Chapter 170: Contrast

The night was shrouded in cold wind. Unknown screams and screams spread in the air, and the horror of infiltration in the forest itself.
Coronfel stood behind a wooden fence with long legs, leaning on the thick wood and staring at the dark darkness in front of her eyes. He knew that there was a dirt ahead of him, a winding road beside the dirt slope, and a forest just cut down to the right.
But the night without starlight wiped them out of sight, leaving only deep loneliness.
The felled trees became lumber for the camp. It is said that as long as there are sufficient staff, camp construction will be fast. But now Coldwind City's team has occupied the stucco village for more than a month. The camp has not yet been built.
The road is not easy, materials are scarce, manpower gap is large, and food is simply not enough. There are too many difficulties, and they are more upsetting. The long-legged city master actually understood that his progress in this operation was not bad, but he just couldn't be happy. ::
Probably there is a better performing harmonious village.
"Have Fablo come back?" The long legged city Lord asked his guard. He is now eager to find someone who knows the Black Forest to ask questions, chat and figure out where the crux of the problem lies?
The guard only shook his head and replied, "His Fabro went to the Harmony Village with the people of the" Devil's Crusade ". It is said that there were two members of the team who went to the village to investigate, but they could not return without news. It is estimated that there is some trouble . "
"That boring bastard," the long-legged city master whispered. He hates the unsolicited so-called 'devil crusade', but he doesn't provoke it. He only knew that the situation was particularly weird.
Elf relics appeared in the Black Forest, and Corumfeel had long legs and eagerly wanted to take advantage of this great deal. Fabro introduced him to the situation in the Black Forest and focused on some stories about Harmonious Village and Victor Hugo.
Long-legged city owners naturally regarded the newly emerging small forces as opponents. He sent someone to contact him and waited for the other party to bargain with himself. But Harmony Village did nothing. It was quiet and quiet. It only received the flow of people and kept making money.
Almost all the adventurers who came in from the goblin path went to Harmony Village. You can go even if you don't have the money. You can always find a job and eat it together.
When the flow of people reached a certain level, long-legged city owners also began to be envious of the business of Harmonious Village. He thinks that a group of buns can do things, he can do it, and he can do better. I heard that Victor Hugo hit three thousand gold coins for construction, and I hit five thousand.
Must be better than the Harmonious Village where villains gather.
But now more than a month, the stucco village is still deserted. The long-legged city master brought more than a thousand people from Coldwind City, but worked hard. His own men can only dig in the ground, sleep in tents, and drink hot water all day long.
The living environment is too bad, which can have a ghost work efficiency.
The wind meal was too bitter, and the knights around the city owner could not bear it, and they ran to the village to live in harmony. At first only a few people went. But after a few days, the knight returned to pull people, talked about the benefits of Harmony Village, and pulled a large number of people away.
Later, it was reported that the Harmony Village had launched a promotion plan for ‘old customers with new customers’. No matter who it is, there is a gold coin rebate for every new customer. Much more, no upper limit.
So the first group of people would like to be able to pull the long-legged city master's men over to Columfil. After learning about the long legs, he jumped like Revictor. Hugo was really evil. What does his mind think? I knew it would be better to pull it by myself.
Dismal operation!
Dozens of slave laborers are chopping wood in the stucco camp, preparing to build houses. But they were weak and unable to process a piece of wood for a long time. Building a house is even more distant.
The long-legged city owner looked at it from a distance and could not solve the problem. The slow progress is because there is not enough food, and the lack of food is because the Northland does not produce food at all. Grain transported thousands of miles in the south cannot feed the population in the north.
How did Hexun Village solve this problem? It is said that people used the teleportation array to transport grain directly from the south. Knowing this result, the long-legged city master is even more astoundingly expensive, and requires the operation of a high-level wizard.
"You can't treat the guys in Harmony Village as soil buns." His Excellency the head of the city thought deeply. "Perhaps you should buy food and goods from them. You must give some respect to any capable opponent."
When the long-legged city owner was forced to change his mind by the reality of the predicament, the administrative center of Harmony Village was just completed. This humble building covers two floors and consists of a dozen rooms and a spacious conference hall.
There were grease torches in the hall, and hundreds of people crowded inside. Zhou Qingfeng stood on the top of the head, smiling face to face the black people under the pressure of hundreds of people. The people who came were rude, noisy, bustling, greeting each other, or glaring at each other.
"Please be quiet." Administrative assistant Seth yelled, but still couldn't cover the noise of the crowd. It wasn't until Kelly came out with a whip that the scene was under control.
Zhou Qingfeng had time to say a few words, "Everyone, I'm glad you can come."
"If you are happy, ask us for a drink." There was a sudden scream in the crowd, causing a laugh.
Zhou Qingfeng just smiled at this, and continued after the voice subsided: "Since the establishment of Harmony Village, many people have worked hard for its prosperity. Today is a commendation meeting, and some people who work hard will receive honors and rewards. "
"Don't fool those with empty words, I just want to know if honor can be exchanged for money?" The whisperer started again, and laughed constantly as usual.
In the face of these unruly guys, Zhou Qingfeng decided to run the process quickly. He looked at Seth next to him, and the new administrative assistant hurriedly called out, "His Adrian, please list."
The meeting room was agitated slightly, and people looked around, wondering what this guy named ‘Adrien’ had done, and was actually named by the first one.
But nothing happened for a long time, Seth had to shout a few more words. Only then came a funny-looking guy out of the crowd. He is not tall, with a ridiculous hat, and does not look long, like a clown.
Zhou Qingfeng was also surprised and asked: "You are Adrian?"
"Yes," the clown replied, and he scratched his head, uncomfortable with the feeling of being watched. As soon as he opened his voice, everyone heard that it was him who just blamed the scene.
Is it to call this person out for a meal?
"Mr. Adrian, you have participated in our patrol team and have never been absent for 25 consecutive duties. This work attitude is very commendable." Zhou Qingfeng smiled and praised.
The praise made the clown upset, and he started scratching his again. "Actually, I was short of money, and absenteeism deducted a lot of money at one time. I haven't been able to cheat, and I can't cheat her every time the" Holy Light "check post."
People in the conference hall laughed, everyone had a similar experience.
Zhou Qingfeng shook his head and said, "I only saw you loyal to your duties. You issued accurate warnings six times during the patrol to prevent the team from being attacked by monsters in the forest. You also saved a teammate and let him escape from the goblin trap . "
The clown shrugged, he shrugged, and said indifferently, "I don't think there's anything special about this. Lord Hugo, I didn't really think about the things you said."
"You don't have to think much." Zhou Qingfeng took out the small badge from a tray in his hand. "You are a model worker this month, and you will be promoted to the captain of the patrol. There will also be three gold coins. Allow me to give Do you wear this badge?
With this badge, you can save 20% off your personal consumption in the village, including drinking, before someone replaces you. "
The badge is simple, just a small wooden block with lettering.
Clown Adrian choked again. He took off his hat, took a deep breath, and whispered, "I never thought I would be rewarded for these things. Really want to reward me? I don't understand What is a 'model worker'. "
Zhou Qingfeng still smiled, Shen Sheng said: "Please come forward, this is indeed a reward."
"Oh my god. I don't know what to say?" The clown was nervous for a while, carefully stepped forward, stroked his chest with a cap, and bowed deeply. There was a moment of silence on the court, and the group was stunned.
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