Chapter 286: Earthworm dried

Banshee Fort, the aristocracy, the backyard of the newly-witched wizard Roma.
A small pot stands on the stove, and the water in the pot is muttering hot. The steward took a dried earthworm from Roma, grabbed a pair of scissors, and frowned and threw it into the pot.
Opposite the stove, Jason the wizard hat held a worm. He looked around and smelled it, showing a disgusting expression, "This thing can really replace grains like oats and rye?"
"You don't eat anyway," replied Roma. The first batch of dried earthworms provided by Succubus was too sloppy. Several people by the hearth were disdainful of eating such things. "But it's really meat."
Dried earthworms are typical low-fat, high-protein foods, and they can have a wide range of uses in modern industrial environments. But even in agricultural society, it can also be used to feed chickens and feed people when necessary.
The water in the pot boiled, and soon the earthworms were dried and cooked into a rotten ..., a pot of meat porridge that I do not know how to describe.
To improve the taste, some oats are added to the porridge. The housekeeper grabbed a wooden spoon and scooped a hot bowl, then passed it to Roma.
Rom looked down, his head widened and passed it to Jason. Jason smelled it, but shook his head and handed it to a servant who was crouching behind him.
The servant took the congee in his hands, and he didn't understand what a few masters handed him to the thing, and waited for the order blankly. Rom's housekeeper said in a deep voice: "Hot while drinking."
Oh ... I was trying to test whether this thing can be eaten? !!
The porridge-serving servant suddenly turned pale, but he knew what his master was doing—the alchemist, wasn't it just doing some weird things, most of them were poisonous and harmful.
This bowl of steaming stuff should not be a new poison.
The servant showed sorrow and wanted to say a few words of life. Roma said impatiently: "It's food, not poison. It's just for you to try it."
The old men did n’t eat it, but they wanted me to eat it—the porridge-serving man looked down at the bowl and felt himself dead.
But the housekeeper knew it better and said directly: "If you die, you will give your family a sum of money. Your child can work for the master."
A back road is always better than death. The servant was stared at by Roma and Jason, knowing that it would be okay if he didn't drink, but he gritted his teeth and took a small sip from the bowl.
Roma asked quickly, "How does it taste?"
The porridge that has just come out is still hot. The servant took a sip and said bitterly, "This thing tastes creamy and a little salty. Master, am I dying?"
"Don't be afraid, you can't die." Rohm believed that Zhou Qingfeng would not bias himself with poisonous things. He also did a 'detection of toxicity' on the samples brought back, and the results were normal. "We just want to know if this thing can be eaten?"
The north is cold and the hot porridge is cold. The servant doing the experiment was worried, but it was easy to hear Roma's promise. He held up the bowl and took a few sips again, drinking and drinking, feeling that this weird thing seemed to ..., not so hard to imagine.
The North has poor eating conditions. For the poor, what Zhou Qingfeng thinks is not as good as pig feed. All kinds of weird things, but anyone who can get into the mouth is classified as food. Earthworms look scary, but much stronger than grass root bark.
After drinking a bowl of 'meat porridge', the servant smashed it and smashed his mouth, feeling that his stomach was more hungry. He stared at the churning little pot and asked Roma: "Master, this thing is too little, maybe it's not sure yet, can I have another bowl?"
It doesn't look too bad.
Rom and Jason glanced at each other, both nodded slightly and looked at the steward by the stove together. The steward immediately understood the meaning, and called for five or six domestic servants to come—male and female, old and young, as well as one person and one bowl.
The dried earthworms cooked in the pot were quickly drunk. The later servant was not as worried as the previous one. When he saw the master admire the porridge, he held the bowl and poured it into his stomach. They did not have any abnormalities after drinking, but thanked the master for their generosity and wanted to drink again.
…. After experimenting for a long time, Jason Wizard slaps and slaps happily, "It's great, this thing should be edible. This is meat, but you can use oats to double the ratio If you change it, it will definitely not lose. "
Even the nobles knew that their slaves would not be able to do their jobs if they could not eat enough, nor would they be rested. Sufficient food is necessary to maintain rule. Meat is more hungry than grain, which is a great advantage.
Having enough food can change the fate of an influence.
Jason hugged Roma cheerfully. "The last time I asked you to sell, did you sell it?"
"A fifty percent premium?"
Hahaha ..., sure that his business is not losing, Jason smiled red. He took Roma's arm and shouted, "This grain-for-meat business cannot be swallowed alone. I'll let my servants talk to your housekeeper, and everyone will make money."
Rom laughed bitterly for this, and he is now fully Zhou Qingfeng's agent. Whether it is physical medicine, combat preparation supplies, food cloth, or apprentice education, there are always many interventions.
Zhou Qingfeng's payment in the form of jewelry has recently affected the price of jewelry in Banshee Fort.
Fortunately, the jewels entering the market are from the Silver Leaf City of Elves. Both the quality and the cutting process are first-class, otherwise the price of ordinary jewels can hit the price of ordinary jewelry.
It was confirmed that the earthworm stems could feed the bottom people's stomachs, and Roma acted quickly. After all, Zhou Qingfeng only stayed for one month, and then left the female banshee for one month. If you want to make money, you have to do it now.
The wizards of Banshee Castle are noble and noble, and they will never personally intervene in ordinary business. But they have a huge network of contacts, and they can mobilize far more than normal.
Rom was anxious to rush to Zhou Qingfeng, and Jason went to run the supply of cereals based on oats. Both sides let their servants or housekeepers come forward, secretly transporting a large amount of Banshee's supplies out of the city.
Zhou Qingfeng asked Luke to arrange the logistics system in advance, which played a huge role at this moment. Every day, more than a dozen horse carriages leave from Banshee Fort, heading towards the northern Black Forest, digging the corners of the Phils family step by step.
The carriage is not loaded with grain cloth purchased and transferred from the south, or the goods collected in the cities in the north, or it is not all kinds of talents recruited in the largest city in the north.
Intellectuals like Lorraine are only part of the talent. Zhou Qingfeng also asked Seth and Adrian to find a large number of artisans and set a high salary to attract.
There is no shortage of blacksmiths in Harmony Village, but other skills are also scarce. In this poor place in the north, from building construction to repairing and sewing, technicians from all walks of life are treasures.
Few people can withstand the temptation to eat and drink and double their income. Every day, a few dozen people live northward with the carriage arranged by Luke, hoping to have a better life.
Next, Archbishop Dimitri of Whigaburg in the south of the country will perform the seemingly inconspicuous divine technique of
Caring for All Things
every day to improve the yield and quality of dried earthworms, so as to repay the debts of the iron tools that were previously accepted for farming.
The issue of raising earthworms has been secretly created as an emerging industry that creates thousands of jobs, rationalizes consumption of more than 100,000 feces every day, and increases several points of gdp growth.
Zhou Qingfeng sold Roma one to two tons or three or four tons of earthworms every day and sold them to Roma in exchange for all the supplies he needed, while quietly bleeding his opponents. Just as his two-month outing is about to end ...
Adrian, who was in charge of the secret investigation, got a certain message that the young Powell, who has not been seen for a while, joined the Banshee Castle's main guard, officially promoted to a knight, and inherited the family business.
"But this guy's appearance changed a lot. He is no longer the samurai of the righteous Tyre. He became ... weird."
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