Chapter 215: In his own way, give back to others

The underground space has poor airflow and is almost stuck. The crusade lined up, but the sound of shouts and drinks drove the breeze slowly. As soon as they were fully prepared, the air in front of them surged at high speed and instantly became violent.
The roar, the roar of speed. The sound of sonic booms rushed into the eardrums, raging without fear. The ground is cracking, the air is distorting, and the vision in the field of vision is like a kaleidoscope, broken and divided, strange and detached, just like vision.
Powell gave a loud sigh and activated the "Eye of Reality" unique to the paladin, aiming to see through the vision in front of him. However, a storm had already formed, and the torn air came first and bumped head-on.
This is not a phantom!
The shield wall is complete and ready to welcome the demons. Shielded paladins are fervent believers who are willing to sacrifice for justice as long as they can glorify the gods. They are all convinced that there will be a fierce battle, with death, blood, and
A loud noise from duang was followed by silence, as if time was slowing down and everything came to a standstill. In the eyes of Warren dancing the wings, the sight-slowing profane man hit his iconic mount and hit him.
"Beware of that weird horse." Warren had only had a time to yell.
The divine power unites all the paladins with shields, and everyone believes that their defenses must be indestructible and indeed indestructible. After the impact, the entire shield wall was collectively moved backward. All paladins walked in their footsteps.
Mighty attack: After the target is hit, it must be shocked and forced to repel.
This is a stunt only possessed by superpowers. The steel golem is extremely powerful, and the power of the explosion can make it ignore the existence of the opponent and must be repelled. In the end, this trick was stolen by ‘theocratic power’ and used on this group of paladins.
Zhou Qingfeng lacked strength to play the full effect of this move. But the kinetic energy of the shock still shakes the air, and the violent sound will instantly make everyone deaf.
The dozen or so paladins who made up the shield wall had been riveting their strength, but they were blown and suffocated in the forced retreat, as if under pressure, unable to breathe.
So uncomfortable!
The blasphemy is so terrible!
The paladins shattered at their feet, forcing them to step back and make deep footprints. Without waiting for them to take a breath, the skeletal warhorse on the opposite side unfolded the broken bone wings, and thundered again and slammed into it again: "Who said who? Why am I a strange horse?
Powerful and domineering like me, invincible, brave and loyal, horrible majestic warhorse? Can you still see the second one? He actually called me a "weird horse". Am I not worthy of a name? "
The sacred defense is really amazing. In the face of the power of Zhou Qingfeng's several skills bursting out at the same time, the shield walls were knocked open for more than ten meters and the samurai behind the shield wall were not disintegrated, but it was a good thing to stop the demon Already.
The dead horse inertially rushed for a distance during the collision, and the "overlord" state of the horse and the horse protected it from ordinary injuries. In the scream of tidal wave, it will jump over the shield wall in a few steps.
Warren flew in mid-air to cross the shield wall just to restrain the demons. But he never expected that the shield wall carefully prepared by his side would be beaten back. At the first sight of Zhou Qingfeng, he was about to escape. He fluttered his wings and slashed with his epee.
On both sides of the road, Mao Qi, the old wizard, took the lead and blasted Zhou Qingfeng again. Seeing the ability of a teenager to beat back more than a dozen paladins, no one dares to take it lightly.
'Shengying' is spreading its wings, facing the enemy's volley and pressing down. Zhou Qingfeng, who was still seriously injured, gritted his teeth and took all his strength to lighten and dance the sword of 'Divine Power'. In a short period of time, he repeatedly slashed the two-handed epee cut by the opponent.
Dense impact blocks did not provide much defensive effect. After all, the explosion of multiple skills failed to defeat the opponent's shield wall, and Zhou Qingfeng was left alive.
The juvenile was suppressed by the two-handed epee, and even the ‘shadow’ that was vacated was pressed back into place. The next step is at least five or six advanced techniques. Under the heavy pressure, he was already grinning, relying on the damage reduction effect of the 'unyielding' talisman.
The slamming Warren flickered his wings, his two-handed epee rubbed against the ‘theocratic power’, the blade flared, and rattled. He cursed fiercely: "I am going to die with you!"
Each attack counts as an attack.
There is one more Angel Wing on ‘Theocracy’.
What the is this?
Zhou Qingfeng was exhausted, so he used it without saying a word. For a moment, a pair of shining wings grew behind his back, while his strength soared and he flew up. He pushed back, and Warren, who was volleyed, had nowhere to borrow, but was pushed away.
In his own way, give back to him.
Whoops, that's fine!
Warren watched Zhou Qingfeng even fly up, and unfolded the same wings as him, and the whole person's spirit was disturbed. This 'Angel Wing' is the ability he has gained through years of hard work. But one face to face, the demon actually makes it.
Too irritating.
Zhou Qingfeng rose into the air, and the sword body slashed to the left and right, but was still annoyed by several methods. However, the more miserable he was, the more skill was added to the sword. This time it was actually a higher-order rainbow spray.
The same thing happened without thinking.
Zhou Qingfeng's fingertips sprayed out seven shiny rainbow lights, each of which corresponds to one color, and different colors correspond to different injuries. For example, purple is 'dissociation', blue is 'petrochemical', green is 'toxin', and red is 'mentally retarded'.
Dazzling glow in the darkness!
This was originally a high-level spell that blasted to Zhou Qingfeng, even if he passed the check, he was deeply affected. But as long as he wasn't bombarded to death, the seven rainbow lights bombarded in all directions, and the surrounding wizards and priests were immediately bombarded.
Warren was hit by a red beam of light, failed the check, and became a fool on the spot, floating in the air and feeling confused. Zhou Qingfeng originally wanted to stab this nasty guy with a sword, but his heavy footsteps rang again.
The steel golem is catching up again.
"Let's go." Zhou Qingfeng shook his wings and flew forward. "Shengying" managed to get rid of the suppression, and it was silly to run. "Boss, how did you become a birdman?"
"I'm so mighty and domineering, can't you dead horse say something nice?" Zhou Qingfeng was feeling the high speed of the flight and almost fell off his own horse. At the same time, one person and one horse crossed the shield wall made by the paladin at the same time, and quickly drifted away.
The crusade who stayed in place just recovered from the chaos of the "Rainbow Jet", and ran into the steel golem that came on the head.
The machete's "door panel" machete waved at ease, and the majestic "mighty attack" landed on the paladin's head blocking the road. Powell, who was in command of the shield wall, played soy sauce all the time, and was dizzy by the previous ‘Mighty Attack’. He blinked again and made a harder note.
The sky was falling apart, and the air shuddered again. The sacred defense exceeded the limit, and the fanaticism could not be saved, and the shield wall collapsed immediately. Several shielded samurai warriors were chopped up and scattered completely.
Powell himself was almost trampled to death by the steel golem, looking at the huge footprints left on the ground, dizzy and can't believe what happened to him. Why do we get hit every time? He was hit twice today.
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