Chapter 327: Against

"Dalit, what's your name?" The proud knight looked down on horseback.
The humble lancer had a quiet voice. "Master, I don't have a name. Ms. Hilly taught us how to read and named me Alpha."
"Hahaha ..., Alpha? Who would take such a strange name? Is anyone still called Beta?"
"Yes, someone in our team is called Beta. But he is dead, and died in the siege of acidophilic ants during the process of exploring the elven ruins following His Excellency Hugo. I also survived that battle and was lucky to survive. "
The conversation came to a halt, and Harding on horseback was in a bad mood. He faced the soldiers with a superior mentality. But when he knew that this humble untouchable soldier had gone to the elven ruins and confronted the acidophilus ants, his face was not very good.
Anyone who dares to face a strong enemy deserves respect. Even if Harding didn't admit it, he felt a little tricky.
Damn Victor Hugo, who are he? Pulling a pariah out casually, even had an unusual experience.
Guardian soldiers called Alpha are not good-looking, neither tall nor strong. He wears an iron helmet, leather armor and a spear. From the infantry's point of view, this is already quite luxurious equipment. Behind him, several similar soldiers followed.
"My name is Gamma." "My name is Delta." "My name is Sigma." "My name is Omega."
"Master, we are all pariahs in your mouth, originally without a name. Now we hope to use your blood to rectify ourselves."
A total of five infantrymen came up, humble, nervous, but indifferent. This indifference is not only indifference to his own life, but also contempt for the power and wealth, the eyes look like the hunter is watching the prey.
The Harding knight on his horse waved his whip and was furious, "Bastard, you dare to look directly at me?"
No, this is not a direct problem.
The problem is that the five untouchable soldiers have the courage to stand up, cross the usual impassable identity gap, and regard the noble master as their prey, as their stepping stones.
They are ambitious, they rebel and resist, they are brave and fearless. When power and interests were concentrated in the hands of a very small number of people, they stood out in humility, preparing to fight with a fight for their fate.
"Dear Master, since we stood up, we never thought of going back. Either die or win, there is no other way to choose."
Alpha stabbed his spear, bended his knees in one step, pressed the spear forward, and sternly shouted, "We are a fighting group, advance and retreat together. Please die with us!"
The five guard spearmen shouted in unison, the action of pressing down the spear was coordinated, and the spears pointed at the opposite Knight Master. This skilful action triggered a frantic shout, and the guard soldiers behind the array were cheering.
The duel was silent inside and outside, and everyone watching the battle secretly shuddered. Most of them are civilians and even pariahs. It is too much to see the master on a weekday, let alone hold a weapon to launch a siege to the master.
Also trembling were those Coldwind Knights who followed the city. They were angry, fearful, and anxious, and there were clearly only five worthless opponents in front of them. But they felt greatly humiliated and threatened.
With a cold heart, His Excellency Lehman suddenly shouted, "In the name of the Judge of the Cold Wind City, I declared this duel to be more deceitful. Any untouchable who dares to challenge the authority of the aristocracy will be executed."
Hearing this sentencing, more than thirty knight masters of the Cold Wind City clamored for action, and they must immediately launch a siege on the Dalit soldiers who challenged. But without waiting for how much they moved, a thunderous low-pitched shock rang out of thin air.
Zhou Qingfeng rode on 'Shengying' and flanked, "In my eyes, all beings and so on. The soldiers who join my Majesty are no longer pariahs. You have the freedom to challenge and we have the freedom to stand up and fight.
I think this duel is very legal. Anyone who interferes with the duel is against me, and I will deal with it mercilessly. Now, you either give up or ask for mercy, or fight for victory! "
Uncle Zhou was strong in town, and one person was worth a hundred people. He stood out, and the guard cavalry naturally surrounded him, forming a great power. The people in the Bailai area were so slack and stagnant.
When Lehman saw this, he couldn't help it anymore, so he turned to look at Marbury. He was also annoyed that Zhou Qingfeng sent a few untouchable soldiers to fight his own knight, but he was even darker and the unruly powers finally kicked the iron plate.
The whole duel was provoked by Lehman. Harding also accepted the challenge of the untouchable soldiers. The shelf was so high that the steps were difficult to pass. Waiting for Zhou Qingfeng to make it clear that Marbury would not see anything.
Harding looked around and found no one to say a few words for himself. Even the deputy city leader Lehman lost his momentum, but instead persuaded: "Hardin, you have to rush it once. Just a few untouchables, one shock can be defeated and kill them."
That's right! Those dalits usually scrambled to see the impact of war horses, how could they withstand the might of the noble knight master?
Harding gritted his teeth and agreed to the duel. The ground quickly spread out and turned into a circle of 100 meters in diameter. Each side has its own head and is ready to fight.
At this moment, the city walls are full of people, and the inside and outside of the circle are leaking, and there are at least thousands of spectators at the scene. In order to deal with the Dalit's spear infantry, the Harding Cavaliers specially borrowed a horse armor from their companions, while wearing light armor to maintain flexibility.
Harding made himself a heavy cavalry, and the scene was a boo again. Everyone knows that the spearman on the opposite side is difficult to break the defense of the horse armor. Look at Harding covering his mount's eyes, and some people whispered ...
This clearly shows that he is going to bully people and hit the array of five light armored spearmen.
Regarding the number of people on the scene, Lehman and other powerful people only had more than thirty. Most of the others are at the bottom and sympathize with the weak. But no one dares to say it clearly, and can only hope that the infantry of a few untouchables can do wonders.
Kelly leaned next to Zhou Qingfeng, "Hey, Victor, wouldn't you help your idiots?"
"They are not stupid, they are already very brave, very brave." Zhou Qingfeng whispered: "But I don't plan to take a shot, anyway, to let those novices feel the power of real heavy riding."
Feel the power of heavy riding?
Kelly said dismissively: "Then some of your guards are white, and they will be knocked apart."
The Harding Cavaliers are ready to go. Vice City Lord Lehman still felt insecure. Victor Hugo on the opposite side was scheming. His men must not be so simple, so he had a scroll defense for Harding.
Harding looked down, and it turned out to be an 'acceleration' scroll, worth a lot of gold coins. In order to protect his face, His Excellency Lehman also put some capital into it-heavy riding with ‘acceleration’ is even more powerful!
On the side of Zhou Qingfeng, Xi Li also came up and asked, "Victor, shouldn't you really let the five guards play against each other? They managed to complete half a year of training, and any loss is unacceptable."
"Well ... I think about it." Zhou Qingfeng remained unmoved. "In fact, a strong opponent with insight and insight is conducive to opening up horizons, and it is also conducive to inspiring the will and vitality of forging ahead.
Hilly sank her face. "When they die, do you want to inspire their bodies?"
The five spearmen such as Alpha simply lined up and moved forward slowly. The Harding Knight on the opposite side put down his mask, grabbed an extra-long lance, pulled the reins gently, pressed the speed, and the horseshoe rushed up ...
"Dalit, your arrogance is coming to an end!"
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