Chapter 22: Make an experiment

In half a day, the old gnome Borg prepared 'Paralytic Poison' according to the recipe and craftsmanship of Schrek.
Sirek's evaluation of the old dwarf's inferior skills, impure medicinal materials, and lack of spirituality makes it impossible to call him a true alchemist. As for the refined potion, its quality is extremely poor, and its efficacy is close to zero. It can only be used as a mouthwash for ogres.
However, the medicament was formulated, and the old gnome shouted in excitement. He said that he played perfectly this time, dispensing an unprecedented "paralysis poison." The effect of this medicine is beyond imagination. The dragon will fall down and cannot move.
Zhou Qingfeng bought a light crossbow from the old dwarf, plus a hundred crossbow, which consumed all the gold coins collected from the goblin warlock.
A crossbow is a crossbow, which is much heavier than a light bow. But the monsters in the Black Forest are thick-skinned and fleshy. They have less power and cannot shoot.
The reason why the villagers of Heinuma Village created this small crossbow was to adapt to the environment of the Black Forest. The crossbow has a greater range and power than a bow. Ordinary people can resist with a crossbow, and they can only tickle monsters with a bow and arrow.
The effective range of the light crossbow is only about 30 to 40 meters, and the lever is wound. Its characteristic is to guarantee the power under the condition that the weight and the firing rate are not too bad. It can shoot five rounds per minute and can shoot through ordinary leather armor.
Although the light crossbow is not as powerful as a heavier and more powerful crossbow, if it is paired with a 'paralysis poison', it is enough to hit the bare part and break the skin slightly.
The key is how effective is that bottle of green paralysis poison?
"Are there any more powerful monsters here?" Zhou Qingfeng coated the crossbow with 'paralysis poison' one by one, and installed it on the box slot of the crossbow.
The old gnome also wanted to try his new and proud work, and immediately recommended Zhou Qingfeng to hunt down the "mud monster" in the swamp. "Recently there are a few terrible monsters in the swamp near the village. They often lurk on the edge of the swamp. In the mud.
People in the village went to the marsh to catch various special products, and they were attacked by mud monsters one after another. Several people have died. We have always wanted to get rid of these monsters, but once it is hidden, it is difficult to find; secondly, the skin is very slippery and ordinary attacks are basically invalid. "
Facing the encouragement of the old gnome, Zhou Qingfeng looked back at Todd.
The barbarian frowned for a moment and said, "If the paralyzing agent works on the mud monster, most monsters in the Black Forest must be afraid of it.
But the silt is terrible. Especially in the swamp, it can jump a few meters away suddenly after finding the target, and bite the prey back to the swamp in a few breaths. "
The meaning of Todd's words was very clear, the mud monsters were really terrible monsters. In case the paralytic poison does not work, the hunter will become a prey.
Zhou Qingfeng can only ask Sirek, "Can the silt monster be restrained by the paralysis poison we have configured?"
"Sludge?" Sirek sneered. "I haven't heard the name of this reptile for a long time. Although your mouthwash is less effective, it's no problem for reptiles.
But you'd better not be too close to the reptile, because now you are worse than the reptile. I don't want to be the first in the world to be killed by a reptile. "
After hearing this, Zhou Qingfeng was at the bottom of his heart. He asked the old gnome, "Should we get some bait?"
"Bait?" The old gnome laughed. "There are bait in the village." After he said it, he asked the servants to get a bait. Soon outside the shack walked into a withered man, leaning on his back and kneeling on the ground.
Use people as bait?
Zhou Qingfeng was surprised at the difficulty of speaking, but Todd looked as usual. The old dwarf said with a grin: "People who come to Kuruma Village don't live long, and they can buy their lives as long as they give money. I usually do this for refining pharmaceutical agents."
Sure enough, he is a believer in "Goddess of Poison and Disease" and doesn't care about human life.
Zhou Qingfeng sighed in his heart, he had an evil spirit possession in his mind, and everyone around him was not a good person. Even his opponent, a believer in evil spirit, Lao Tzu stayed in the Valley of the Evil.
The withering man seemed to be suffering from some serious illness and could not speak.
Zhou Qingfeng bought each other's life with a gold coin. But he had run out of cash, the old gnome gave a guarantee, and owed it first, and then paid it to the bait's family.
If he can exchange a gold coin with his own life, ‘bait’ is grateful for Dade ’s repeated thanks, expressing his willingness to lead out the mud monster that harms Kuruma Village, so that ‘Master Hugo’ can hunt.
Outside the old dwarf's shack, the people in the village soon knew that the "Dragon Vessel" who was coming today was going to hunt the silt monster. They watched the withered man slowly walk towards the swamp, with Zhou Qingfeng with a light crossbow behind him.
Heinuma Village is built near the swamp. Less than a hundred meters away from the village is a dangerous place with a layer of white mist. The villagers have built a dozen trestle bridges near the swamp, and they usually take a special floating boat to the depths of the swamp to obtain local products.
These pontoons are connected to the shore with ropes, and can be pulled back by hand if necessary. Because of the crisis in the swamp, it was impossible to rescue in danger. So every trip is a gamble, and many people never go back once they go out.
Todd grabbed his big axe and followed Zhou Qingfeng. He did not want to smear poison on his weapon because he believed in good gods, but he did not interfere with Zhou Qingfeng's use of poison.
Listening to the irritability behind him, the barbarians stared back, preventing the lively villagers from following. But the villagers refused to disperse. They were following a distance of more than ten meters, and they continued to talk far away.
The people in Kuruma village suffer from the swamp, but they also depend on it. Many people can't live in other places, all rush to this ghost place to die.
The villagers were not afraid of the Church of Bann, anyway they were enslaved everywhere. But the recent emergence of the mud monsters has seriously affected their livelihoods. If they can't work in the swamp, they can only starve to death.
The old dwarf followed Todd with a staff, and some villagers shouted knowingly: "Mr. Borg, what are you going to do?"
"Keep away, we are going to hunt the silt monster." The old gnome waved his staff, but did not force it out. He did more to stimulate the villagers' interest. Almost half of the villagers rushed out to see how Zhou Qingfeng killed the monster?
When the bait withered man slowly walked to the landing stage and jumped onto a round bottom wooden boat. He turned back to Zhou Qingfeng and smiled bitterly, grasping the towing rope on the ship and gradually leaving the shore.
According to the description of the old gnome, in the past the silt monsters only attacked villagers who penetrated the swamp. But now their courage is getting bigger and bigger, and they have begun to approach the village on the bank of the swamp, which is to bully the villagers to take them.
Zhou Qingfeng chopped the light crossbow, and the crossbow got stuck in the receiver. He had previously fired more than a dozen rounds. The material used for this weapon was quite good, and the accuracy within 20 meters was quite high. Now see how effective the paralytic poison on the arrow is.
Todd held an axe and stood beside Zhou Qingfeng to protect the latter's safety. Zhou Qingfeng stood on the bridge, staring at the swamp-like swamp, catching any movement in front of him.
But after waiting for half an hour, nothing happened except one or two bubbles in the mud. The onlookers of the village gradually became impatient, clamoring constantly.
When Zhou Qingfeng himself felt that guarding the rabbit like this was not the way to go, Hirrick sent a warning message: "Boy, watch out! About thirty feet to your left, there is something coming in five meters under the mud. Its goal It's not the bait you put out. "
Is there a monster here?
The goal is not bait?
So who is the goal?
Shouldn't it be me?
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