Chapter 195: contact

The case of mass deaths and injuries has always attracted wide attention, and now this is arousing the emotions of the people of the country. Two days after the incident, Deputy Director Xiao felt much pressure. But the more pressure you have, the more you need to calm down and find clues from the details.
Drug dealer 'Snake Brother' was caught this afternoon. This guy is very cunning, trying to continually change lanes. He had fled from Tianyang and ran to the neighboring provinces, but was arrested by a few plain clothes in front of a snack stand.
Skynet project, national identification system has been networked. The recognition ability of artificial intelligence in front, side, and even backsteps exceeds that of ordinary police officers? Where can I escape once I have been spotted?
‘Snake Brother’ was caught and he confessed immediately. He explained how he had dealt with drugs two days before, focusing on the situation of contacting Ma Zai at the time of the incident. He snarled and cried, "I didn't kill those garbage!"
'Brother Snake' is being returned to Tianyang, and the results of the preliminary trial have been placed on the desk of Deputy Bureau Xiao. He carefully analyzed every word that Brother Snake said, and also watched the video of the first trial. The situation at the trading scene at the time when the reconstruction of his mind began.
According to "Snake Brother": Out of caution, a stands at a sparsely populated street near the school. Ma Zai used to investigate the situation from afar, and described on his mobile phone that there was a fifteen or sixteen year old beside the niggas.
What does it look like?
I do n’t know. Brother Snake just heard it from the phone. He did n’t see it with his own eyes. As for the young boy who saw the boy, it was the forensic doctor who found the fool near the scene of the group death. The young boy was severely hit on the head.
"Snake brother" knows so much, but he provides key clues. Deputy Deputy Bureau Xiao Ning looked at the word 'youth' in the preliminary examination record, and he inexplicably remembered that the club security of the club where the case was being investigated also mentioned a 15-year-old boy.
As a result, not only did the Deputy Deputy Bureau have the dossier of the club's "drug overdose" case, but also the dossier of another civil dispute case that occurred on the same day. Naturally, Zhou Qingfeng had relevant information.
The investigation of a parallel case has such a magical power that it can stitch together irrelevant information. This is also an early version of human big data handling. As long as there are suspects, proving the crime can be much simpler.
Zhou Qingfeng on the file is an unidentified wanderer, but was led away by his son, Lin Wan. Everything seemed confusing, but Xiao Xiaoju had an instinct to handle cases for many years. Although there is no evidence now, it is this boy who did it.
Then the next step is to find evidence.
On the table are photos of Zhou Qingfeng. The teenager looks good, but his face is mature but he is a minor after all. His eyes were condensed, and he was an experienced person.
However, Xiao Xiao was relieved, and felt that he was a fifteen-year-old boy after all, and he should deal with it. Finding it in the name of assisting the investigation, a few words can make the case clear. 'Talk' is an important means for the police to handle the case.
Sudden ease made the long-time nervous Deputy Bureau feel a sense of urination. He wanted to reach out and call to let his men arrange to catch people overnight, but changed his mind to stand up first and go to the independent toilet in the office of the Deputy Bureau ,very convenient.
Go to the bathroom to unload the inventory and feel comfortable.
But wait for Deputy Bureau Xiao to open the bathroom door, and suddenly found that the lights in his office went out. He walked strangely towards the wall switch for a few steps, but by the light passing through the window, he saw a personal shadow at the desk looking at the documents on the desktop.
Lying down!
What a courage!
The thief ran to Lao Tzu's office.
Wait, I'm the city bureau here. The police are inside and out. If the thief can be entered here, the people in the security department will not have to do it, relocate from the post, write a review and write to death.
Deputy Xiao was frightened and furious, so he still had to press the switch. I heard a click, and the other person shouted, ‘Do n’t turn on the light, I want to talk to you’. The light is on, and the other person ’s shadow is actually imaginary.
what's going on?
Deputy Bureau Xiao spent his entire life as a police officer, a tried-and-tested materialist revolutionary fighter, and a firm-hearted old bureaucrat. He was heart attacked by this scene, and he screamed and screamed.
"Mo Pan, Mo Pan, turn off the lights, I can't stand the glare." The figure is an old man, waved his hands to the deputy Xiao Xiao, and immediately went into the wall.
This throat shouted too loudly, and the sound came out through the curtain wall windows of the city bureau building, and the next office heard it.
After a while, the office door rang and several nervous police officers came in. They even asked what happened, but they only saw the Deputy Director stare at the wall.
"Xiao Ju, what happened?" A deputy director of the back office patted God, "Is it too stressful and hallucinating? I'll make you a cup of tea without taking a break."
The pressure is great, but the scene just now is definitely not an illusion. I'm so fucking.
Vice Vice Xiao sweated on his forehead and was tense in breathing, but eventually controlled himself without making a joke. He circled his desk several times, and stared at the wall where the figure had just disappeared for a long time.
Calm down, be calm!
Deputy Xiao first said to the aggressive office workers: "It's okay, it's okay. It's a bit nervous. Everyone goes back to work."
The crowd was comforted again, but was driven out by Deputy Bureau Xiao. When he closed the door, he took a few deep breaths in a row, and whispered as he turned his head towards the wall, "Come out, I see you."
"Deputy Director Xiao, you can't see me." The old voice came from the other side. "Trouble to turn off the lights, I really can't stand the strong light."
Xiao Vice Bureau turned his head, and a figure loomed in the wall. The feeling of thriller struck again. He was standing with his hair full of hair, his hands and feet were stiff. He had doubts about whether he was seeing and hearing, but now he could not comfort himself.
How can there be ghosts in this world?
What a ghost!
Vice Deputy Xiao felt that his worldview was about to collapse.
"Mo pan, I'm not here to harm you, I'm here to help you. Turn off the lights and I'll come out to talk to you." The figure in the wall said.
Vice Deputy Xiao was short of breath and reached out to touch the switch on the wall. The lights went out, and the office was dark. The figures in the wall slowly floated out, but it is still a few words of comfort
"Sorry, I know I'm scary like this. But rest assured, even if I die, I'm an old party member with decades of age. Just have to change the old concept, there is really a ghost in this world." Sentences to eliminate tension and embarrassment.
Hearing the period of
decades of old party members
, Deputy Secretary Xiao was inexplicably reassured. After all, he is also a comrade when he died. He forced himself to calm down, seeing that he was a kind-hearted old man in front of him, and pointed to the chair in front of his desk, and whispered, "What should you call an old comrade?"
"My surname is Zheng. My name is Zheng Ping. I just died today." The figure continued to laugh at himself. "I saw the files on your desktop. Your case handling efficiency is really high. You can find the Lord so soon."
Xiao Deputy Bureau couldn't sit still, and stood up for a moment, "There is really a ghost in the world to help solve the case? Are you a ghost to send clues? Really this kid did? Great, is there any specific evidence?"
Go for the haze!
What a delight!
If it wasn't for the ghost sitting opposite, Xiao Vice Bureau would hate to take a sip. He is struggling with the big case of national concern, and now all problems are solved.
But the old professor shook his head at the joy of Deputy Bureau Xiao, "Don't worry about the case anymore, it doesn't matter. Now it's 100 or 1,000 dead, and 10,000 people don't matter.
Look at me, look at me with your eyes wide open. After I died, I became a ghost. Is there anything more magical than that? Has this ever happened? This is super power. Everything was made by that kid.
Wake up, comrade. In my party spirit, I managed to coax the kid so that he would not get out of control. This case is nothing but a medium. The so-called 'no fight, no acquaintance', we must seize the opportunity. "
Yeah, what a dead person is, a ghost is subversive.
Xiao's head was suddenly bright, as if he saw a golden light avenue. He also realized that the situation of "have ghosts" was indeed more shocking than those who died. "This is a trivial matter. You can't just ignore it and report it to your superior."
"Report?" The office's light was off, and there was a shadow outside the window. The teenager climbed from the outer wall of the building like a werewolf, rushing in, sulking coldly: "Can you please let me participate when discussing your question about me?"
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