Chapter 31: Rectify

Early the next morning, Uncle Zhou broke out.
On the way to Kuronuma Village, Todd said that everyone in Kuronuma Village was tricky, cunning, mean, and selfish. But now Zhou Qingfeng feels that the people here are stupid, stupid hopeless.
"I'll make those dumbs pay!"
In order to get the start-up capital yesterday, Zhou Qingfeng, with the help of the old gnome Borg, sent someone to the Rubio warehouse to forcibly buy a batch of grain. He thought that the people in the village were unreliable, and arranged his hands to emphasize his discipline several times.
In the end, what these idiots said to Zhou Qingfeng was ‘left ear in, right ear out’, and they did n’t hear it at all. 'Forcible purchase' becomes 'forced robbery', and buying food becomes everything in the warehouse.
The robbery wasn't even a problem, but the dumb robbers stole things and moved back to their homes.
"Stealing things and daring to swallow them, where do I put Lao Tzu?"
Tolerable, unbearable!
After hearing this news, in addition to lamenting that the village is a group of people, Zhou Qingfeng can only be glad that he has prepared in advance. He also sent someone to call Rubio, who had suffered heavy losses, and asked him to emphasize his dignity and disposal in the village.
Rubio did his part, shouting his voice all night.
But those idiots pretended to be deaf and dumb, thinking that they would be fine if they were in their own homes. No one wants to surrender.
Alas, it's hard to save the ghost!
When the deadline came, Zhou Qingfeng ordered Rubio to lead the team to arrest people. In total, there were twelve idiots, all names and everything were recorded when they arranged the task yesterday, and one was accurate.
"I, as a fine man, a kind nobleman, came to save your degenerate village. Buying food from Rubio's warehouses is all about letting you all live a good life.
But now some people are greedy and stupid, even occupying what belongs to everyone. I will not save such stupid people, and I will not soften them. Those stupid acts harm everyone, so they must be punished. "
Zhou Qingfeng must mobilize before the operation. Although he knew that the group of guys he mobilized would not think well, but could make a difference, it was his instinctive consciousness to pull one faction against another. Not so enough to assert his authority.
The villagers of Heinuma Village did not understand any faction, but Zhou Qingfeng divided the original villagers into two in a few words. One is the good guy who obeys the order of His Excellency Hugo, the other is the bad guy who refuses to save and is willing to fall.
The villagers who were mobilized felt that they had a lot of people, and they all screamed with excitement when they heard that they were going to pack the ‘bad people’ who were eating alone.
Uncle Zhou once again emphasized that those who obey orders can be rewarded. Who dares to take it arbitrarily is a bad person who will be punished.
Ten minutes to mobilize, set off!
The village is small and the process of catching people is extremely easy. Twelve unlucky eggs were caught in his sleep. Several were still confused, not knowing why they were arrested, but only begging for forgiveness.
Yesterday, the excitement of killing the mud monsters made the whole village extremely enjoyable. Today, the excitement of catching people also made the villagers smile. Unconsciously, Rubio became Zhou Qingfeng's number one dog leg, proudly carrying twelve unlucky eggs 'walking the street'.
Heinuma Village has no street at all. It is a rotten dirt road with a large number of simple shacks on both sides. Twelve unlucky eggs were tied by a rope, and they bowed their heads in the mud.
Rubio held a whip in his hand, and from time to time he took a note of the bad guys, and then loudly proclaimed 'Hugo Hugo' punishment for these bad guys.
"These twelve people failed His Excellency Hugo's trust, violated His Order, and rejected His Hugo's rescue. From now on they will be relegated to slavery, and all the heavy work in the village will be done by them.
His Excellency Hugo said that the first job of these slaves was to dig another well for everyone in ten days to solve the plight of the villagers. In the future, anyone who dares to disobey His Excellency Hugo's order will be punished the same. "
When Zhou Qingfeng was short of breath last night, I wished to kill all those idiots. But when I wake up, I feel that Idiots cannot be forgiven so easily, and every labor must be used.
Heinuma Village is near the swamp, and it is not difficult to dig a well. In a village of more than 300 people, one well was not enough at all, and it would be good for everyone to dig another well. But in the past, no one was willing to suffer, and manpower could not be organized, so this well could not be dug out.
Human life requires comparison. Heinuma Village has had a hard time, but now some people are more bitter and unlucky. Everyone is relieved in their hearts, and they subconsciously recognize the authority of 'Hugo Hugo'.
Inadvertently, the village's law enforcement power fell into Zhou Qingfeng's hands.
After walking around the street for a long time, the people in the village knew the consequences of violating the order of His Excellency Hugo. The village life is distressed and lack of talks. Now everyone finally finds some entertainment activities and discusses the changes in the village in the past two days.
In various discussions, Rubio came to convey the new order of "Lord Hugo". Now that the Goblin passage in the Black Forest is blocked, Heinuma Village has no livelihood. Seeing that everyone was going to starve to death, the merciful Lord Hugo decided to recruit someone to rob.
At present there are only fifteen places, which require strong, loyal and fearless warriors. His Excellency Hugo promised to provide three meals a day to the recruits and take care of them.
Recruit warriors to rob?
The fast-skinned villagers feel inexplicable, and no one knows what to do with His Excellency Hugo? But now the village is indeed facing a life-and-death dilemma. Without foreign merchants coming to purchase goods, it won't be long before people without food have to die.
Just providing three meals a day is enough to make the villagers' eyes red. All of them hurried to the dwarf witch doctor's shack to accept the choice of His Excellency Hugo.
As a result, when the villagers rushed over, they were informed that the application was over, and fifteen "warriors" were full.
The so-called fifteen "warriors" are just unkempt villagers. At most, they took a bath last night and looked better. Zhou Qingfeng selected them from the patrol team organized last night, and the 'warriors' are having breakfast.
Freshly baked toast with only a third of the wood shavings in the flour and a bowl of salted mushroom soup for each person. Eating at this point is a top-quality meal, and I am a drool of many people. I feel that Lord Hugo is so kind.
The water around the dwarf witch doctor's shack was leaking. On the open space inside, fifteen 'warriors' were enjoying their breakfast with satisfaction. The envious glances of the onlookers of the villagers made them all flutter, and there was a kind of elevated status and the pleasure of being a superior.
Zhou Qingfeng came out of the shack and saw that his men were scattered and untidy, slumped, and immediately yelled, "Are you full? Starting from the spirit, we have to go out and act."
A group of temporary soldiers patched up together, and when they saw Zhou Qingfeng, they would only smile silly. Many of them are uncomfortable speaking, and their minds are full of mud. No way, everyone in the village looks stupid than the others.
Looking at these idiots in front of him, Zhou Qingfeng could only scold with his mouth, kick with his feet, use his whip, and then expect that one or two idiots with bright points in his mind would have the same probability as winning the five million prize.
"Well, I'm going to command such a group of people to fight, it's really hard!"
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