Chapter 362: Break up

The tumultuous scene was completely out of control.
The thin-skinned serf was running around in tears, with blood stains and dead bodies behind and behind him. They ignored the abusive threats of the aristocratic masters, and just wanted to escape the manor killed by bloodshed. Anyway, just run away.
The tragic death caused people to lose their senses. Serfs, servants, nobles, and everyone did not know what to do. They are either bloody, driven by hatred and anger, or just hungry and want to eat.
There is nothing left now, and the vacancy in the brain is empty, just want to stay away.
Hundreds of people rammed inside and outside the manor house, and a few nobles could no longer control their subordinates. The attendants were also running around, relying on their hoarse throats, shouting through their throats and shouting several people.
Everyone outside the fence was blinded, I don't know what to do. The aristocrats are also backing away. They have a good skill but they have no room to play. They began to look for their horses. It would be best if there were a few loyal servants to serve, but in fact everyone only cared about themselves.
The raid siege that was hard to organize just turned into a big rout with hundreds of people running in just two rounds. Hiding in the shadows, Johnson Dory roared fortunately, and his children did not understand at all.
War does not seem to be more powerful than fighting, not less than fighting more people. Instead, the party with the more determined will has a better chance of winning.
"Father, all the serfs were too wasteful. They did not obey the order and were run around by a small group of untouchable infantry." Second daughter Angeline said resentfully: "Sure enough, there is no need to treat the slaves too well, otherwise They are not obedient. "
Now say that this kind of "horse gun" has an egg. Watching his own personnel fleeing quickly, Johnson Dory was fortunately cursing: "The opposite group was also a pariah and was a slave in the past. How can they not be defeated if they are small?"
"Maybe we run into the elite of Victor Hugo." The eldest son Larry tried to give an explanation. He pointed at the manor. "Since our raid, the pariah team quickly retreated into the fort, It's too fast. "
Yes, yes, it must be elite to run so fast.
A group of members of the Dorothy family nodded in agreement, and they felt that if their soldiers encountered a raid, they would be chaotic as a horrified ant. Decisive contraction resistance? It can't be done.
The third son Marmara also said: "There happens to be a strong fortress here, so they can insist. If there is no fortress, the pariah team will certainly not be able to support it. Our future raids should be ambush halfway."
The crowd nodded again-right, right, the pariah was not only elite, but also a strong fortress, so we couldn't get in. It's not our fault, it's all in the right place, and it's all against us.
Other family members also found several other reasons for failure, such as too many opponents' crossbows and too many crossbows. The use of such lowly weapons by dalits is a great threat to the nobility. The use of crossbows by pariahs shall be prohibited in the future.
Summarizing the reasons for the failure has no effect on the failure. The fugitive aristocracy is no longer able to gather. The Dorothy family could only admit this defeat and decided to contain the team so that they could fight again next time.
The fleeing serfs had no time to take care of them. Those guys did not eat or drink, and they would soon freeze to death in the wilderness.
In the end, there were less than fifty noble teams, including two-thirds of the attendants, and many injured nobles.
Today's battle is a real mess. They carefully planned the day, spent the night gathering, and retired after playing for half an hour. It's too bad for confidence.
The desperate team evacuated along a road full of dull emotions that could not be relieved, and the moans of the bleeding wounded.
Not long after the retreat, an aristocratic nobleman who lost too much blood lost his consciousness and plunged down from the horse and fell to the ground. Others only looked at them, and no one came forward to rescue them, but continued indifferently.
Someone in the team discussed what to do next. At this time, it was natural to find the Doruixing family who organized this battle. Everyone looked around, as if waking up from a dream, and found that the group of Johnson Doruixing was gone.
The escape road is quiet, there are only undulating mounds in the wilderness, no vegetation or shrubs to hide. The northern part of the mist rolls in the gale, and the field of view does not exceed 500 meters.
The fugitive nobles immediately realized the danger, and they watched vigilantly, fearing that they would be ambushed further. But staying in place is even more dangerous, they must know that leaving in that direction is the way to live.
"You, look ahead." The white-haired nobleman assigned an attendant to look ahead. The attendant was obviously disturbed, but saw the fierce light shining in the eyes of the noble master. The latter can only ride a horse and go ahead to test the danger.
"Follow, keep up." The old aristocracy was more experienced. He guessed that his gang was probably being followed by the pariah's armed forces, and the dowry of the Dorex family abandoned them. But he also had a glimmer of hope, "We can't go back to the territory anymore and go to Broken Bridge City."
Wherever you go, it is necessary to follow the road. Wilderness may be able to avoid the chase, but it will be very slow. For the team that has lost most of its personnel and logistics, it is more important to get out of danger as soon as possible.
The old aristocrat led the team to escape the search scope of Cold Wind City as soon as possible. He knew that his operation had failed completely. The Dalits in the Black Forest were much stronger than they thought. This is not something a ranger of soldiers can cope with.
The destruction of the long-legged family, the old aristocracy was present. The fleeing Coldwind City aristocracy organized a counterattack, and the old aristocracy was also present. But two failures made him finally understand the fact that the nobles of the North have lost the courage and ability to fight the devil fifty years ago.
Fifty years ago, the human coalition could brave the brutal demonic army with violent spells. Not only can they rush, they can also defeat them and drive the demons back to the abyss. But now ...
"Now we can only rely on the Phils family. That is the last hope of the nobles of the Northland. We must tell all the nobles what happened in Cold Wind City and unite the power of the nobles. Otherwise we will face the disaster of destruction. "
The old aristocrat's gray hair fluttered in the wind. He thought his horseback, and the lessons he learned were deeper and closer to reality than the Doruixing family. He told his thoughts to the rest of the team, acknowledging that defeat would also allow everyone to put down their burdens and correct mistakes.
Morale of the fugitives recovered slightly, and survivors began to talk about how to face the current crisis. Failure made the aristocrats put down their shelves, put down their minds, and discuss how to change.
The buzz on the road kept ringing, and a similar buzz came from the air. An acidophilic ant guard suddenly flew out of the rolling dense fog, flying low along the road. The compound eyes of the ants locked the dozens of people who fled, and quickly raised the concealment.
Outside the city of Cold Winds, the queen ‘Big Red’ yelled after arriving at the queen yesterday, and consciously contacted Sophia to inform her of the investigation status of the ant colony.
An hour later, Luke's guard cavalry caught up with the fleeing remnants. With just one shock, the other side was knocked down.
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