Chapter 230: shaft

Soon after the construction of the Harmony Village began, there was an area called 'No. 4' in the village which was highly guarded and outsiders were prohibited from approaching. During the planning, Zhou Qingfeng placed the 'Fourth' area in the middle of the village and surrounded it with administrative, military and other functional areas.
Compared to the lively pubs, the ‘No. 4’ area is only a hundred meters away, and it makes loud noises from time to time. But all its movements will be covered up by the more noisy forging field, and little attention will be paid.
Most of the people working in the 'No. 4' area were villagers who initially followed Zhou Qingfeng and left Heinan Village. After repeated screenings, education, and training, the total number is less than fifty, but it is the real relationship between the Chairman and the Honourable, and it is definitely different from outsiders.
These lines are neither powerful nor strong, and they look very ordinary when they come out, no different from other people in the village. But Zhou Qingfeng gave them the highest treatment for their food, accommodation, and even marriage.
Because on the population register of Hexie Village, these people are workers.
The buildings in the "Fourth" area are not special, nor are they large in size. They are usually a few spacious bungalows. The workers transformed by the villagers have been receiving Sofia's 'online education' since the early days, which did not even allow Xi Li to intervene.
Repeated education, repeated training, these workers have little knowledge. Able to read and write a small amount of simple text, perform addition and subtraction calculations, and memorize the "nine nine tables", and have a basic understanding of scale units.
This level is placed in the illiterate and harmonious village. Before it was considered an intellectual, many people in the village did not even have a name, and the title was called a nickname. There are a lot of people called "Shit" "Shit" "Smelly Ball".
It is such a group of low-level workers, coupled with a low-level workshop, they make something unusual. Straight, shapely, uniform size, light and heavy arrows.
Don't underestimate the shaft, it's important.
Not long after Zhou Qingfeng arrived in the realm, he found that all the products here could not be consistent in large quantities. The pots and pans in life, the swords, guns and armors in battle are all one by one.
Humans lack fangs and claws. The most important weapon is an arrow that can attack from a long distance. The biggest consumables are also arrows. The biggest difficulty with arrows is the shapely shaft.
But all the arrows Zhou Qingfeng has seen are different, and the length and thickness vary greatly. The greatest skill of an experienced hunter is to adapt to different arrows. Because it is difficult to make the exact same by cutting the arrow shaft by hand. The yield is also particularly low.
Uncle Zhou met the Black Forest ‘hero’ in the Tielu Village, and saw with his own eyes those aborigines who used split daggers to split wood and cut arrows. After cutting for a long time, I stood up and visually judged whether it was straight. As for the thick and fine points, the requirements cannot be too high.
An archer may not be able to cut ten arrows for half a day, but it only takes a few breaths to shoot out. The arrows have been fired during the battle? Fuck the knife up to dry rack.
In Zhou Qingfeng's mind, if you can shoot long distances, don't fight close. After conquering the Rat Rat Village, he pondered the arrow, and the first industrial project after the construction of the Harmony Village was a woodworking lathe to make arrow shafts.
Anyway, he is also a person who has received nine-year compulsory education. Zhou Qingfeng found some simple designs in the real world and worked with his carpenters.
First, make a uniform measuring tool to create a thick and generous table that can be used as a workbench on the ground. Remanufacture simple jigs and knives. Because there are no bearings, a platform that can rotate stably and has enough strength has Zhou Qingfeng's brain hurt.
But the woodworking lathe is the simplest mechanical tool, and it is still built by various data tips. In the beginning, it still needed manpower to run, but Zhou Qingfeng quickly equipped it with wind power to work day and night.
Once the lathe is in motion, it is equivalent to opening a door to a new world. The rough-processed fine wood rod is clamped on the bench and rotated, and the tool slides gently along the rod body, and a high-quality arrow shaft can be obtained in half a minute.
This lathe is completely wooden and uses no metal. It is so ridiculous that it is a defective product that is pieced together like children's building blocks. But as long as it works for one hour, it is more efficient than ten carpenters working for a day, and it is even better!
With the first woodworking lathe, Zhou Qingfeng quickly used it to upgrade from me and produce parts for the second woodworking lathe. Processing progress and efficiency far exceed manual. Then replace some key parts with metal, everything is perfect.
With lathes, it is possible to machine finer parts soon. Coupled with a wind saw, wood processing is not difficult. With a large number of wooden boards, the construction speed of the village can be greatly improved. Step by step, it is stable.
Compared with the unreliable wind forging machine in the forging field, the wood processing system is simpler and more practical. Zhou Qingfeng didn't let outsiders intervene at all, only using the people he trusted.
The rich wood resources in the Black Forest provided this workshop with abundant raw materials, and several lathes kept working day and night. At most, three or four thousand arrows can be provided in one day. The arrows in the forge are not enough.
When Zhou Qingfeng went to explore "Silver Leaf City", the workshop began small-scale trial production. When he returned, the workshop's warehouse was already full of 30,000 standard arrows and more than 70,000 unassembled shafts.
"Sell, sell it!"
When Harmony Village opened a new copy of the new map of the Black Forest Adventure, Zhou Qingfeng did not hesitate to order the arrows of inventory sales, "but only to customers who purchased our adventure gift packages. A bundle of fifty copper coins was opened for sale."
The adventurer who came to Harmony Village was excited by the news of 'Silver Leaf City' opening, and found that a weapon shop was opened opposite the tavern. The main item in the shop is a bundle of arrows.
All the arrows are almost identical, and each one seems to have been carefully selected. Archers no longer have to worry about the difference between different arrows, they can shoot the next arrow continuously as long as they are used to one arrow. This is to adapt the equipment to people.
There is a small shooting range next to the weapon shop, and all the adventurers who want to get rich are coming to test fire. Anyone who has used the standard arrow of ‘Harmony’ will praise him. This is a great user experience for many people with poor archery.
The rarest thing is that the "Harmony" brand standard arrows are well-made and cheap. After all, arrows are consumables, and shooting a dozen or twenty in a battle is common. If it's too expensive, you can't afford it.
To celebrate the opening of a new copy of the new map of the Black Forest, the weapon shop is offering great rewards. A bundle of ten fifty copper coins is half cheaper than elsewhere. Buy ten bundles with one arrow pot, and buy twenty bundles with one bottle of Paralysis Elixir.
As soon as the store opened, a crowd of adventurers crowded out the door to buy it. The five hundred pot arrows prepared in advance were sold out quickly and had to be sold for an additional five hundred.
When the arrow is sold, the salesperson in the store also asks, "Dear customer, did you want to buy another bottle of enchantment when you bought the arrow? Can you kill the strong enemy at the critical moment, or you can fight for life. Limited time promotion, Don't miss it! "
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