Chapter 453: Holy Light Entertainment

From Tianyang to Guangzhou, the passenger plane landed at Baiyun Airport. The random shipment is a printed matter tightly sealed in kraft paper.
All container trucks contacted by the transportation company affiliated with 'Shengguang Technology (hk)' leave the airport.
Just looking at such a smooth transfer process, Xiao Jinlang and Chen Mu from didu knew that Zhou Qingfeng was not doing this for the first time.
The container truck set off for Guangzhou and headed south to the small port in Zhongshan. A smuggling boat has long been waiting here. The crane at the port lifted the packaged printed materials to the ship, and the whole process took less than an hour.
The cargo arrived in Zhongshan in the evening, and the shipment was dark.
Xiao Jinlang boarded the ship with Ouyang Jun, listening to the sudden sound of the motor, passed the Lingdingyang, and arrived at Kwai Chung, south of the HK New Territories three or four hours later.
The core area of ​​hk is very small, only two or three kilometers south of Kwai Chung, which is the Yau Ma Tei where Zhou Qingfeng once broke the situation. Yau Ma Tei has not yet developed, let alone Kwai Chung.
The smuggling boat berthed easily, and the staff of ‘Holy Light Technology (hk)’ was waiting at the dock. They moved the packing boxes on the ship to the warehouse on the shore.
Xiao Jinlang came to Zhou Qingfeng, but was baffled by this blatant smuggling chain. He and Chen Mu followed the shore, carefully pulling the sleeves of Lara Ouyangjun, and asked, "Are you blatantly so unlucky that no one can check?"
Ouyang really didn't know, and dumbly asked: "What to check? Who will check?"
This time, Xiao Jinlang was in a daze.
Zhou Qingfeng's power in hk is not small!
Chen Mu Lala Xiao Jinlang whispered, "I have a problem."
There are more than a dozen staff members of "Sacred Light", who tore up the solid kraft paper and confirmed the printed matter inside. Someone rummaged through it and kept reading it.
Xiao Jinlang glanced over and looked dizzy.
In a small place like Tianyang, in order to make money, it is already desperate, and it is to develop 'environmental protection' comics as an industry.
The twelve volumes of "The Neighbor's Undead" have all been published, and now the second edition has been printed.
In addition, there are several other series published at the same time, also in multiple languages.
Director Chen came from didu to find Zhou Qingfeng just to contact the machine tool. Under the dim light of the warehouse, he just realized what this ‘overseas kid’ was doing to make a living and make a fortune.
Lao Xiao grabbed a Japanese version, then grabbed a traditional version, turned his head and stared at Ouyang Jun, "You guys, just make money by buying land in Tianyang?"
Ouyang was originally extremely embarrassed and forced to beat the official saying: "This is cultural innovation and part of exporting foreign exchange. Thinking position, if we do not occupy it, the enemy will occupy it."
Xiao Jinlang put down two volumes of "environmental protection" comics and asked in a low voice, "Can such a thing be exported to Japan?"
"Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, many places can be ah." Ouyang Jun also whispered: "We are currently developing the US market and launched the 'Wonder Woman' series.
According to feedback from our agents, the US military stationed in Japan is currently buying well.
Those American soldiers are so uncomfortable that it hurts every day. They like the work of ‘real swords and real guns’ and have no interest in a gentle mood.
Our comics catered to this worldly need and brought them indispensable spiritual food. After finishing the serialization of "Wonder Woman", I will consider the "Superwoman" series later.
In addition, considering the huge spending power of Europe and the United States, our Tianyang Normal University is currently preparing to expand the foreign language department.
"Holy Light Entertainment" will be available later in French and Spanish, such as Joan of Arc and the Crusaders series. "
The seriousness Ouyang Yue said, Lao Xiao Yue felt that the world view was collapsing.
In the past, capitalism was trying to erode the red camp with lively cultural dross, and we rely on our strong faith to resist the enemy's sugar-coated shells.
But Zhou Qingfeng had a complete 180 degree reversal. Don't know who is corroding who? !!
Xiao Jinlang frowned, and Director Chen at the back asked his head and asked, "How did you sell these things? Would people from Europe, America, and Japan come to sell?"
Ouyang Jun smiled, "hk is a free port, it's very free here. By the way," Shengguang Cultural Entertainment "does not just engage in paper prints, we are currently developing peripheral products from the existing big IP.
What ip?
Someone at the dock is responsible for this. Ouyang Jun just escorted the goods. When the goods arrived, he could have gone back. But he led Xiao Jinlang to another warehouse near the dock.
"Sacred Light Entertainment" has now been involved in the film and television industry, and I will take you to open your eyes. "
The other warehouse is relatively biased and the appearance is shabby. The interior of more than a thousand square meters is isolated into a dozen independent spaces.
Each space is individually furnished, some are bedrooms, some are kitchens, some are streets, some are gardens, and some are trams.
Many people are busy in the warehouse. There are reflectors on the ground, shooting guides, and different types of lighting fixtures hanging from their heads.
Xiao Jinlang came in like a ghost and couldn't figure out his mind at all.
In fact, a camera in front was on the guide rails, and a man in a vest was squatting on his back and shouting 'ut'.
The quiet atmosphere suddenly relaxed. Props, costumes, makeup and other staff members came out to do their own thing.
A woman stood in front of the camera, and the man in a vest ran to her and shouted something. When Xiao Jinlang saw the woman, she trembled and her teeth were rattling.
"Here, what are you doing? Why is that woman undressed?"
Ouyang Jun smiled, "Zhou took over several companies in hk, including a group of filmmakers, directors and actors.
It's just that there are more movies than dogs in hk, and those directors and actresses also earn 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month. Mr. Zhou felt that he could not let these guys get paid. then"
"So what?"
"Then they asked if they would like to explore further in the art of film, especially pioneering research on instinctual performance in human nature."
Ouyang Jun was trying to explain, but Xiao Jinlang's mind was dead.
The actress in the camera seemed impatient to listen to the director's words, stood up, and walked with her out. Lao Xiao's stare was straight, and he was afraid to look at it.
The Piansheng actress seems to be very dissatisfied with the shooting and emotionally upset.
When she saw an 'old-fashioned' pestle in front of her, she was going to pass a cigarette from the assistant behind her, took a sip of light, sprayed it on Lao Xiao's face, and asked, "Where is it? New face?" "
Ouyang eagerly introduced beside him: "Lao Xiao, this is Su Su. Su Su, this is our contact director Xiao Jinlang. Lao Xiao, get to know him.
Su Su is the pillar of our "Sacred Light Entertainment". She is now red and purple in Southeast Asia. The dream lover of countless men.
The film she made spread to Japan, and someone has vowed to die for her. Her current photo album is out of stock on the market and can sell for thousands of Hong Kong dollars. "
The actress held cigarettes in one hand and stretched out one hand. "Director Xiao? See you for the first time, my name is Su Ai. Don't be too nervous, I know how your guys look at me. I want to please me, but I feel dirty."
Xiao Jinlang was embarrassingly dying, but he could only reach out and hold each other. After shaking hands, he found out that the palm of the other person's palm was greasy and weird.
Seeing Xiao Jinlang hate and can't shake his hand to dodge, 'Su Su' laughed and said, "Don't worry, it's paste. I just covered the whole kitchen with the drama. I also feel sick. "
After laughing, 'Su Su' twisted to the bathroom.
Ouyang Jun then whispered, "Lao Xiao, give me some pride. Su Su helped us to make a lot of money for" Holy Light Entertainment ".
She is now the hottest in the underground video industry. Professional screenwriter, professional costume, professional team, she makes two or three films every month.
There is a small theater line with more than a dozen screens on hk, and the theater is almost full at midnight. Other theaters are also happy to show her films.
In addition, her videotapes are also sold very well in Japan. Her signature poster can be exchanged for 10,000 yen.
But this girl is also pitiful. She had a lot of debts at home and was forced to shoot this one. "
Xiao Jinlang turned his head and found that the entire crew was staring at him. Ouyang sighed again: "The whole crew was unlucky. Before that, it was controlled by an hk gang and made some bad movies to launder money.
Although I haven't made any masterpieces that can be passed on to future generations, I'm making money and becoming famous. In the video tape market in Japan alone, one can earn 50 million Hong Kong dollars a month.
The monthly gross profit of the entire "Holy Light Entertainment" reached hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars!
"Holy Light" has not paid taxes yet, and the most profitable business is it. Tianyang spends so many places on it, all supported by selling entertainment products. For the sake of money, take it easy. "
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