Chapter 265: Evil insect

The next day, Zhou Qingfeng rushed out of the west of the Banshee Fortress. Last night the guy with the arrow was waiting outside the gate. He didn't talk nonsense, riding Seth's sister-in-law to the other side, all the way to the village where the accident occurred.
To the west of Banshee Fort is an undulating hill with scattered small villages. After searching all morning, Zhou Qingfeng rode at a junction outside a village.
This is a nearly deserted village with a row of hanging rods standing on the road to the village. There were a dozen dead or dried-up corpses hanging from it. The deceased were all thin and weak, at first glance the bankrupt and displaced poor.
The north is cold and the gale keeps blowing. The corpse on the boom will not rot, but will quickly dehydrate and become air-dried bacon. Some corpses seemed to hang for a short time, while others hang for several years.
"Master, that's it." The guy at Zhongjian smiled flatteringly, "This village is a bit scary, so I won't go in. That way money ..."
"Give it to me when I come out." Zhou Qingfeng looked at the wooden sign nailed under the boom, which was a notice written by the sheriff of the territory, warning the bandits who roamed in the wild, and once it was in chaos, it would be dead.
Adrian said that law and order in the North have become more and more chaotic in recent years, and desperate bankrupts can only become thugs, and almost all villages and towns have such dried corpses hanging. But this is useless, too many people go bankrupt.
In the era of stock competition, in order to maintain their strength, the lords will desperately exploit the bottom layer. The desperate bottom must resist. This is an unsolvable problem.
The village in front is only Bailai population, not even the village name. Here is similar to the original Kuruma village, filled with a sense of despair.
Zhou Qingfeng took his sister-in-law and entered the village. The village was deserted, and he was greeted by a pair of hateful eyes through the door and window.
The guy who led the way was afraid and afraid, but he was not willing to leave, standing at the entrance of the village and constantly looking. After a while he gritted his teeth and followed in, helping Zhou Qingfeng pull his horse and saddle.
The village is too small to have any intention of receiving outsiders. Zhou Qingfeng walked along the muddy ground for dozens of meters, instead turned over and dismounted, walking towards the largest house in the village. Behind him, many villagers poked their heads out of the corner of the wall with strange eyes.
The courtyard door of the big room opened as soon as it was pushed, and the villagers on the wall had long seen strangers approaching and shouting at the room.
When Zhou Qingfeng came in, several people armed with inferior weapons rushed out of the room, quickly surrounded him, and launched an attack without saying a word.
Get away!
Booming ..., the ring-shaped wind wall spread to the surroundings, and the surrounding armed villagers were settled by magical forces for a while, and then fell again.
The falling villagers barked and the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Zhou Qingfeng pressed the divine power with his hand, and sneered slightly: "Let your heads come out to talk to me. Don't let the others die."
The fallen armed villagers were shocked and evaded. A hoarse old woman sounded in the room, "Young man, why do you break into the poor ghosts of us for no reason?"
"Poor ghost? I see a worm mark painted on the door of each of your homes. If my memory of" mystery "and" heraldry "is not mistaken, it is the demigod Kaiworth. badge.
I finally didn't run for nothing this time. Who do you believe is bad? How could you believe in a poor worm imprisoned in the abyss? What benefits does it give you? Actually let you gather a team of hundreds of people. "
Kai Worth, an ancient species. According to the record in "The Gate of True Knowledge", it was exiled to the abyss by the gods 20,000 years ago. However, this kind of evil is difficult to be completely killed, and it will always try to do something about it.
An old woman resembling Justin walked out of the room. She leaned on her back and held up a wooden staff. Her front face was normal, but from the hairline she was covered with coiled maggots.
The old woman's back was completely ulcerated, and her flesh was swallowed up by the worm and turned into an aberration. With its appearance, armed villagers loomed forward and surrounded Zhou Qingfeng again.
The leader took the war horse and the mule, and when he saw this terrible old woman, he immediately screamed, "Master, this evil witch."
Zhou Qingfeng pulled out the "Divine Power" and shook his head: "It's not a witch, it's just a worm parasite. The poor woman died long ago, her body was eroded by the power of the evil worm, and it became what it is now. "
When the outsider drank the original shape, the worm-like woman also issued a wooden staff and yelled at the villagers around him: "Kill him, kill this heresy who is disrespectful to my master. Only by killing him can you live."
Armed villagers were only reluctant, but they did not dare to attack Zhou Qingfeng casually. The old worm woman began to chant a spell, and the wooden staff in her hand gradually softened into a poisonous snake. With a mouthful of poisonous snakes, countless disgusting tapeworms spewed out.
Get away!
Another ring-shaped wind wall broke out, and both the poisonous snake and tapeworm were fixed in midair.
A puppet of psionic light flew out, splitting up a large number of maggots, and the activated snake with a cane was also in two sections. The light blade kept on, and continued to move forward, but suddenly disappeared in front of the old woman, as if encountering invisible obstacles.
The old lady with a worm smiled, her face showing a worm-like appearance, and even her tone changed. With its laughter, the armed villagers surrounding Zhou Qingfeng rushed forward and blew themselves up.
The burst of flesh and blood is like a bomb, with strong toxins and impact. Zhou Qingfeng continuously activated the ‘roll off’ ring, resisted by the wind wall after loop. But the ring can only be used ten times a day ...
"Kelly, when are you going to watch the show?" Zhou Qingfeng yelled.
There was a peal on the roof behind the old lady's body, "Wait you fool can't hold it, please ask me." The words sounded, a long whip was drawn out of nothing, and it was fierce.
The worm-like woman quickly ducked to avoid, and the whip was clearly drawn in the air, but its body was also smashed and split in half. His body exploded like a painted skin, scattered with extremely sickly crawling maggots, and paved the floor.
There were many villagers inside and outside the house, all screamed in fright and fled in a hurry. Zhou Qingfeng shouted, "Don't run, step on those bugs. Otherwise, it will continue to infect other people in your village."
Talking, Zhou Qingfeng stepped forward and kicked the maggot on the foot. Every time he stepped on, he could hear screams and vicious curses from the maggots. But this can't stop him.
The villagers looked at each other until they found that the maggots really couldn't take the young people from outside? The guy who led the way took the mount and stepped up to help, stamping out all the maggots on the ground.
The maggots turned into green sauce, and Zhou Qingfeng reached out to scratch the ground and drank a ‘soul draw’. The evil soul hiding in the ground then made a real scream, and the imaginary shadow of a worm was stung and turned into an orange crystal.
Zhou Qingfeng removed the demon on the spot, and the villagers who had besieged him all kneeled and begged. Someone shouted, "Master, forgive us. We also know that we have been caught by evil, but there is no way we can't deal with it."
Kelly sat on the roof and hummed. "It's too weak, it's not fun."
Zhou Qingfeng gathered his sword into the sheath and said to the villagers Shen Sheng: "Don't cry, I'm not here to clean up you. Get up and tell me what the is going on? Maybe I can help you get out of the situation completely. "
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