Chapter 347: Again garbage

Before Enessa came, the work of city management was lost to Father Zheng and Sophia. Compared with the old long-legged people who gave orders in the past to rely on their own relatives and slaves, Shengguang Network directly connected to individuals, and the efficiency was greatly improved.
Zhou Qingfeng has no interest in management trivia. He arranged Hidden servants to recuperate the long-legged mansion from a few vacant rooms, and he moved in to serve as a bedroom, office, and testing ground, and continued to study the magic net.
The demon net can absorb the dispelled magic power and perform energy conversion, supporting the wizard and other casters to use arcane spells. Different levels of magic nets have different absorption efficiencies. High-level wizards obviously have access to higher-level magic nets.
After Zhou Qingfeng became an alchemist, he could connect the first level of the ubiquitous magic net at the level of consciousness. Going further now, without understanding the operation law of the first-level magic net, he moved the entire first-level magic net into his body.
The advantage of this is that even if the goddess of heaven cuts off the connection between Zhou Qingfeng and the magic net, he can cast the spell himself. As long as he has enough energy, he can release low-level tricks and first-level arcane infinitely.
Of course, energy does not come out of thin air, and free magic is not enough. This is the root of the wizard's spell limit.
The casters of the other world have long been accustomed to this restriction, but for Zhou Qingfeng from the real world-there is not enough energy, so think of a way to do more. The first thing he thought of was electric, thermal, and chemical energy in the real world.
But the first-level magic net has no response to the energy of the real world, and it seems to only work on objects from outside. So after walking around, the problem fell on the lava.
The temperature of liquid magma can reach 1,300 baidus, and the temperature of solid lava is low, which is about 7 or 8 baidus. The energy contained in a millstone-sized lava rock is equivalent to more than ten degrees of electricity.
Zhou Qingfeng always wanted to use the energy in the lava, but he never thought that the magic net was doing this job. At this moment there were a few hot lava stones on his proving ground, but he didn't proceed.
The magic goddess would never be happy if she knew someone was touching her exclusive territory. What's more, the evil Shirek stayed in Zhou Qingfeng's body, and he didn't want to disclose to the other party the secret that he possessed the first-level magic net.
Wasting a day, and fell asleep again at night. Zhou Qingfeng's consciousness sank into the information network, linking to the abyss of Mei Daisi, asked the succubus for a few lava stones, and sent them directly to the real world through the channel of time and space television, avoiding the spying of the evil god.
This time, a rune infused into the first-level magic net from the "tears of the emperor" from a different world. This top piece of jewellery really drew heat from the lava rock automatically.
Zhou Qingfeng's consciousness penetrated into the rune of 'The Emperor's Tears' and controlled the type of energy conversion-converting thermal energy into negative energy.
The dark-haired, bright gem seemed to absorb light, making the underground laboratory suddenly dark, only it was emitting a shimmer. After about a quarter of an hour, the lava rock, which was able to continue to dissipate for a whole day, became cold.
The 'tears of the emperor' seems to be soaked in ink, it turns from the original black light to the deep. Zhou Qingfeng does not dare to touch this strange jewelry at random now, only Professor Zheng, who is the same as it, can hold it in his hand.
"We succeeded," the old professor whispered, "This gem has about 250 negative peak energy stored in it, but this is far below its storage limit, less than one percent, but enough. Unleash Level 5 Arcane of the Necromancy. "
"Less than one percent? The storage capacity of this thing is too strong."
"Yeah. After all, it is the top gem that can be used to release the nine-level arcane." The old man was very happy holding the "tears of the emperor", "I'm going to experiment."
What test?
Father Zheng cried out of the underground laboratory. Outside the laboratory is the Niutou Mountain garbage dump, which is currently late at night. In the sealed shed of the dump, thousands of hidden servants and ghosts are sorting garbage.
When Zhou Qingfeng hurried over, I saw the old man uniting thousands of hermits and ghosts, driven by the negative energy in the "tears of the emperor", and immersed in the garbage mountain as a whole-just like boiling water Like boiling.
Let's cook!
A lot of was bubbling and rumbling. Plastic, scrap iron, sand, stones, glass, all kinds of messy things fly around.
Zhou Qingfeng was frightened and quickly looked around, for fear of revealing the secrets of the garbage dump-if during the day, such a big movement can be felt even by blind people.
Sophia flew out of Zhou Qingfeng's body, and asked strangely, "What is this, Father?"
"How do I know what he is doing?" Zhou Qingfeng was running around, making sure that no outsiders were around the dump. When he ran back, he saw the churning garbage sorting in the chaos.
A pile of ragged clothes, a pile of waste paper, a glass stone waste plastic and so on are well organized. The junk mountain that the old man rushed in had a dozen cubic meters less, which was far more efficient than before.
After a while of work, the old man flew back with a laugh, "I knew I would succeed. This is my latest integrated immersion garbage classification method.
The so-called 'unity is strength'. The strength of a hidden servant is still too weak, but the strength of a thousand hidden servants cannot be underestimated. Did you see it? Just a while later, at least ten tons of garbage was sorted.
In this way, as long as the negative energy supply is up, processing 10,000 tons a day is not a problem. There is finally hope for garbage disposal in our country. We have solved a worldwide difficult problem.
This is a technique I personally researched, and I named it ‘Trash Buster’. What do you think? "
Uh ..., it doesn't seem very good.
Ten thousand tons a day, this sounds good. The Niutoushan garbage dump is hundreds of thousands of tons, which can be cleaned up in two months, which is indeed a remarkable achievement. Zhou Qingfeng can also obtain almost unlimited soul crystal and life colloid. But he still pulls the old man ...
"Calm, calm. Father, I'm actually not so interested in being a junk guy. The faster we deal with it, the more attention we get. By that time, no charm technique will be useful, and people all over the world will stare. Hold us. "
Mr. Zheng was furious. "Young people, how can you be so fearful? As long as your thinking is not slipping, the solution is more difficult than difficult. Do you know how serious the waste disposal problem facing our country is now?
The country now produces 300 million tons of garbage every year, two-thirds of cities are surrounded by garbage, and one-fourth of them have no landfill. If we don't handle the garbage well, sooner or later we will become garbage.
Waste disposal is a neglected but extremely important task. Gong is in the present age, which is good for all generations. For the sake of future generations to have drool, to have plots of land and a home to survive, we should shoulder our responsibilities. "
The old man is ‘Old Man Fu Xi, Aiming for Thousands of Miles’, and even if he becomes an undead, he still retains his passion. Zhou Qingfeng was criticized by him for standing on the moral high ground. After the approval, he urged him to ask the succubus for some lava stones.
Uncle Zhou looked at the Trash Mountain, and his sad face was filled with the word 'bitterness'. This garbage mountain was originally intended to take a year to clean up. Now if it is reduced to two months, the revenue will increase several times, but the trouble will increase hundreds of times.
One green crystal a day, or one green crystal every ten days, this temptation is also very great. Zhou Qingfeng hesitated to come and hesitated, feeling that he would fill up the "tears' emperor's tears" first-energy, the more the better.
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