Chapter 237: reform

The torches were spread outside the parlor's parliamentary living room. Many slaves in the village stood outside. They were shivering in the night breeze, but they looked at Zhou Qingfeng and others who came out with hope.
Many foreign bankrupts in the Black Forest. Some stayed in Kuronuma Village for their own lives, while others sold to the leaders of various settlements and became slaves who lost their personal freedom.
The Harmony Village was opened, and free adventurers and civilians all swarmed past. Many slaves were forcibly controlled by the leaders and could not leave. The lives and deaths of these people are not paid attention to at all, they just die early and die later.
Zhou Qingfeng always felt that there was a mine in Tieluo Village, and his ironmaking furnace should not be short of iron ore. But the most unlikely thing happened. Fei Zhe would rather not make money or sell more ore.
This is unacceptable for a harmonious village to develop at a high speed. Besides, Fei Zhe still has the handle in Zhou Qingfeng's hands, so naturally he must pack him as soon as possible and control the mine in his own hands.
"Victor, do you want to have Zhe's family territory?" Inessa whispered after Zhou Qingfeng. She agreed to clean up Fei Zhe, but always felt that his man had to do more than that.
Zhou Qingfeng whispered sneer: "I'm fed up with those small forces who only consider themselves and totally disregard the overall situation. In the future, under my rule, they will not be divided into territories. Those who are effectively loyal to me will only receive salary. "
Now, this step is too big.
Even Inessa couldn't accept this, she wanted to hold Zhou Qingfeng and tried to persuade him to withdraw this idea. But Zhou Qingfeng said more directly: "I declare that slavery is forbidden in the area under my rule.
All slaves regained their free status and were free to move and choose their jobs. I will promulgate laws to guarantee basic life rights. No slavery is allowed. "
Slavery, an inefficient way of production, completely hinders social development. If the big slave owner controls too many people, who else does Lao Tzu's factory recruit?
Civilized society, what about human rights?
Enissa was even more astonished when she heard this. She has held Zhou Qingfeng's hand and said in a low voice, eagerly: "Prohibiting slavery will offend many people, which is more excessive than prohibiting sub-seal system."
It was only that Zhou Qingfeng's words had been exported. The slaves who heard his declaration were still aggressive at first, but soon made a loud noise. After a while, the shouts turned into a neat sound Victor. Long live Hugo, long live, long live!
The slaves almost screamed with their own strength. They had long hoped that someone would be free, and they could leave the pit in Tielu Village and go to Harmony Village for a good life. Zhou Qingfeng's move completely relieved the heaviest shackles on them.
Of course, the life of Tielu Village is better than that of Harmony Village. Slaves certainly didn't think that way. Now they are naturally full of joy and long live cheers.
For Inessa's warning, Zhou Qingfeng was not disregarded. However, if we do not solve some basic policy issues before our own power really grows, in the future, more vested interests will stand up against it, and there will be no way to solve it. We might as well set our position now.
Cheers shook back and forth, and the entire Ironforge Village was a cheerful atmosphere.
Only then did Eniza understand what Zhou Qingfeng was going to do. The boy made it clear that he wanted to collect power. He was not allowed to have any independent forces under his rule, and everyone must depend on him. This is equivalent to determining the form of government.
While the slaves cheered, Zhou Qingfeng let people open the warehouse of Tielu Village and divide their clothes and food first. He also brought Bruno, the gray dwarf artificial head of the forge, and ordered him to run the mine.
"Can Mining's mining machinery be used?" Zhou Qingfeng's main concern is whether he can greatly improve mining efficiency, otherwise his liberation of slaves would be meaningless.
Tieluo Village has a full set of mining equipment left by the Elves when they retreated, huge windmills provide power, lay tracks, set up winches, and use large mine carts to transport ore. There are even special mining machines inside the mine. The only flaw is
"The days of the elves are too delicate. Their mining machines are actually driven by magic. I don't understand magic and arcane."
After being encouraged by Zhou Qingfeng, the grey dwarf also felt that his ideal of trying to hammer a hammer was too low-level. But now it is a bit difficult for him to play with the mining machine left by the elves.
Zhou Qingfeng was about to frown, and the grey dwarf said, "But I can change those mining machines to be animal-powered. They should also work, but the efficiency will be much lower."
"How much lower?"
"Perhaps only one-tenth the efficiency of a magic mining machine."
"So low? Compared to manpower?"
"Compared to manpower, it is naturally at least ten times higher, or even dozens of times. Those mining rotary knives can be as powerful as wind hammers. The gadgets made by elves are still a little interesting."
The gray dwarf wanted to explain what the rotary knife was, but Zhou Qingfeng rolled his eyes and patted his head, and said in a deep voice, "Bruno, the next time you talk about the good things first. Otherwise, I will be furious."
Not to mention that a ten-fold increase in mining efficiency is a two- or three-fold increase. Zhou Qingfeng is now very satisfied. After all, the entire Northland is so poor that the market is so large and the backward productivity can meet demand.
Bruno also wanted to explain the magical invention of the elves, but Zhou Qingfeng solemnly instructed: "I will deprive other human settlements of the territories and liberate more people. Computer side :: /
The original slaves will become free people, and I will send some people to mine. At the same time, I will let Rubio come over to help you, sign employment contracts for all miners, let them have enough to eat and drink, have room for improvement, and be happy to mine. "
Zhou Qingfeng's words sounded a bit complicated, but Bruno understood it in seconds, "Sir, I understand what you mean. I was a slave to the Dark Elves then, and I know how sad it is to live in fear.
The dark elves are all masters of juggling, and I have learned a lot under them, knowing how to let those miners work hard and not be lazy. You are more kind, and I don't need to use those cruel methods. "
Bruno shot his and packed tickets. Zhou Qingfeng felt that he might really have hired a good gray dwarf to escape from the hands of the dark elves to the ground, at least not a fool.
With limited food and a limited population, Zhou Qingfeng could only take the elite route. This requires enough iron ore and enough steel. Only enough steel can make the small forces under Zhou Qingfeng's control more resilient.
There is a saying, 'Steel is the country', and this is not wrong.
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