Chapter 464: Business agent

A joke asked: What is missing in the poor family?
A: There are two things missing.
Those two?
This is also missing, that is also missing!
When Qin Hao stood on the high-level overlook of the Imperial Hotel, he could clearly feel that this country is really ‘this is missing, that ’s also missing’.
However, when Europe and the United States had already lived a life of great wealth, the ancient Eastern countries were still suffering from poor supplies. Whether in industry or agriculture, the technological level is far behind the world.
In this case, importing advanced technology and equipment from abroad has become the only option. It also feeds a large number of commercial agents doing import and export business.
I have been able to be an agent of high-tech products this year, and my life has been very good. Emperor Hotel Qin Hao lives next to the Forbidden City, a five-minute walk to Tiananmen Square, and Wangfujing is just a stone's throw away.
This is the busiest part of the capital. But Qin Hao looked at the "yellow bread" running back and forth in the street, and still felt a little sullen in his heart.
In the 1990s, developed countries such as Europe, the United States, and Japan have already completed the second industrial revolution with electrification as the standard, and are ready to usher in the third wave of information revolution.
However, China has not even completed electrification. Many domestic companies want to touch the edge of information technology, but they have major defects in equipment and manpower.
This defect is a business opportunity for Qin Hao. As a Chinese American with a yellow skin and white heart, it doesn't matter if you don't speak Chinese well, as long as you are a comprador, you can make money.
Domestic demand for advanced products in Europe and the United States can be described as thirsty, especially in terms of electronic technology, the gap is so large that it must be imported.
Qin Hao can live in the Imperial Hotel and Wangfujing. There are several months of paid holidays every year, relying on a large number of domestic imports of foreign devices.
Among them, the huge profits are too difficult to let go, and Qin Hao is willing to stay in a country that he does not like and deal with people he does not like. Just because those who paid for it would see him as a compatriot.
Damn, rich people are compatriots. Mobile terminal::
Standing in front of the window of the high-rise guest room, you can see many people wandering outside the Royal Hotel. Qin Hao's leisure is just looking down on them like watching an ant, which is quite interesting.
Those who looked away from the hotel and flinched were second-hand traffickers. They specifically look for foreigners who are close to the hotel, trying to get some foreign exchange coupons.
Now the soft currency exchange rate is falling, many people are anxious to find a way to exchange foreign exchange. They often curse everything in a mean, hateful tone, but in a blink of an eye they can please any Western face.
"Poor man."
Qin Hao raised his arm and glanced at the time. He wondered why the phone in the guest room didn't ring today. Half an hour ago, the front desk on the first floor of the hotel should call to inform him of a visitor. Is it reception?
Qin Hao is associated with several import and export companies with the prefix "China", each of which is desperate for a better source of goods from his hands. What he has to do is to sell as much junk as possible at a high price. ::
Of course, both sides have to do their best.
The import and export company will thank Qin Hao for his work and even invite him to attend certain celebrations or meetings. His presence often invites Fang to feel honored and, by the way, takes away more benefits.
However, today's "Electronic Import and Export Corporation" with the prefix "中" will not show face. Their representatives did not appear at the appointed time. Qin Hao was already angry, and decided to teach the other party anyway.
Increase prices, reduce volume, downgrade.
Qin Hao has a way to reorganize the bureaucrats. He knew exactly what the bureaucrats were afraid of, and as long as the sentence could not make the other party make a difference, it would be enough to cause a turbulent upheaval.
It was ten o'clock and no figure was seen.
At eleven, the phone still didn't ring, not even a perfunctory apology.
At twelve, Qin Hao decided to go to the restaurant's western restaurant for lunch. He took his mobile phone with him, but was determined not to answer anyone who called.
But at 2 pm for lunch, the steaks in front of Qin Hao were completely cool, and he himself poured a cup of coffee. Still no one called him.
"Damn, the bureaucrats who run the import and export are usually not like this? I agree to the meeting, they are all grateful to Dade. Couldn't it be a car accident on their way?"
Qin Hao almost thought that his mobile phone was broken. You can dial a number to the hotel front desk to make sure the phone is good, but no one is looking for him.
Does Qin Hao call him by himself?
No, this doesn't work.
Qin Hao is a commercial representative of the adi (Adeno) company in the United States. As a semiconductor company founded in 65 years, adi has a world-class dominance in the field of analog-to-digital conversion components.
This Massachusetts-based company is almost synonymous with 'top-level' in the industry. Its customers include all semiconductor manufacturers. Because as long as it is in the field of electronic technology, it is indispensable to use adi products.
In this regard, the current domestic technology and products are hardly worth mentioning.
Qin Hao is not only adi's trade representative, he also represents a lot of 'Texas Instruments' products. This is also a semiconductor manufacturer with a dominant position in the industry.
To what extent is the "Germany" overlord? Few of its contemporaries are alive.
In the eyes of Yankees, China now looks like the third brother in the eyes of the Chinese 30 years later. Lagging, stupid, and somewhat mysterious.
The average Yankee is unwilling to work in China, so banana men like Qin Hao are sent over. Qin Hao also constantly complained to the headquarters complaining about the imperial capital's backwardness, even if he had been here like an emperor.
So Qin Hao decided to stay calm and never call the fat sheep he wants to slaughter. This momentum must not be weak.
But there was no phone call in the afternoon, which was too frustrating.
It was like returning to the city yesterday. Qin Hao realized it wasn't great. He started calling to find a friend he could contact, and tried to tap and inquire.
The phone number was first called to other foreign semiconductor companies' trading agents in Imperial Capital. Some people are weird, some ask back, some people feel normal.
Could it be that he wasn't sober, he was too suspicious?
Qin Hao stood back and forth in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the guest room, and time slowly walked towards the night. He stayed in the room all day, without going to the gym, to the swimming pool, or to the women's bar street in Sanlitun.
An ominous premonition shrouded my heart.
There are rumors among the trade agents of the Changju Emperor Capital. Whenever the import and export bureaucracy sent by the country on weekdays no longer contact you enthusiastically, it often means that they have achieved some breakthroughs in technology.
Whenever these breakthroughs are confirmed, it means that foreign manufacturers will lose some profits.
However, the current level of domestic technology is lagging behind, especially the large area of ​​blanks in the basic field, which has led to a breakthrough at a certain point.
Moreover, the development of foreign countries has been advancing by leaps and bounds.
Qin Hao muttered in his heart, "I sell all the analog-to-digital converter chips necessary for the semiconductor industry, or the most advanced high-speed broadband type. The industry has no rivals at all.
Even technological breakthroughs are not so fast! There is always something to be said about science. "
By night, the phone finally came.
The voice was anxious and hasty, someone asked, "Anderson, are your customers in good condition?"
‘Anderson’ is the name of Qin Hao, and he likes to be called like this.
The call came from a German who mainly sold high-end machine tools to China. Qin Hao met with each other in Bar Street, and the fox friends and dog friends swept Sanlitun together.
"What's going on?" Qin Hao was agitated.
"It's over, my order is all over. Machinery Import and Export Corporation has returned all my tool orders, and even if I indicate a price reduction, they will not accept it.
do you know? This is terrible, it is terrible. I have never seen a group of Chinese people so decisive. They have never done so before.
I asked all the friends I could reach, but no one could tell me the answer. I have no clue about this.
do you know? I love China, the life of the Imperial City, and the girls here. But all this requires an order. "
The German guy spoke very quickly, and spoke fast, like a pot of cold water poured on Qin Hao's head, cold. Suddenly, he also loves the money of this country more.
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