Chapter 314: Gossip

After taking a sip of the "Physical Elixir", Ouyang Jun was excited for two days and two nights. Suddenly, his original spirit was like a volcanic eruption, and even the amount of meals increased, the speed of speech increased, and the wind became completely personal.
It happened to be the weekend, and the ‘masters’ followed each other and sighed with admiration. Energetic and nowhere to release, they simply brought their respective laptops and accompanied Ouyang Jun to his residence to continue their discussions.
On the third day when Ouyang Jun was found, Su Mei came with a few temporary labor contracts and signed off several math graduates recommended by the ‘master ’s brothers’. There are also several software module outsourcing contracts, which will be signed after the architecture is determined.
Zhou Qingfeng's work often lacks details, but he has a simple chivalrous spirit. He has always given money generously, as long as he can complete the task, never hesitate. This is true in the other world, as well as in the real world.
In the digital construction of the magic system, Professor Zheng made the overall design. He borrowed the classification of natural sciences and established several first-level disciplines for the magic system. Such as magic and magic net, enchanted flora and fauna, magic history and so on.
The history of magic is mainly that Sophia is organizing the graphic materials in the "gate of true knowledge", completing electronic storage for easy retrieval, and also providing theoretical and practical foundations for the construction of other disciplines.
On the basis of the history of magic, Zhou Qingfeng and Professor Lao Zheng went from low to high, and tried to repeat the methods, experiments, and ideas that had been studied. By collecting data to verify its rationality, a set of rigorous theories can be prepared.
This set of rigorous theories was handed over to the team led by Ouyang Jun for digital simulation, and continued to deduce its follow-up possibilities, find the optimal solution, and in turn guide the further development of practice.
It is said that in the face of the voluminous material texts in the ‘Gate of True Knowledge’, Zhou Qingfeng and others would not be able to complete this work. As if he had similar ideas before, but even with Sophia's help, the progress was basically zero.
However, fortunately or unfortunately, ‘Gate of Truth’ records about 25,000 years of Phelan history and technological development. But for some unknown reason, the civilizations of all wise races are constantly reincarnation.
If every Feren civilization can develop fortunately from 3,000 to 5,000 years, it will basically flourish and decline, and the knowledge and technology it creates will be annihilated because it cannot be passed on, waiting to restart again.
The magic technology of constant reincarnation seems relatively simple and crude, yet it is impossible to build an extremely complicated and intersecting system like modern science. It is similar to the framework of Newton's classical physics, and it is still understandable for slightly smarter people.
When Ouyang Jun's team appeared, professional people did professional work, focusing on the digital reconstruction of 'Arcane and Runes' under 'Magic and Magic Net'. This is Zhou Qingfeng's most comprehensive outside discipline.
However, the categories of "Arcane and Runes" to be researched are still too large, and we must continue to refine and reduce the workload. Zhou Qingfeng hopes to study the "alchemy" and "dead spirit" in the eight major arcane schools, and reconstruct it from zero-level tricks.
However, Professor Lao Zheng made a clear objection, "Let's look at the long run and study the runes. From the current situation, the root of magic is based on the ever-changing runes. I hope to find the bottom-level 'source rune'.
The "source symbol" is the existence of countless arcanist ideas. Just like the ancient Greek scholars put forward the "atomic theory", thinking that everything is composed of atoms. But it was clear that humans could not observe atoms more than 2,000 years ago.
In the huge amount of data of the "gate of truth", the Arcanist has discovered more than 10 billion different arcane runes in the past 20,000 years. But they soon decided that these should be called 'rune groups', and there should be a simpler 'source rune'.
The arcane runes recorded in the ancient evil words are very simple, which makes Professor Zheng's research on magic progress very fast. But that's still not a 'source rune', it's just a more refined 'rune group', which is close to the bottom.
"Humans have 23 chromosomes, more than 20,000 genes, and about 31.6 billion base pairs. But what are the types of base pairs? There are only four.
This world of ever-changing creatures is difficult to describe the differences among human beings. The root lies in the four base pairs. Then there are several "source symbols" that constitute a complicated magic system? I guess not too much. "
The words of the old professor belong to Gao Jianjian, the most basic and difficult research direction. Zhou Qingfeng endorsed the other's point of view, because he was not an ancient Greek more than 2,000 years ago, nor was he an obscure alien master in a state of obscurity.
"We have a computer and image recognition technology, and we can find the" source rune "that constitutes its roots from the complex rune groups." Zhou Qingfeng immediately asked Sophia to prioritize the content of runes in the "gate of truth."
"In the past, we reversed and used trial and error to find a more efficient rune combination to cast. But if we master the" source rune ", we can design forward and construct the most efficient way to use magic."
This glorious and great task fell on Ouyang Jun's head. The first thing his new team did was find a way to simplify the decomposition of the ever-changing runes and find the most basic structure.
Ouyang Jun needs to design a set of special image recognition software to deal with the huge patterns transmitted by Zhou Qingfeng.
These patterns are often messy, with strange images, unknown meanings, and even three-dimensional structures. Just like complex compounds with molecular weights of tens of thousands, it is not easy to figure out the basic structure.
At this time, the ancient evil texts provided by the descendants of the worm "Mongol" once again contributed. Because the runes recorded in it are the simplest. It is easier to analyze it first, and then analyze the others.
But within a few days, Ouyang Jun called Zhou Qingfeng, "Boss, you have given too many images, and the tasks to be accounted for require a lot of calculations. My server here has insufficient computing power and needs to strengthen the equipment."
There are tens of thousands to millions of servers. Where can Uncle Zhou buy it? He can only say, "Buy cloud computing power, you don't want to buy me equipment for your own money."
Although it is only a third-rate programmer, Zhou Qingfeng is clear about Ouyang Jun's routine. He said that the `` cloud server '' is a computing power rental service provided by large operators on the network. Its physical price is tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, but computing power purchase is very cheap.
Ouyang Jun was unable to do anything, and gave birth to another. "Boss, the computing power of the cloud server is a little bit worse, otherwise we should simply apply for a" super-computing "operation license. Spend a small amount of money to do something big."
"Super calculation"? That's a billion-dollar gadget that requires a team of hundreds or thousands of people to build and maintain. It can be created and used. All of them are super-computing, and they also sell computing power to the outside world.
‘Supercomputing’ is strong. It takes one second to do the work for 10,000 years. But Zhou Qingfeng wasn't stupid, he just stumbled back, "Ouyang Jun, do you know how to write a program that runs on" supercomputer "?"
"Well, we can expand our organization, strengthen our team, and work hard to learn."
"Enough, I can't wait for you to expand the compilation. The network cloud server is very good. Choose a 64-core 128g pu for batch calculations and engineering applications. It will cost tens of thousands a year. Programming is easy."
Zhou Qingfeng rejected the demands of his staff for funding, and resolutely used the cloud server. Ouyang Jun could only die. He found an open source image recognition kernel from the Internet and led a small team to make targeted modifications.
Just two weeks later, the rune recognition program uploaded a large number of original photo galleries, and the cloud server began to calculate. After only two days, the results returned.
This is the only pioneering initiative of ancient times!
The world of swords and magic took 20,000 to 30,000 years. Numerous Arcanist Hao had poor sutras, meditation and anxiety, even the gods could not master, and the mysteries of the source symbols could not be uncovered, which were Zhou Qingfeng and Ouyang Jun. It's done in the fun.
This is a world-breaking event with great significance. It is like making a word in a barnyard, dividing civilization and ignorance, light and darkness. A total of eight basic 'source symbols' were revealed to the world, which meant that humans began to recognize the subtle structure of magic.
Zhou Qingfeng nicknamed the eight 'source symbols' as 'gossip' ...
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