Chapter 438: Seconded (5)

Shiwei occasionally travels to Guiyang for business, but he does not stay long.
His job is often to run data for other sibling units and also to work as a equipment repairman. Because staying in the ravine was so boring, business trips became his only pastime.
Each unit of equipment often has many models, interfaces are heterogeneous, and performance varies. There are products at home and abroad, just like the brand of Wanguo.
In order to cope with various situations, Shiwei has had to practice various skills in the past ten years.
Others can use computing equipment. Shi Wei not only needs to use it, but also has to fight, and even has to find parts to build it by himself.
However, most of the high-end electronic parts that can be found in China are produced in Eastern Europe, and some Japanese and Korean samples can be obtained as treasures.
This time when he went to Tianyang, Xiao Jinlang didn't tell Shiwei about the specific work. Anyway, based on the monthly salary of 1,000 yuan, he felt that he could do anything, even if he changed his career.
After staying at the guest house of the Guiyang Aviation System for two days, the seconded team brought together 30 people, and the family of three from Shiweiqi flew to Tianyang. The entire plane was chartered, all seconded by peers.
Because we get together for the same purpose, there are many topics for everyone. Just ask, there are many people on the plane.
In addition to computing applications like Shiwei's, most of them are in aviation machinery, and some are actually chemical and pharmaceutical.
Gong Wei also stayed in Guiyang to collect his income. No one on the plane knew about Tianyang. Everyone can only guess by simple information.
Someone heard Shiwei talk about computers and said something like, "I heard that Tianyang Institute of Metallurgy has a lot of computers."
"Oh ... don't you know?" Shiwei asked first.
"Tianyang Metallurgical University is a subordinate university, and they have their own scientific research tasks relying on local resources, including mining machinery.
I heard a news saying that because of the recent introduction of foreign professional mechanical design software and standards in their hospital, the efficiency of drafting has been improved several times.
They usually do a month's work, and they get it done in a week. "
Technical progress abroad is not unknown at home.
Computer-aided design and manufacturing are hotspots currently tracked by the domestic research community. Many units are trying to move from manual to computer graphics.
It's just that the equipment is too expensive and has not yet become popular. Software is heavily dependent on foreign countries.
Many colleges and universities in China only teach manual drawing. But by the end of the 1990's, all graduates entering the post will find that computers have long eliminated most of their ability to learn hard.
But no one would reject the convenience of computers.
Shiwei is familiar with computers. He didn't care if a college had hardware equipment, but was surprised that there could be matching software in the college.
You should know that hardware is more expensive and software is more expensive these days. Professional software is even bundled with hardware, so there is no piracy problem.
The most famous software and hardware bundle in China is ‘Hanka’, which is used for Chinese character input. People in the new millennium are afraid that they have never heard of it.
A problem that can be solved by installing a pinyin input method must be solved by a special card board in the 1990s.
Hearing that Tianyang Institute of Metallurgy attached great importance to computer software and hardware, Shi Weiwei felt that his work must be stable. No matter what you do, at least you will not leave the profession.
There is no direct flight from Guizhou to Tianyang, only flights. Shivitch leaves in the morning and arrives in the afternoon. There is no terminal at Tianyang Airport, so you need to take a shuttle bus to leave.
When I was outside the airport, I saw several silver 'faces' with signs.
"Tianyang Institute of Metallurgy welcomes you."
As soon as the seconded officer appeared, someone came forward to greet him. The two sides asked for their identities, and all the family members boarded the car.
Shiwei holding his lover and child, he was surprised to find that the van was actually air-conditioned.
"Oh, your car is really good."
The people who boarded the bus praised them. They had already made up a uniquely rich
Tianyang Yeyuan
, but this van refreshed their perception again.
Most of the vans running on the market today use Japanese technology from the 1970s, which is almost 15 to 20 years behind the 'Changan Star'.
The batch of vans brought by Zhou Qingfeng is a product after the new century, which is different from the inside to the outside.
Now only high-end cars are equipped with air-conditioning, and it is really the only one with air-conditioning on the van. Automatic windows and abs are even more luxurious.
The driver, who is in his thirties, is a dark-skinned man who especially likes to hear people boast about his car and shouts with a heavy dialect accent:
"Our‘ Sacred Light ’company ’s car is the best, with a lot of space, beautiful interiors, and easy handling.

Shiwei listened to the driver ’s accent and asked, "Master, are you from Guangxi? Why are you in Tianyang?"
The driver scolded in local language, "I am from Guilin, Guangxi, and have been retired for many years. Suddenly an old comrade asked me if I would like to come to Tianyang.
What can I say? Immediately. When I came, I knew I was finally out. "
Black and thin drivers are lean and alert, and Mandarin is not standard. It can be heard from his long sigh that he is also similar to Shiwei, and I do not know where to nest for many years.
When drivers are always willing to chat, black and thin drivers actively introduce themselves when they are on the road.
"I had fought in Laoshan, but was wounded and retired. I took some care to go home to plant. But what kind of land do we have in Guilin?
When I fought with the Vietnamese, I didn't frown. Later, I wanted to kill the poor, I was really scared. The world of this dog day is simply not alive. "
Soldiers who have fought are often bragging, and black and thin drivers are sometimes mixed with slang words that outsiders do not understand, and they look fierce.
Shivitch couldn't tell what the truth was. He only laughed a little perfunctoryly, but felt deeply about the three words 'poor and afraid'.
"Why ..., feel like I'm lying to you?"
The black and thin driver stopped at a junction and waited for the traffic light, and picked up his clothes, exposing a big scar under the bowl.
"A bullet passed from Lao Tzu's abdomen to his back and took away a large piece of meat. Lao Tzu's life is big, don't you understand?"
The scars of the gunshot wound are extremely scary, the flesh is twisted and glued, and the ugly face is like a ghost.
The child was almost scared to cry, and Shivki was stunned for a few seconds.
Only his lover whispered to comfort the child, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid. This is the uncle of the People's Liberation Army. He fights the bad guys to defend us. That is his heroic medal."
Black and thin drivers have complaints that have accumulated over the years, and they occur from time to time. After listening to the words of the child's mother, he put his clothes down with a sneer and waved his hands and said:
"Well ..., it's not worth mentioning, it's not worth mentioning. I can live well, and many comrades didn't return back then, buried in Malipo.
It's just that our hometown is too poor, it's too poor, and the government can't give benefits.
However, there are still people thinking about us. In our county alone, more than ten veterans have found jobs in Tianyang. A few are even disabled. "
As long as he talks about his life in Tianyang, the black and thin drivers are extremely happy.
"I can drive, and the company will let me drive. My wife has no culture, so she will be trained to make breakfast. My child is at home like Mud Monkey, and he goes to school in Tianyang.
Now our family can earn more than 400 a month, which is much better than in the provincial capital.
The company said that injuries like me can be treated free of charge, saving me money for medicine every month. I am quite satisfied now, not at all because I had a fight with the Vietnamese. "
Black and thin drivers probably told their experiences to many people. The smile on his face was full of bitterness, and the gaze was immovable.
Shiwei suddenly felt that compared to this, his life in the ravine was not the worst.
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