Chapter 354: Enemy meeting

When Zhou Qingfeng stepped up his preparations in the cold wind city, an exhausted horse team was also stepping on the heavy steps and slowly entering the gate of the female monster castle.
Under the guard of seven or eight family knights and attendants, Mabri, wrapped in a tattered cloak, had a long-legged look at the largest city in the north.
Zhou Qingfeng encouraged the riots to sweep through the cold wind city, and the fate of the nobles in the city was fleeing in one blow. Some nobles gathered outside the city and wanted to counterattack, but they heard the news that the old long leg was defeated and died.
Before the decisive battle, the old long legs arranged for his son to evade. Marbury. Long-legged ran to the Wizard's Tower for help but was refused. He could only gather some fugitive nobles, and desperately proceeded to the Banshee Fortress.
On the way, the food was sleepless, not to mention, and it was constantly attacked by hungry people. The security of the entire Northland is not good. Marbury only got some relief in a few larger cities along the way, and incidentally the news of Coldwind City being taken by the mob was reported.
This is the first time in 50 years that a mob has succeeded in seizing the city, causing a anger in the entire aristocratic system. On the way from Marbury, there were many city owners who took pictures of their chests and said that they would help the long-legged family to restore, and they must not tolerate untouchables.
It's just as easy to shoot a breast as a guarantee, but it is difficult for all forces to unite. Marbury had not been able to borrow a single soldier, and now he can only come to Banshee Fort to try his luck. As soon as he entered the city, he went to the house of the Phils family.
Standing under the high wall of Phils's house, Marbury held his head like a mourning dog. The servant helped him off the horse, and he throbbed a few legs. After the briefing was completed, a housekeeper stepped out of his nose and asked scornfully ...
"Long-legged family?"
Marbury heard a anger in his heart, but he could only hold back the response: "I'm Marbury, with long legs, come to see His Excellency Louis Phils."
The servants of the big family have a sense of pride. The steward held his hands and motioned for Marbury to follow. The latter left the family knights and servants, walked into the beautiful spire house of Phils's house, and stopped outside a parlor.
There was a lot of people sitting inside the hall door. Without waiting for Marbury to see the environment inside, someone suddenly got out of his seat and yelled at him. He was strangled by the visitors, and thumped to the ground, breathing hard to die.
The servants hurried up and pulled, and there were several angry growls. When Marbury finally managed to catch his breath, I saw Leiman, the former deputy Lord of the Cold Wind City, kicking and scolding himself, pulled away by the servants and unable to approach.
Unexpectedly, the two powerful men of Cold Wind City entered to meet again in Nuborg Castle. At this moment, the deputy city lord, his face has changed greatly, and his original fat body has lost a lot of weight.
Lehman yelled loudly: "Your long-legged people have problems with your brain. Your father is stupid like a pig. He actually thought of using outsiders to deal with me. But what's the benefit of killing me? What's my trial benefit?
A troublemaker has taken advantage of a group of pariahs, and you have been driven out of Coldwind City and have lost everything. Now that everyone is finished, your family is being played by a group of barbarians from the Black Forest, which is a shame for the aristocracy. "
Lehman was just an ordinary man with noble status, but the two strong servants couldn't hold him back.
Marbury stunned at the roar, and the depression that built up in his heart also erupted. He also yelled, "The people in our long-legged family are stupid, aren't you guys in Lehman's family stupid?
How could you have Victor Hugo looking for a chance if you had not challenged the aristocracy in the city against my father? If you do n’t sell food and force the untouchables in the city to die, they will naturally jump out of the riot?
If only Victor Hugo had less than a hundred people, how could he succeed in driving us all out? All this is your fault. Why blame us for our long legs? "
"Your long-legged family did not sell food to those pariahs. Your long-legged family still wanted to resist the rule of the Phils family. Your father also wanted to gather the cities in the north to suppress the Phils family. This is all you Caused by greed. "
Both sides tore their faces and blasted each other's black materials. The scene in the parlour was out of control for a while, until a chill raged and froze the quarreling couple.
At the top of the living room, little Phils blinked with ice, and stared indifferently at the two dogs. Marbury and Lehman then calmed down, bowed their heads like pitiful worms, and trembled as they listened.
"It's sad." Little Phils was sitting on a chair like an ice sculpture. He didn't want to look at the two of them, and said lowly, "He is a hereditary northern nobleman, but he quarrels like a street vixen . "
Many people sat on either side of the long table in the parlour, staring silently at the ugly Marbury and Lehman. On the right-hand side of Little Phils, the legendary wizard Bank coughed for a while and motioned to the other side to say, "Powell, what did you just talk about?"
Zhou Qingfeng's "Old Friend", a former saintly warrior of justice, is now a member of the "Women Knights" and the adopted son of the worm descendant "Mongol". Powell Jr. is standing on the side of the round table.
Seeing the subject returning to himself again, the young man hurriedly whispered and bowed, "Everyone, I want to introduce Warren and Samurai Warrior. They have all played against the demons in the Black Forest.
The previous operation against the demon failed, and the Warren paladin had to travel south for help. This time he returned again, his strength is better than ever, and he will definitely play a greater role in the battle of demons. "
Warren, who had once fought with Zhou Qingfeng, is back, and the paladin of the of justice stands up and nods slightly to everyone present. Compared with before, he is now more instrumental and extraordinary, and he is very impressive at first glance.
Everyone present paid tribute to Warren, apparently very satisfied with this helper.
Warren sat down and Powell went on to introduce, "This is His Excellency Robin, from the Duchy of Oss in the South. This is His Excellency Martin, the craftsman and the priest of the of forging.
They are here to present an extraordinary set of forging machines, which is the 'Gund's Hammer' which has disappeared in history. This is a set of blessing machinery, which is the perfect combination of powerful power and exquisite design. "
Two more people stood in front of the long table. They took out a complicated set of design drawings from the metal cylinders they carried, and held solemnly to the first little Phils.
The design drawings are spread out, and they are very powerful at first glance, very high-end and very mysterious. Because it is either straight lines or intersecting arcs, and labels and numbers that no one can understand.
Coupled with the words 'disappeared in history' and 'Gunde's Hammer', the curiosity of everyone here immediately aroused great curiosity. Everyone stretched their necks, trying to get a glimpse of it, but couldn't understand it.
There are dozens of design drawings, all of which are very finely drawn. This is very different from the metaphysical patterns that everyone usually sees, and it is even more compelling.
Little Phils looked down, nodded heavily, and looked at Robin and Martin with drawings in a very approving expression. Powell said, "This equipment can be used to significantly improve the efficiency and quality of forging.
A set of 'Gund's Hammer' is worth one hundred excellent blacksmiths. However, the confidential equipment passed to the Gond Church was very expensive. One set requires 1,500 gold coins. "
When the number of 1,500 was reported, Powell lowered his voice and carefully watched his lord's face. He is always ready to add ‘this price is actually negotiable. ’
But when Phils heard that it was worthy of a hundred excellent blacksmiths, he immediately clapped and said, "I need two sets of this kind of machine given by the gods."
Wow ... Bowelton was so upset that he thought he would get at least five hundred coins.
Robin and Martin even laughed, praising His Excellency Little Phils loudly and with great ambitions. At a glance, he saw the great value of this high-end equipment, which is really intelligent and powerful.
In the end, Powell pointed to the end of the long table. But before he spoke, a man in a black robe sitting at the corner of the table introduced himself with a dumb voice. "Only obey Bann. My name is Siwei You, a priest of tyranny."
Everyone changed colors, feeling that Uncle Zhou's enemies were gathered in this room.
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