Chapter 403: Traditional arts

Zhou Qingfeng didn't go to the company. He took Gong Wei to the construction site, and was in a suburban wasteland not far from the office. This place doesn't even have a road. It started ‘three links and one level’ only a few years ago.
"Progress is too slow." Zhou Qingfeng was wearing a hard hat, and the construction company's first and second handman led the construction workers behind him. In front of them were a few bulldozers and excavators, and the construction worker Jomo Bela was busy.
The construction workers unrolled drawings to introduce the progress of the project.
Zhou Qingfeng interrupted impatiently: "What can I do to speed up the process? Adding money will not work?"
Time, time, time, time is very important!
The leadership of the construction unit is very difficult, because there are many key projects in the city. Some projects are gift projects, which must be quality and quantity, and delivery can only be advanced and not postponed. Postponing it is troublesome, and the official hat is affected.
The chief of the construction unit explained to Zhou Qingfeng personally that it was nothing more than limited equipment and manpower.
"Can you borrow construction power from other cities?" Zhou Qingfeng asked.
The construction unit is unwilling to do this-you ‘Shengguang Machinery’ forced us to use your rotten mixer, even if it ’s rotten, it ’s cheap and easy to repair. But it doesn't work if we want to get involved in our business. Tolerable, unbearable!
"It's impossible that construction units in all cities are busy, and there will always be people who want business." Zhou Qingfeng looked at Gong Wei, and this kind of thing needs to be contacted by 'old fritters'. Count on the construction units in Tianyang City, they can definitely delay.
As soon as the business was being diverted, the faces of several leaders were very ugly.
But Zhou Qingfeng has a killer, ‘traditional arts’, and there is no unfavorable foreign exchange settlement.
"You give me speed up on the basis of quality and quantity. I am willing to reward 50,000 Hong Kong dollars every week in advance. In addition, as long as you don't interfere, construction companies in other cities are allowed to help, and all business is settled in Hong Kong dollars."
An important willingness of Zhou Qingfeng to grab the time is that the domestic economy is currently in the early stages of violent development. If it is not ready immediately, when there is a demand, let alone eat meat, you can't even drink soup, and you can only drink northwest wind.
For state-owned enterprises in Tianyang City and the entire mainland, foreign exchange will be extremely hungry in the next ten years. There was a huge and horrible trouble especially in the early 1990s-inflation.
This is the sword of Damocles hanging from everyone's head.
The blind can feel that prices are rising rapidly, and banks in Tianyang can't wait to sell their bad assets to Zhou Qingfeng in exchange for foreign exchange, because the exchange rate of soft sister currency is plummeting.
In 1989, the soft sister currency was still 3.7 to 1. In 90 years, it immediately became 4.7 to 1. It will continue to depreciate in '91. In 1993, it jumped 8.6 to 1.
This is still the state's strict control of foreign exchange, otherwise the soft girl's currency will become uncontrollable like waste paper. This is not a joke. The 1997 Southeast Asian financial crisis is proof that currency devaluation will cause severe social unrest.
Banks are extremely sensitive to financial issues. If they can exchange non-performing assets for foreign exchange, they may be able to recoup only by exchange rate changes in two years, and the losses caused by random lending over the years can also be made up.
This is true of banks, as well as of enterprises and institutions. The reality is forcing them to protect themselves and try their best to get foreign exchange. After all, the disintegrating Soviet Union is an example. Inflation of 2000% has wiped out the life savings of countless people.
In 1991, one dollar was exchanged for 0.9 rubles. By the end of 1994, one dollar had been exchanged for more than 3,200 rubles. The third brother took advantage of the rouble's plunge and paid off the nearly 10 billion US dollars of debts accumulated over the years in the Soviet Union with only 5 million US dollars.
Of course, the third brother Mao Xiongkeng also showed no mercy, and slaughtering the third brother was better than slaughtering the fat sheep. Both of them are worse than each other.
As an onlooker, you can be a joke about this kind of puppet operation, laughing at the Soviet Union and making fun of your brother. But if you face terrible inflation, it is a disaster.
So imagine how tempting it is to settle in Hong Kong dollars. Just a little bit of its value preservation transaction is enough to impress people. At least you don't need to worry that, like the people in the former KMT area, the gold coupons in your hand are too hard to rub your ass.
With abundant Hong Kong dollars and even US dollars and Japanese yen, Zhou Qingfeng is like a in Tianyang City. Several leaders of the construction unit met at the scene to have a small meeting and agreed to his request.
It doesn't work if you don't agree. The owner turned around and went to the city to get better conditions.
Returning to the 'Chang'an Star' parked next to the construction site, Zhou Qingfeng instructed Gong Wei: "Your contact sales department needs more staff. But you can't recruit those who are mischievous, misbehaving, and eat out. . "
Contacting sales staff is similar to the business of an enterprise. They have a lot of information and are clever. Once they use the information to make a profit, the harm is particularly great.
Gong Wei nodded, "Zhou Zhou, rest assured. The Liaison Department has been recruiting people recently. I run the department all year round to understand who can use it and who cannot use it. However, the lack of a mobile phone in the Liaison Department can give us special approval. Five? "
"How about five? I'll give you fifty." Zhou Qingfeng had some inventory in his hand and decided to give it directly to Gong Wei. "You can't think of yourself as a lunatic leader.
Look at your bag, it's too tattered, it seems like a charge for electricity. And your dress, too like a country cadre. I'll match the company's management with a few good clothes over time.
You should at least have a car and a secretary, and if you are contacting a foreign country, you must also have a translator. By the way, when it comes to translation, find a few Russian translators. By the way, contact the government and banks to find a state-owned enterprise with foreign trade rights. "
Gong Wei is of low birth and is indeed inferior to Zheng and Lin Wan. He is not tall and thin, and is easily despised. So he needs a whole set of foil. Clothes, vehicles, secretaries, and even hairstyles are all important.
Gong Wei laughed and laughed at his image, but he was quite surprised by the translation and foreign trade rights. "President, are we going to do business with foreign countries directly? Russian? The Soviet Union is about to fall. What business can we do with them?"
"I was in a hurry just because they were about to fall." Zhou Qingfeng looked worriedly at the construction site where the land was still being leveled. "I want to make the business bigger and more people. I can connect my own office There aren't any buildings. How can this be done? "
The office building is in a hurry. Gong Wei can only run a few more units and contact more people. Zhou Qingfeng originally wanted him to do more things, but considering that he was already too busy, he could only find someone else to do it.
Driving a car, Zhou Qingfeng rushed to Caishi Pier in the city. This slippery place is still noisy and crowded. Since the waterway urban-rural logistics system was opened, this place has rubbed shoulders and is more crowded than in the past.
Zhou Qingfeng parked his car outside the vegetable market and walked to the pier with the flow of people. A beautiful woman in a flower-blouse shirt was arrogantly bargaining with a few vegetable vendors, turned her head and saw the man approaching, her nose was instantly sour, and her eyes became red.
"You have a thousand swords, no conscience. People are here every day, and you haven't come until now."
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