Chapter 380: Ancient evil

Kill the giant worm. No one in the fortress of the Inspection Department can stop Zhou Qingfeng from doing anything. No one in the cold wind city can stop him. ‘That saucy curse’ triggered a strong wave of magic webs, and the wizards in the city were almost paralyzed.
Zhou Qingfeng released a dozen spirit slaves to search around. Although the Supervision Department was severely damaged by the breath of dragon breath, this place is the key to Cold Wind City and still has great mining value.
Sophia, the incorporeal, led the spirit slaves to look around, and soon found that there was an inaccessible secret room under the collapsed fortress.
"Rubio, Wilson, you two will re-establish the organizational structure of the Harmony Warehouse. Recall the coolies and refugees we recruited before, let them have enough food, and clean up the ruins of the Inspection Department.
It is easy to destroy and difficult to build.
Zhou Qingfeng led the team to withdraw from Cold Wind City, and disbanded thousands of people in total. These people were scattered in dozens of small villages around the country. It will take a lot of time and work to bring them back together now.
Three days later, Rubio had assembled a team of more than two hundred people. The Ombudsman's fortress was not small in size, and the cleanup continued for another three days before excavating the secret room found by Sofia.
Zhou Qingfeng raised a torch into the ruins and came to a dug underground entrance.
Digging coolies wait and see on the periphery. No one knows what Master Hugo wants to do. Due to the notoriety of the Ombudsman, some people avoided it again, fearing that there might be any monsters hidden in this secret room.
This was a closed cellar, and the covered planks had been taken apart, exposing a black hole down the stairs. Xi Li followed Zhou Qingfeng and threw a torch in.
Under the light, the underground structure is very rough. The torch went out after a while, but it was clear that the stairs were not deep, and there was a stone gate with weird runes two or three meters down.
There was a space underground protected by arcane power, and neither Sophia nor Spirit slaves could enter. Zhou Qingfeng did not intend to continue rashly, just let the coolies continue to dig the entrance, it is best to dismantle it violently.
This digging took two days, and the coolie with food was so brave. After digging up a lot of muck, the stone gate blocking Zhou Qingfeng was dragged out. The entire underground space is completely exposed.
Hilly stared at the excavated stone gate, and asked Sophia, who knows "Best things to know,": "What is drawn on it?" But Sophia shook her head, "I don't know these words."
The runes on the stone gate are very weird, at first glance it seems to be related to arcane.
After Zhou Qingfeng's careful reading, combined with the "mysticism" knowledge left by Chiric, he sighed: "It is a forbidden article written by ancient evil words to cover up the atmosphere of the closet. This set of words was not used 20,000 years ago Now. "
There are not many records of ancient evil words in the "gate of true knowledge", which is known only by the oldest and oldest existence.
While these languages ​​were still in use, the dragons had not ruled the earth, and the world was dominated by creatures that had been extinct for a long time.
"The sacrifice of evil insects is actually part of the idea of ​​evil insects. It has the knowledge that the evil insects have." Zhou Qingfeng shook his head. "Ancient evil words are one of the knowledge that he has. "
She squeaked. "The abyss is the land of demons. It is not easy to be sacrificed to be sent to the main material realm. I really can't figure it out. Why do you come to provoke such a mysterious existence? What benefits? "
"If you want realistic benefits, this is a huge benefit." Zhou Qingfeng pointed at the excavated Shimen with a smile. "This is an ancient evil word that even the elves haven't mastered."
"Such an evil thing, do you want to learn it?" Hilly asked in amazement, "Master this thing, will you not summon Keworth. If it is dug up by a good believer, it must be given immediately. Smashed. "
"It is a thought full of ignorance and prejudice." Zhou Qingfeng sneered at this remark: "Language is a tool, and the ancient language is a rule that touches the law, and it is a good tool. There is no right or wrong tool. Points. "
According to the historical records in the "Gate of True Knowledge", the elves began to establish settlements and develop their own civilization on the Ferenc continent 25,000 years ago. But at that time, the ancient worm Keworth had been driven to the abyss.
For ancient creatures such as Keworth, the elves' records are also unknown, and it is unclear what they are from.
Based on its evil nature, Keworth seduce a few believers from time to time in the main material realm, causing some trouble. This left its name in various historical books, otherwise it would have no sense of existence at all.
There is a small amount of content about ancient evils in the library of "The Gate of True Knowledge", but most of them are half-clawed and have few clear records. When Zhou Qingfeng dug out the evil word stone gate, the pentagram worn by his chest all responded.
The pentacles convey a few simple words to the outside world, ‘history’ ‘knowledge’ ‘power’. Zhou Qingfeng can feel that the "gate of true knowledge" is very eager to collect content about "evil words."
The wicked stone gate is very solid and protected by powerful magical powers. If it is a positive breakthrough, Zhou Qingfeng is completely incapable of tearing it down. But when it came to a bunch of gimmicks, it met the nemesis.
Without the guards, no matter how strong the secret room can't carry the excavation of dozens of hoees. The fortress of the Ombudsman was demolished by Zhou Qingfeng, and the secret room hidden underground was completely excavated like an archeological site.
The outer wall of the secret room was poured by corrupted flesh, and at least hundreds of people were killed. It is this material that prevents Sophia from entering and also prevents outside prying eyes.
The normal way to open the secret room is to interpret the ancient evil words on the stone gate. The irregular way is violent excavation. Obviously, Uncle Zhou chose the latter-many well-designed traps in the secret room were all scrapped.
"The secret room is divided into two floors. The upper floor is a studio. The next floor has not yet been excavated, it is estimated to be a storage room." Zhou Qingfeng acted as a guide and brought Xi Li to the excavation site. "For those who study ancient history, This is a treasure. "
Based on the weirdness and horror of giant worms fighting, Hilly thought she would see a dark room full of twisted furnishings. In fact, this underground space is very fresh, clean, and small in size but neatly arranged.
The first floor of the secret room is like a study, with tables and chairs, a dedicated meditation room, and several bookshelves. Zhou Qingfeng's "treasure land" refers to hundreds of books on the bookshelf.
"These books are all made of human skin, and all of them have been peeled alive from children." Zhou Qingfeng picked up a copy from a bookshelf. "The abyss sacrifice we killed had been in Cold Wind City for more than ten years, which killed many people.
This guy has a good habit of taking notes and also likes to do some academic research. These bookshelves record their life experiences, including abyss, common language, and many expositions written in ancient times. "
Xi Li took the human leather book that Zhou Qingfeng handed over, and the moment she touched her finger, she heard a ghostly shout from the book. She threw the book back to Zhou Qingfeng in shock, "That guy is not dead yet?"
"It's not the abyss sacrifice in the book, it's the child who was mutilated. The guy not only skinned and made the book, but also extracted the soul of the victim and confined it into a 'book servant'. From then on, he only needs to dictate.
Zhou Qingfeng patted the book in his hand. There was a misty child floating in the pages of the book, less than a foot tall, staring at him and Hilly, seemingly waiting for orders.
Hundreds of books on the bookshelf are the souls of hundreds of children who have been mutilated and imprisoned. To these innocent victims, Hilly shook her head unacceptably: "It's too evil."
"Ancient evil is like this. It looks to us like a pig, a dog, a chicken, and a duck."
Zhou Qingfeng took out the five-pointed star on his chest and activated it into the state of "gate of true knowledge". Evil books in the secret room were placed in the library, and the pages made of human skin were turned into powder, and the souls of the imprisoned children floated out to be free.
Volumes of human leather books were put into the 'gate of truth' library, and several bookshelves were quickly emptied. Even the stone gate engraved with ancient evil words is no exception.
When these objects enter the 'gate of true knowledge', they are immediately blurred. The recorded knowledge was separately extracted by the book charm Sophia, and finally compiled and made into a precious collection in the library.
She was curious and asked Zhou Qingfeng: "Victor, are you really going to learn the ancient evil?"
Zhou Qingfeng smiled and shook his head, "Knowledge is not too much. Sending into the gate of true knowledge is only equivalent to recording the contents of the book, and at the same time releasing the soul trapped inside.
As for the evil words in ancient times, those are dead words that have been cut off from the tradition. Whether they can be deciphered depends on luck. As for deciphering, it might be useful. "
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