Chapter 301: prospect

As an unknown small city on the third or fourth tier, Tianyang urban area has a population of over one million. This number is already exaggerated, larger than many famous European and American cities. Tianyang also has a dozen subordinate counties and districts, with a total population of nearly 10 million.
Huge populations produce huge amounts of garbage every day, and few can be harmlessly processed. Most don't do any sorting, just fill in things. Some do n’t even fill the landfill, so simply find an invisible horned horned owl in the open air.
Zhou Qingfeng took on the task of dealing with garbage for soul crystal and material quota, and the next day after returning to Tianyang, he accompanied Lin Wan to the government department. There was Xiao Jinlang inquiring about it, and Professor Zheng was the staff officer, and the situation was roughly understood that day.
There are more than a dozen public or private garbage dumps around Tianyang City, mainly considering wind direction, rivers, rivers, and other aspects. The valleys are selected far from urban areas and do not affect groundwater.
Lin Wan led a team to drive around a deserted valley, which was an abandoned public dump. There are few people here, birds and beasts are banned, and hundreds of thousands of tons of garbage are piled up behind the barbed wire covered with plastic bags.
Alas ... this place alone is enough for Zhou Qingfeng to clean up. Without efficient means, he will never be clean in his life.
Xiao Jinlang came forward and asked a small member of the city's sanitation bureau to lead the way. They refused to approach, pointing far away at Trash Mountain, saying: "This place has been abandoned for almost two decades, and the city has no money to deal with. It has been so piled up.
If you want to engage in garbage collection, the city will definitely support it. For each part of the cleanup, the city can give certain subsidies. But to accept government supervision, it must be harmless. The power of the environmental protection department is now greater. "
There are more than 30 members of the small section, and he feels that he is bringing people to come to the cinema. He didn't introduce them in detail, or he himself didn't know what the
historical problem
left over by the years is.
The barbed wire of the dump was rusty, and the iron locks on the gates had long lost their keys. Standing outside the barbed wire, you could smell the stale atmosphere of the garbage dump. The problem of garbage in Tianyang is far more serious than expected.
Su Mei took a small drone from the car and took off to photograph the entire dump. From the picture received by the mobile phone, the drone can not even shoot the valley full of garbage. Just seeing it is an endless desolate scene.
Under the scorching sun, the drone glanced around. Lin Wan made a simple survey in front of her forehead and whispered: "It is remote, no one enters and exits, it is suitable for hidden servants to work. A completely closed plant can be built with simple machinery to improve efficiency.
We can do it again at night for an experiment. Take a look at how efficient the hidden servant is in handling garbage, what are the specific difficulties, and how much it costs. All these need detailed plans. "
Zhou Qingfeng nodded, and everyone went back for the time being. At night he drove alone and took Father Zheng back to the abandoned dump again. He put on a dust mask, broke the barbed wire with hydraulic pliers, and released a hundred hidden servants in weak moonlight.
Mr. Zheng released four ghost believers. He took his men around and walked around the whole dump, and said, "The main thing here is domestic garbage. It's mainly plastic, food waste and waste paper.
Because there is no prior treatment, the situation of garbage is very complicated, the processing is difficult, and the recyclable value is very low. If conditions permit, they are usually incinerated. Nothing but piled here. "
Compared with Hidden Servant, the ghost has higher perception and wisdom, and is more powerful. Mr. Zheng manipulated them to climb the garbage mountain and began the sorting experiment. On the other side, a hundred hidden servants controlled by Sofia also started to work as a comparison group.
In order to strengthen the working ability of these undead creatures, Zhou Qingfeng also took out the 'tears of the emperor' who stored negative energy to supplement the hidden servant's work consumption.
The entire test lasted one night and ended before dawn. The test results are good and bad.
On the one hand, the hidden servants that Sophia controls are resentful. Although the power is small, as long as the organization is reasonable, their work efficiency is not worse than the real manual work. If there is an adequate supply of negative energy, they can be open all year round.
Ghost believers can work independently and are not much more efficient than hidden servants. But they have a feature-they can command five or six lower-level hidden servants under Sophia's organization.
This is equivalent to indirectly increasing the number of hidden servants Zhou Qingfeng can control. With a simple calculation and enough ghost believers, Sophia can control 10,000 hidden servants to work.
Judging from the work results of the night test. Each hidden servant can handle about two kilograms of domestic garbage per hour. They are not tired, hungry, sleepless, or paid. The amount of 10,000 hidden servants processed throughout the day is considerable.
Reached 400 tons in theory!
Such a mountain of garbage accumulated for decades and hundreds of thousands of tons can be completely emptied in five years. The plastic, waste paper, and metal parts in the garbage can be recycled and incinerated. Harmful if the battery is sorted out and disposed of separately.
As long as the kitchen waste loses moisture, it generally decays into mud, and leaving it in place is naturally harmless. In addition, there are some abandoned ragged clothes, furniture and appliances, either burned or dismantled for recycling.
The hardest part of garbage disposal is sorting. As long as Hidden servants get the most troublesome part, they can use industrialization to deal with it in the future. There is always a way.
Think of 10,000 free laborers to work. Zhou Qingfeng spent a long time in front of the garbage mountain in the morning. Professor Lao Zheng submerged in order to avoid the sun, but he was equally excited to whisper: "If this is done, the merits will be immeasurable!
I used to think about how to use high technology to deal with garbage, but I didn't expect to use the dumbest and hardest method this time. And there is still the possibility of further optimization with hidden servants, because the undead can be continuously strengthened with negative energy. "
According to the mission description, for every 10,000 tons of garbage processed, Zhou Qingfeng can get one green crystal and one green gel. If you save up to 100,000 tons and then pay for the task, you can get Qingjing.
There seem to be a lot of 10,000 tons, and the estimated processing capacity can be achieved in less than a month. Zhou Qingfeng can continue to improve the efficiency if the hidden servant is strengthened. Where is the hundreds of thousands of tons of garbage? Obviously a treasure!
Under the new rules, there is one ton of cross-country transport quota for every 100,000 tons of garbage processed. Although limited to ordinary materials, no matter how ordinary modern materials are transported to another world, Zhou Qingfeng's team strength will be greatly improved.
One ton of grain can be eaten, and there is no need to scoop hard and bitter oat brown bread. One ton of clothing can be light and warm, leaving the people in the team bright, full of honor and happiness;
If it is a ton of medicine, a ton of steel, a ton of the simplest machinery and equipment, it is a big killer that can affect the balance of power. Creations under modern civilization have overwhelming advantages.
Facing the early morning sun, Zhou Qingfeng was excited. He stood in front of the ten-meter-tall mountain of garbage and shouted, "I announced that all the garbage in Tianyang City was contracted by me! No one should grab it from Lao Tzu. Whoever grabs it, Lao Tzu will kill anyone!"
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