Chapter 357: Small scale chopper

Lorraine was the second group to arrive in Cold Wind City. This time, about 300 people left the Black Forest by carriage. Everyone is very angry, and they are talking about the good life in the future.
Accompanied by the "red" acidophilic ants. More than two thousand large ants acted as porters, slowly scooping out the equipment of the forging plant. Including forging machines and windmills, all are bulky and bulky.
The ability of acidophilic ants to carry can not be underestimated, and the synergy is even better. With a large wooden board placed on hundreds of ants as a platform, the forging machine can be transported as a whole without disassembly.
Lorraine looked at such wonders all the way to her destination, but before she took a break, an officer came to call and called out the city main government's order to follow her.
"Going to war?" Lorraine was startled, nervous and helpless. "Have you made a mistake, my Excellency? I am a civilian and do not participate in combat operations."
What officer, civilian, is also the management system developed by Uncle Zhou. When he returned from Banshee Fortress, he got a lot of cloth. The first thing he did was to cut uniforms for people in his system.
There is no concept of uniforms at all in other worlds. If you have money, you can wear them well. But Zhou Qingfeng has a paranoid hobby for neatness, everything from rules and regulations to behavior and even eating and drinking Lazar.
When departing for Cold Wind City, the guards and guards wore uniform military uniforms. This has a fairly obvious effect on fostering a sense of honor and cohesion. Distinguishing the evolution of the enemy from observing the banner to watching uniforms is also a great improvement.
The army has uniforms, and civilians have uniforms. Grades can be divided from uniforms, and stratums can be distinguished at a glance. Being able to wear the uniform issued by His Excellency Hugo is a sign of success in Harmony Village. There is a penalty for messing with clothes.
Lorraine has her own trainee uniform, indicating her separation from the civilian class. When an officer came to call, she felt that something must have been wrong. Civilian personnel are not involved in military operations.
"Eve Lorraine, you were assigned to the City Division's Statistics Section and seconded to our Fifth Action Team. You can confirm this order with the Holy Light." The officer insisted.
Calling the light, Lorraine confirmed that the officer's words were correct. She could only show her obedience, hurriedly boarded several other modified carriages, and ran to the battlefield before entering the city.
Fifth Operation Team, consisting of five guard cavalry and fifty guard infantry, plus several modified heavy-duty carriages. Veterans and recruits in the team were mixed, without much training, and the team was not very tidy.
Lorraine is both civilian and female, and can sit on a carriage. After she joined, she learned that the team was going to attack some of the noble territories near Hanfeng City. Most of these nobles fled from the city, and it was extremely necessary to clear them.
"What is my mission?"
"Responsible for post-war inventory."
"Are you sure you can win?"
"Hahaha, we can definitely win." The morale of the action team is extremely high, and the cavalry and infantry have a good desire to fight. They carried weapons and guided men, traveling all the way out.
The long-legged family was overthrown, many nobles of Coldwind City died, and many fled. Zhou Qingfeng would not be able to rid them in person, and his integrated army would be of great use.
Although these teams are still immature, their backbones are more reliable. As long as there are veterans, the progress of recruits will be fast. As for those who are not fast enough, they are naturally eliminated cruelly.
Only half a day after departure, Lorraine's Fifth Action Team arrived at a small Knights Manor. The owner of the manor apparently was on high alert in the near future, and when he found strange teams approaching, the alarm bell rang immediately inside the manor.
This small manor has very poor economic conditions. It can only afford one or two combatants, and the rest are servants and serfs.
A few heads popped out of the wall of the manor, someone was shouting angrily ‘the barbarian in the Black Forest, get away. There are five heavy crossbows on my fence, enough to shoot through your armor. ’
The action team was more than two hundred meters from the manor, and the shouts on the wall could not be heard at all. But several heavy crossbows aimed at the wall made it clear. Everyone knows that the enemy will not surrender obediently, but the guard officer just laughed at it.
Lorraine leaned out of the carriage and saw that her side had no intention of directly impacting the wall of the manor. The infantry lifted a tarpaulin covered by a carriage, exposing a heavy metal crossbow inside.
"The idiots are staying here, let them see who's more powerful crossbow." As soon as the guard officer waved, a guard veteran directed several recruits to operate this novel and powerful weapon.
Lorraine has seen the heavy crossbow on the wall, which are all big guys who are not easy to move. They have huge, heavy bases and long wooden crossbow arms. Although powerful, the heavy crossbow is obviously not convenient to carry with the army.
But this heavy crossbow is completely different. It is fixed on the carriage and can be removed and dragged if necessary. Its volume is also small, the crossbow arm is forged from metal, and the human force cannot be pulled at all, and it must be turned by a ratchet.
This complicated machine requires a fairly high level of forging and assembly, and the tolerances between parts are high. The average blacksmith can't do this job. But its power is no worse than the large crossbow on the wall.
The two guarded recruits turned the ratchets with the force of feeding, and the metal crossbow arms began to bend. A large crossbow of an iron arrow stuck in the chute of a heavy crossbow. Guard veterans are responsible for aiming and fine-tuning the crossbow's crosshair direction.
During this period, several shots came from the wall of the manor. It's just that the distance is too far, the shooting is not accurate, and the strength is weak.
Colin was listening to the opponent's crossbow across his head, and was scared enough. After a while, the guard veteran who operated the heavy metal crossbow stepped on the launch pedal, the curved crossbow arm released potential energy, and the articulated metal crossbow shot the crossbow.
The buzzing vibration of the metal crossbow arm sounded scary. Lorraine was close and felt his heart tremble. I saw a thick crossbow whistling out, crossing a distance of more than two hundred meters at a very fast speed, and finally became a small spot.
The landing point is too small to be seen. Lorraine didn't figure out how to hit or miss, but she soon heard the rattle of the ratchet pulling the crossbow arm. The wounded soldiers were replaced by two, because the current soldiers only joined the army, and their strength was very weak.
After several rounds of shooting like this, Lorraine thought that the battle would continue so. The manor on the other side suddenly lowered the suspension bridge, opened the gate, and rushed out dozens of people.
Really shabby.
The man in charge was probably the man himself, and he rode on his own. He was followed by servants like his son, and serfs holding dung forks. Even Lorraine now knew that the battle was too childish, and the opponent was defeated.
The five guard cavalry of the action team, together with the commanding officer, rushed up. The other side was still screaming for a fair duel, so they were cut down by two swords.
Several bright silver lights appeared on the battlefield, and the manor of the manor was not bad. With one to two, it's just a horse falling under the hard resistance. He jumped quickly after landing and continued to fight with his sword. But another guard cavalry pinched again.
It is not fair for cavalry to strike a single infantry. Not to mention the left and right pinch. There is no absolute strength advantage. Only Lorraine, a dead end, quickly sees splashing blood and the flying head.
The serfs who had rushed out of the manor had already turned around and ran away, while the manor of the manor surrendered to his knees and surrendered. This is a completely asymmetric battle. The so-called aristocracy is no more.
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