Chapter 368: showdown

The thick mist rolled over the wall of Thick Mist City, and there was a wet vapor everywhere. Johnson Dorothy stood in the fog of the city wall and stared at the teams outside the city.
The patriarch of the Dorex family is already quite old. He spent too long in the dim world of the North, his youthful blood and passion passed away, and he had already reached a compromise with his destiny.
And the bold team that suddenly appeared two or three hundred meters outside the city, especially the young men riding the skeleton warhorses, it was really a vibrant and energetic northern region. By contrast, Lord Patriarch feels old and decaying.
A red flag fluttered behind the young man, so dazzling in the dark gray north. Accompanied by that flag were more than a hundred young and strong morale. They may be too immature and not sharp enough, but they are completely different from the timid and miserable soldiers under the aristocracy.
The last time the Dorothy family went to Cold Wind City to capture Victor Hugo, they thought that the task they had captured did not return. The family went up and down like a lone spirit and a ghost, and came back lamenting that they hadn't done anything.
If you think about it again, everyone is secretly surprised that their actions seem to be restrained everywhere, and there is no room for exertion. But specifically why, but no one can say clearly.
His Majesty stood on the frosty city wall, with mottled stones and broken mounds on his hands. The children behind him were like a group of ignorant fools. The whole family seemed to live in a grave, ignorant and arrogant.
If it weren't for the dark day's faith in the dense fog city, this city known for its hot springs is quite peaceful. People live as if they were walking dead in misery, there is no future, and they will only slowly rot.
It was Cirrike's mess, and the Dorothy family was stimulated to recover a bit of blood and grow a few cavities in the cruel internal fighting. Comparable to the team outside the city who killed over 100 kilometers away
The family members on the city's head felt that they were not worth mentioning in terms of fierceness and determination.
Your Matriarch believes that you are still strong. Although he has gray hair and wrinkled skin, his arms are strong and strong, and his eyes are as sharp as his martial arts. He believes that his family strength has increased significantly.
"Why do these pariahs have the courage to challenge us?" The second daughter, Angeline, leaned on the wall, her ugly and fierce face burst into anger that was offended and humiliated. The siblings behind her were also resentful.
The reality was beyond the expectations of the Doruixing family, Zhou Qingfeng really took the Bailai to kill from the cold wind city. This team is not strong at all, most of them are low-level adventurers, and even many folks.
Even Victor Hugo himself, he was riding on that bone war immediately, but his strength looked average. At least several people can surpass him on the thick fog wall.
"Father, do we just watch the dalits provoke outside the city?" The third son, Marmara, urged: "The target he wants in the dark is him, why not rush out and catch?"
The children on the city wall were eager to try, but Johnson Dory was very alert and hesitant. In order to control the young man across, the dark day would rather lose a voter and promise a reward.
For his part, the Dorothy family was forced to dispatch, carefully setting up traps. Now this guy has taken the initiative to come to the door. How can he let such a big deal go?
But Chiric also emphasized that Victor Hugo should not be taken lightly, and he must bring in more people.
So many people are useful?
After repeating his deliberations, Johnson Dorian found that he didn't have much choice. He yelled, "Take out all the people in our city. Give bread to the slaves and tell them to catch anyone who is opposite reward."
Yeah, there are more than 10,000 people in the city. Enough!
Outside the city, Zhou Qingfeng, riding a skeleton war horse, completed a full four-day march and reached his first destination. Hundreds of cavalry and logistics personnel followed him out of trust, but now looked at the walls of the dense fog city
This is no better than the previous invasion of Cold Wind City. Some people greeted and some people arranged. The sentry of the Dorothy family found Zhou Qingfeng's team early. The gates were closed. The walls were quickly full of people. The heavy crossbow and archers were ready.
Everyone in the team looked at each other. Can't think of what the prince's rushing march was going to do here?
Siege? Just over 100 people are not enough!
Zhou Qingfeng stopped two or three hundred away from the city gate, and looked at the swaying population and the Dorisan family flag from afar, but was relieved. He did not explain to his subordinates, but turned to look at Kelly next to him.
The halfling girl has been very good these days, never swaying around, always following Zhou Qingfeng. When the man turned to look at herself, she looked up.
It's just that Zhou Qingfeng usually slapped her gags, but today she looks cold, "Kelly, what does Cyric want you to do?"
Kelly originally had a smile on her face, and when she heard the words, she was in a daze, her face shaking and twisting, as if she had changed her personality. She became sharp-eyed, fierce, staring at the man.
Zhou Qingfeng said in a flat tone: "I don't know your origin, nor your purpose, nor do you know what you want to do? I have been guessing, guessing for a long time, and very distressed.
On the one hand, I feel that you are innocent and unrestrained, but your character is free from malice, and is a very good girl. On the other hand, I am deeply vigilant and always watch out for fear of falling into a trap, and I regret it for life.
I don't know what your status is, nor do you know what Cyric has planned. But for this Raiders Northland, I have prepared for a long time, I am determined to win.
I don't want to guess what the behind the back of Schrek, and I can't let that lunatic come back, so I have to solve you. "Zhou Qingfeng said to the end, saying" Sorry. "
Kelly stared fiercely, whipped his horse in his hand, and quickly jumped from the horse's back, trying to stop the target. Only Zhou Qingfeng had a 'tears of the emperor' in his hands.
The gem ejected a very powerful jet of negative energy, which hit Kelly in the middle. A high concentration of negative energy can quickly kill the vitality of a living creature, trap its soul, and force it into a dead soul.
Kelly's forward flutter was hit by the jet, and her rosy skin quickly turned gray and her eyes lost their luster. She tried to reverse her body and change direction, but the two were too close. She still ran into the man's arms and was killed in an instant.
Zhou Qingfeng wanted to hold his wrist back and put it down, but the body of the halfling girl burst into a thick black mist. Her heart was beating again, and her elbow slammed against the man's chin.
This elbow strenuously exhausted the girl's full strength, and Zhou Qingfeng's jaw was dislocated and his mouth was bleeding. But the negative energy jet in 'The Emperor's Tears' didn't stop, and Kelly's body was still seized.
Negative energy is quickly offsetting the divine power in the dark electorate, and the two antagonize each other. Kelly could hardly release any magic at this moment, she could only do her best to resist.
Had Cheryk been so weak that she couldn't even protect her personality, Kelly would not have been so easily suppressed as an elector. However, after her desperate counterattack, her fierce expression suddenly faded, and she returned to her usual appearance.
The last elbow touched Zhou Qingfeng's shoulder and then fell weak. Kelly's face had changed from gray to pale. Her body was cold and her lips whispered, "Victor, let me go. This has nothing to do with me, and I want to live."
Zhou Qingfeng's jaw was full of blood and water, and all the soldiers around were sluggish. He looked at Kelly who was doing her best and said indifferently: "I believe in you, I believe you are just a victim. But I can only say I'm sorry, I can't keep you by my side."
"I haven't hurt you, I just have two consciousnesses in my body. Please save me." The girl slammed Zhou Qingfeng's breastplate back hard, her eyes showed the last trace of supplication, her head crooked and she died in the man In the arms.
Ciric, who has been watching, finally sighed, "Victor. Hugo, you really succeeded. My voter really fell in love with you. She even disobeyed my order and just wanted to stay with you. Just around me. "
Zhou Qingfeng closed his eyes slightly, and his heart was inexplicable. "I and you, man and god, have to exist to die. I believe you will not easily submit, and I will not abandon my life."
At this moment, the gates of the dense fog city suddenly opened, and a large number of slaves poured out like tide water. There were hundreds in a blink of an eye, and there was endlessness behind.
Zhou Qingfeng held the girl's body, ignored the restless subordinates, calmly stared at the enemy, and continued to whisper: "Xirick, I don't want to guess the riddle with you. You are the of murder, I can't guess you.
But you are just a falling from the kingdom of God. No matter how many plots you make secretly and how many traps you set, I only know that you are not very strong. No matter what cards you play, I will smash you one by one. "
The plane channel was opened, and the succubus laughed. A green crystal dropped to the abyss in exchange for a scroll.
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