
"Ah, what are those pariahs eating?"
Fei Zhe accidentally discovered that he actually saw something green in the bowl of the villagers at work. His eyes were wide, but he couldn't see clearly, so he just ran out of the room and took a closer look.
A pit has been dug on the construction site, and the humble public toilet has begun to take shape. At the meal, the villagers sat on the excavated mound, grabbing the baked bread and holding a wooden bowl for soup. Fei Zhe came together and asked in surprise: "What are you eating?"
There are green leaves in the soup.
These dalits actually eat green vegetables? How can they be so luxurious?
Fei Zhe snatched a bowl of vegetable soup angrily and exclaimed, "Where did this soup come from? Why didn't I?"
The northern part of the Black Forest is dim, and the trees and grass in the forest are dark gray. There is no way to cultivate here, the green plants are almost extinct, and the only vegetables people can eat are mushrooms.
Green vegetables need to be transported from the south. They are also fresh pickled products, and the price is very expensive. The leader of the Black Forest rarely eats it once a year, and now this precious thing is actually enjoyed by a bunch of pariahs.
Fei Zhe was yelling.
The working villagers were scared and weak, pointing to the cafeteria that Uncle Zhou had set up to integrate strength. Fei Zhe turned around and ran to the canteen so-called canteen, which was to set up a few cauldrons and cover a shelter from the wind and rain.
Zhou Qingfeng is personally counting the number of people outside the cafeteria. To make efficient use of human resources for population registration, the entire population must be registered. With a population register, the ruler can directly control every labor force under his control.
As a keyboard politician, Zhou Qingfeng finally had a chance to show his talent. He also built a public cafeteria to strengthen population control. After all, everyone wants to eat.
Fei Zhe rushed to see Zhou Qingfeng and shouted, "Her Hugo, the green vegetables you got there? Why didn't I?"
Zhou Qingfeng moved a few tattered tables and registered a third of the population with his follower Seth. Regarding Fei Zhe's questioning, he only said lightly: "You haven't registered your identity yet? Those who haven't registered will naturally disappear."
"But where do you get the green vegetables?" Fei Zhe still insisted on this question, "even the pariahs under you can enjoy it."
"We have a lot of horses, but these horses are very expensive to feed beans daily. One horse can feed five people, and I have to get some alfalfa hay for the horses. Hilly said that people can also eat alfalfa Then let's just feed them. "
Horses are used to feed people?
Fei Zhe looked at it, and saw everyone in the cafeteria holding a wooden bowl containing alfalfa mushroom soup, drinking one by one. Everyone can't see green food on weekdays. Today, a bowl of alfalfa soup is very satisfying.
Wait, the key is how did the horse stuff come?
Is it like shipping food from the south?
Fei Zhe's head really sweated.
My wife is extravagant.
How much does it cost?
Who is willing to do this?
Zhou Qingfeng looked up, "Fei Zhe, do you have an opinion on my decision?"
"No, no." Fei Zhe quickly shook his head. "I'm just curious, and I want to drink a bowl of alfalfa soup. Madam Chairman, you have to work hard to bring in alfalfa. It must be very delicious."
Zhou Qingfeng smiled and beckoned and shouted: "Seth, come and register the identity of the leader of Fei Zhe. Name, age, address, family status, kinship, current position, height and weight, personality hobbies, medical history quirks. Registered To drink soup. "
Uncle Zhou yelled, Seth nodded and ran over, clutching a volume of wood in his hand, and asked with a smile: "His Excellency Fei Zhe, are you registering now?"
Fei Zhe was frowning, and his mind was dull. He always felt like he was on Zhou Qingfeng again, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong? Then the loss must be too much!
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