Chapter 41: High Wind Festival

About fifty years ago, the demon broke the plane barrier and entered the main material realm, and his foothold was in the northern part of the Feren continent.
They built an iron curtain covering the sky, preventing the sun from shining on the ground. They also drowned water from the Styx River, trying to transform the northern land into a filthy abyss.
At that time, the wise races of the entire continent were aware of the danger and tried their best to destroy the powerful demon army. It was just that the Iron Curtain had been completed, the day of eternal darkness came, and the descendants of the demon lurked.
The Northland was hit by this catastrophe, and people ’s livelihoods withered, and many races had to move away.
The city of Silver Leaf in the Black Forest was cut off by the loss of sunlight. The elves who lived there had no choice but to move away.
However, the elves were proud and careful. They could not tolerate their cities being occupied by other intelligent creatures, so they tried their best to hide the entire Silver Leaf City. I hope that the iron curtain will fall, and the beautiful Silver Leaf City will return to the hands of the elves again.
After all, the elves live hundreds of years old and they can afford to wait.
For more than 50 years, a large number of human adventurers have entered the Black Forest. They collect all kinds of precious produce in the forest, and also look for the hidden Silver Leaf City. After looking for so many years, there are not many clues. Except for the villagers of Tielu Village.
Tielu Village existed before other human settlements were established. The people in the village take pride in the huge powered windmill and claim that they built it by themselves.
Maybe some people had doubts about it, but Tielu Village has been clanging poorly for so many years. Although they produce various minerals and build various weapons, they have not produced much, which is better than the most unlucky Kuruma village.
"Why is Ironforge Village poor? Because the elves closed dozens of mines that could still be mined, leaving all the waste mines left behind. The adventurers who occupied Ironforge Village could not break the ban set by the elves. , You can only make trouble in the waste mine.
In order to keep secrets, the villagers of Tielu Village were reluctant to ask outsiders to help, so they could only keep Jinshan as a beggar, and they were pathetic. "
Zhou Qingfeng twitched the horse's head, while reciting Xerike's words. Although this murder has a bad personality and a mental disorder, he was once a truly powerful god. He doesn't know many secrets in the world.
Luke and others were astonished to hear the legend, incidentally how Uncle Zhou knew such a secret thing. But they did not dare to ask, but the image of Zhou Qingfeng was becoming more and more mysterious.
It was half a quarter of an hour, and Zhou Qingfeng was about to leave. Tielu Village immediately chased out a group of people, led a big bearded man, and shouted ‘Lord Hugo across the distance, wait, please wait. ’
The dozen or so people ran out of breath and pulled out all the way.
The female Druinar sneered and whispered to Luke, "I have known Fei Zhe for more than ten years, and that guy has always been known as the stubborn and stubborn man. He is known as the most stubborn man in the entire Black Forest. He is only known now. Stubbornness is false. "
For Silver Leaf City in the Black Forest, Luke also explored for many years and found nothing. Today, he knows that these in Tielu Village clearly know the clues but keep it secret. They would rather not develop it than share it with others.
"Fei Zhe, this idiot, where is he stubborn? He is clearly greedy. However, His Excellency Hugo is the most enlightened. For the benefit of all humans in the Black Forest, the secret of Silver Leaf City is directly disclosed." Luke also exaggerated Zhou Qingfeng's words. .
Uncle Zhou's face was reddish and he didn't speak well. He laughed at himself: "Lao Tzu is not a high-flying festival, and he knows nothing about Silver Leaf City. Who would easily share this important relic with others for life?"
The people in Tielu Village approached quickly, and Fei Zhe, the beard-bearded head, chased after him and shouted at Zhou Qingfeng, "Her Hugo, please forgive me for your neglect. My men said you know some secrets, and I hope you You can go to the village and talk in detail. "
As the leader, Fei Zhe is very polite. But his men were not. After they overtook them, they were in a semi-enveloping situation. Obviously, their secrets were leaked, and they must not let Zhou Qingfeng and others leave.
Luke and Nal were very sensitive. When they saw that the situation was not right, they immediately yanked out their weapons. Even Tambos, who had been stable, took out his staff and found a powerful arcane scroll.
It's too common to start a fight without saying a word.
Fei Zhe turned a blind eye to this, staring at Zhou Qingfeng, both skeptical and frightened.
When he first heard the news, he was desperate, and the secrets that he had kept for decades were so easily seen by outsiders. But he raised a bit of hope again. After all, the feeling of being indifferent to Yu Baoshan was too tormenting. Today, he may meet someone who breaks the game.
Zhou Qingfeng turned over and stepped down, walked in front of Fei Zhe with a smile, and stretched out his hand and said, "Dear Mr. Fei Zhe, I'm actually here to ask for help. Now we are all in crisis, and opportunities are hidden in danger. It depends if we can grasp Now. "
Fei Zhe is tall and powerful, several times stronger than Zhou Qingfeng. Just a relatively calm and calm boy, he was a little guilty of confusion. When Zhou Qingfeng held out his hand, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, which meant that there was still talk.
After the two men held each other, the atmosphere of the two sides eased and they walked towards the village together.
"Her Hugo, may I ask you" Fei Zhe accompanied Zhou Qingfeng, naturally wondering the origin of the boy.
Zhou Qingfeng stepped into a car and smiled. Before he can figure out how to answer, the old gnome on the other side directly yelled: "Fei Zhe, don't ask this hypocrite. Lord Hugo is a real aristocracy, noble in life, and you can't save it."
Ranger Luke also looked at Fei Zhe very unpleasantly, and then he said, "Fei Zhe, I have always regarded you as a friend, but I did not expect you to hide us for so many years.
His Excellency Hugo is a true kind warrior who came to save humanity in the entire Black Forest. How could his identity easily tell you? You just need to be humble. "
Fei Zhe's tendon is thick and stout, and he looks like a kind of thick and thin man. But now he has been moved in succession, and suppressed by Zhou Qingfeng, his shameful flushed face, but still unable to return.
Zhou Qingfeng didn't say a few words from beginning to end, but did not expect that he was so successful in pretending to be pretending. But if he doesn't speak again, there will be a crack in the atmosphere of cooperation, so he said, "Mr. Fei Zhe, I can understand your selfishness. Everyone wants exclusive interests."
Fei Zhe looked up in surprise.
Zhou Qingfeng continued: "But now we all face common enemies and common troubles. Next we must be frank, if there is any need to speak directly, if there are any difficulties to carry together. If we do not unite and cooperate, we will be enslaved even if we do not die. . "
Fei Zhe was even more surprised, and couldn't help but ask, "Her Hugo, what do you want to do?"
Zhou Qingfeng is also simple, "I can help you open other mines in the elven forge, and I can tell you the specific location of Silver Leaf City. I only hope to unite the ten human settlements that have not yet yielded to the Black Forest.
So I asked Mr. Fei Zhe to do me a favor, and immediately sent someone to inform the other eight villages except Tielu Village and Kuruma Village. I needed to gather as much power as possible to defeat the human traitors first, and then clean up those abominable goblins. .
As for the benefits of finding the elven ruins, I don't want one point, all for you. "
Fei Zhe listened fascinated.
Not one point?
There are such good people in the world!
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