Chapter 359: Counterattack

Shortly after dawn, the enemy seemed to jump out of the darkness.
The soldier in charge of the whistle squatted against the wall of the manor and saw a dark shadow shaking not far away. He carelessly volleyed an arrow and responded with a scream.
This scream was a signal. More people jumped out of the hazy mist, and even the knight sprinted to death. The sentry could only yell and call on his companions to help.
Before and after dawn, it was the worst period for sentry vigilance. There were too many recruits in the Fifth Action Team. After hearing the shout, the response was slower than half a beat. Seeing that the fence could not be kept, the army officer rushed out of the main castle of the manor and called for his personnel to retreat.
The villages and towns in the north are all fortified, with fortresses and walls. Even if he was a rundown knight, he also built a wooden castle in his manor for accommodation and defense.
The wooden fort has been stockpiled with food and drinking water for at least five or six days, and narrow and solid perforations and observation windows have been repaired. The humble houses around the wooden castle are where the servants live, belonging to facilities that can be abandoned at any time.
Lorraine can write a rare civilian staff, living on the second floor of the wooden castle. She heard the warning shout and immediately got up and looked out the window.
The window of the room is only as big as a human head, but at least dozens of people's shadows can still be seen outside the mansion. The enemy came too suddenly, and the number was particularly large, like locusts.
"Holy Light, my name is Eve Lorraine. My Fifth Action Team was attacked on Target Manor No. 18. There are a lot of enemies. We have abandoned the outer wall and retreated to the main castle. Request for support."
Lorraine grabbed a piece of clothing and put it on, picked up the short knife for self-defense from the bed, and hurried out of the room, down the stairs to the ground floor.
On the ground floor of the main castle is the large living room. The sentry was withdrawn from the outside, and the main force of the action team climbed up. The leading officer grabbed the sword and stood at the door and shouted, "Don't panic, the Holy Light is with us. Hold on for a meal and support will come."
In the event of a surprise attack, the will of the resistance is key. Let the soldiers understand that it is not necessary to be in a desperate situation. Sofia's communication limit is 2,500, but at this moment she will focus on Lorraine's Fifth Action Team.
When the little girl's sweet voice came directly to her head, the panic of Action Team 5 was quickly brought under control. Dozens of people are calm or panic, and a lot of information is directly summarized into Sofia. The little girl comprehensively evaluates the information and feeds it back to them.
Lorraine soon received instructions from the "Holy Light" to instruct civilians not to directly intervene in the fighting. The second-line personnel in the organization team served as logistics, located the medical box, opened up a safe area, and prepared to accept the wounded.
The leading officers also received the information from the "Holy Light" and based on the sentinel information, the enemy surrounded you on the manor with a number of not less than two hundred. Support will take an hour to arrive at the earliest, ready to fight a tough battle.
People gathered, basically no loss. The main area of ​​the manor is very small, and dozens of troops are sufficient. The doors to the lower living room were blocked and the infantry guarded the lower windows. Leading officers climbed to the top floor of the third floor of the main fort to control the overall situation.
In the face of the enemy attack, everyone was very flustered and nervous. However, the existence of backbone veterans has played a very exemplary role. The message sent by Sofia through the Internet has kept the team's basic combat effectiveness.
With the grey sky looking out from the top loft, there were far more than two hundred enemies from the manor's walls. Lorraine looked out of the window on the second floor, and she was screaming when she was scared.
The enemy was holding the banner of the Long Legged Family in the Cold Wind City, and the number was more than five hundred. Obviously, it was a counterattack organized by aristocrats. They are not eyeing the Fifth Action Team temporarily, but they have carefully selected their targets.
Lorraine was reporting her discovery to the "Holy Light", and heard chaotic footsteps and breathing coming from the bottom. More than a dozen infantrymen dismantled the heavy metal crossbow yesterday, ready to be carried to a three-story attic.
In accordance with Zhou Qingfeng's "Field Operations Regulations", the leading officers must store the combat readiness materials carried by the action team in a strong fort. Horses and carts can be thrown out, weapons and ammunition must be loaded and unloaded.
The recruits of the action team originally felt that this requirement was too tiring. It was really troublesome to carry these heavy equipment every time they camped. But the rules and regulations now guarantee that they can still fight back against siege.
It takes time for the heavy metal crossbow to reach the attic, but the soldiers at the bottom took out their light crossbow. The wooden box carrying the arrows was broken open by violence, and the infantry divided the bundled arrows into each battle position.
Two soldiers stood after each perforation on the first floor of the ground floor, taking turns loading and firing. When the ground floor is full, every window opening on the second floor is also used. Even reserve personnel such as Lorraine were equipped with crossbows and ammunition, ready to go up at any time.
When all these preparations were made, the raid enemies only occupied the wall but failed to coordinate the attack. The scrupulous attitude of the other side raised the morale of the action team, and Lorraine also took out a bottle of "physical potion" from the logistics box and gave it to the soldiers in turn.
Take a sip of the "Physical Elixir" and a guard veteran yells habitually, his face quickly turning red. He laughed a few times and shouted the empty wooden bottle to the ground, shouting in cheering, "Enough, I like this spicy taste."
Zhou Qingfeng uses hidden servants as free labor. The largest amount of his alchemy products is 'physical potion'. The unrefined spiciness in the medicament has become a kind of sign, and it is the first-class that has this taste.
After the potion was drunk, the cold was refreshed, and all officers and men of the action team were excited.
Outside the manor, hundreds of serf soldiers were shaking their heads. Dozens of fugitive nobles in Cold Wind City came together and decided to work together to get rid of a pariah contingent.
This is a battle in full swing. It took just one night to gather extraordinary strength beyond the action team, and also launched raids with the help of the environment. The start of the battle was perfect.
Outside the team, the tall figure of Jonson Dorex was hidden in the mist. It took him a day to send his children to contact everywhere, or to seduce or seduce, and gathered a team of more than 600 people to gather by night.
This is a miraculous task. All the nobles who have contacted have participated in the war with all their strength, bringing out all the troops they can bring. There were no accidents during the entire assembly process, and all troops arrived safely.
Probably it was forced by Zhou Qingfeng's brutal means to retreat, or it might be the glory of the nobility that forced them to do their best. When more troops gathered, the morale of the nobles' counterattack was raging like flames.
They finally generously fed their servants and slaves, and offered a high reward as an incentive to reward a gold coin every time a Dalit soldier was killed, and the leader was doubled.
The slaves only knew that their master suddenly became extremely generous. Many people have been forgiven of debts and taxes, as long as they bravely advance in the battle. If you can make a contribution, maybe there are gifts such as redemption of wife and daughter.
Several lucky slaves ascended the wall first, and their master immediately announced that they would grant civilian status and allow them to lead normal lives.
Other servants and serfs who participated in the battle looked jealous as they looked at the issued gold coins. They were holding swords or dung forks. Their excitement howled was mainly due to the fact that the aristocratic side was crowded with many people, which brought inexplicable confidence.
Johnson turned back to the second daughter and said, "Cast those cannon fodder, make them more brave, and rush in. As long as the Dalit team is constantly killed, Victor Hugo will definitely be dispatched, and our Kelly voters will follow him. Around. "
Hehehe, the dozens of people in Dory's family laughed.
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