Chapter 388: Demining

Zhou Qingfeng was very alert to Phils's small means. He has always been known as 'Benevolence'. This person's presence at the bottom of society brings a lot of fame and benefits, at the cost of sharing more benefits out.
Long-legged families are uneasy selling a family property, but once they are detected, it is easy to crack such small tricks. Zhou Qingfeng found the "rebellious" nobleman represented by Old Arad and several chiefs of the wizarding group, and said that he wanted "all interests".
The thing is clear. The long-legged family split the assets that were grouped together and sold them. This is the feeling between our alliance and alienation. I will never be fooled.
When Phils long legs threw most of the valuable home property to Victor Hugo, the old Arad and others had long looked pale. But when they heard Zhou Qingfeng shouting ‘Everything is in the interest’, they just calmed down.
In the hall of the Arcane Research Association, Zhou Qingfeng called out all his ally. The long-selling property was compiled into books and listed on the table.
"My friends, Victor Hugo is the most eloquent. Everyone works together. Whoever dares to take advantage, I am the first to cut him." Zhou Qingfeng faced a vote of "Rebellion" and the chief of the Cold Wind City, and Dayi was stunned. , Throw the floor with sound.
Because of fighting with the long-legged family, the old Arad's son died. If Zhou Qingfeng had a wide network and saw the opportunity fast, the old guy might have to connect in secret again, and treat him as a shameless person again.
Looking at the books put out by Zhou Qingfeng, they are indeed the properties sold by the long-legged family, and the chiefs of the wizarding group are also calm. Plastic Energy chief Rao asked: "Her Hugo, what interests do you want?"
"It's very simple. We're not in the tricks of the long-legged family. You must be very interested in these, and you can choose at will. How much I buy and how many gold coins I sell. You can rest assured that there are absolutely no middlemen to make a difference."
Zhou Qingfeng was so vowed that he sent his own head to guarantee it. Only Jason shrank into the Wizards' team, and as soon as he heard Victor Hugo's tone rising, he subconsciously covered his wallet.
The crowd gathered forward, picking and choosing against the books. They soon discovered that Zhou Qingfeng was selling real estate, especially the shops in the city and the mines outside the city.
These are all fat. If you change to another nobleman, what you eat into your mouth will definitely not spit out easily, let alone take the initiative to spit out. But Zhou Qingfeng not only vomited, but also vomited completely.
The old Arad swept away casually, and immediately spotted a few long-legged homes that occupied the docks, farms and logging fields. These are all very good boutique industries that can bring extremely stable income.
Due to the low communication and transportation capacity and poor technology level, the output of a piece of land and an industry will not be very large. There will be a large number of children in each family. If the family property is too fragmented, the family power will quickly decline.
The solution to this problem is 'eldest son inheritance'. But there is another way behind it is to buy more industries. The more industries, the stronger the family power will be, and the more and more powerful force can be provided.
If it were not for this killing, this type of industry that can stabilize a family power would never be sold. The ‘rebellious’ powers all smiled, feeling that Zhou Qingfeng was very sensible and did not have the sole heart to swallow it.
The books also indicate the prices of all industries, which are 10% to 20% of the normal selling price. There is indeed no increase in prices. Zhou Qingfeng really did not make the difference, and everyone was very happy.
Old Arad crossed his books on the spot with his finger, "I want these industries."
Wilson followed Zhou Qingfeng, holding a quill pen. Where Old Arad drew his finger, he registered accordingly.
Picking over a dozen real estate including shops and farms, Old Arad was content and gave others a spot before the table. These industries can already make up for the loss of a son he died.
The old Arad took the lead, and in accordance with his usual status and power, these 'friends' of Zhou Qingfeng stepped forward one by one, choosing their favorite fat. Everyone was laughing and laughing, like a group of robbers.
It ’s just that there are more monks and fewer porridges, and although the books are thick, there are more ‘rebellious’ to divide the loot. No points after half points. The latecomers were little knights and wizards in the city, and found that they had nothing and became restless.
"Don't worry, this is just the industry that the long-legged family is selling today, and they still have it tomorrow. Please believe me, everyone is my friend, and they will definitely have something to gain. Maybe something better for sale tomorrow."
Zhou Qingfeng appeased, and many 'rebels' didn't notice anything wrong. After all, big chunks of fat have already been divided, and I want to come to Victor. Hugo should not be reluctant to leave some cold soup.
At most some people will murmur in their hearts-why is Victor Hugo selling real estate? I did not see any consumables such as grain cloth.
When several major forces were settled, Zhou Qingfeng threw out his true intentions. "Phils. Thousands of thousands of slaves were thrown to me. I can't bear to displace these people, but I can't settle them.
Everyone can temporarily rent me the house and farmhouse Phils gave you, buy me some rations, and let those poor slaves have a place to settle. When my own estate is built, I will pick up the population. "
The fat has already been eaten, Zhou Qingfeng has spent money to lease and buy again, and the old Arad and others have no reason to refuse. They were already content and didn't care to continue doing business.
The hidden dangers of giving away slaves and the separation of industries are thus disintegrated.
When everyone left with satisfaction, Zhou Qingfeng immediately sent Wilson out and took the books to go from door to door to carry out the transaction-your master said that he bought a certain shop in the city for only one discount.
Expired transactions will no longer work.
When Wilson was leaving, Zhou Qingfeng also specifically explained, "Remember, try not to accept the platinum coins we sent out, and ask those old men for gold coins."
Wilson was extremely embarrassed by this. "Master, if we do n’t accept the platinum coins we have received, there is no guarantee of credibility. Who would dare to ask for the platinum coins in the future? It would be too inappropriate."
That's right!
At that time, Emperor Mingzhu Zhu Hongwu issued a treasure note to the officials to serve as an official. As a result, the dead old man himself did not recognize the value of the treasure note, and the tax was as long as two coins and silver. It made a bunch of treasures like waste paper, and it was too hard to rub the buttocks.
Zhou Qingfeng scratched his head and nodded: "Well, this fish can't be eaten too much. Platinum coins and gold coins are equivalent, we all recognize."
Wilson led the way.
Zhou Qingfeng leaned his hips and sneered in the night toward the city's main government. "Phils, you're leaving and you want to be a ghost. I can't think of it. I don't want to be greedy. I don't think this is a benefit."
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