Chapter 484: assembly line

His Excellency Watanabe, from Osaka, ran to Tianyang, and foolishly cast a net, becoming the manager of a battery factory that almost closed down.
Watanabe's management approach is quite different from Zhou Qingfeng. He had great patience, and on the first day of his job, he went to the factory to chat with each other.
It ’s a pity that many workers in the factory have stayed in Tianyang all their lives, even in the province. If a few days ago it was said that there would be an old ghost coming to chat, they would definitely not believe it.
Almost all employees are very nervous, can not make a fart with a single stick, can not say a few words.
But Watanabe has been in China for many years, and the thief speaking Chinese has slipped away. When he changed his serious and old-fashioned appearance, he chatted very cordially, talked a lot, and talked hard, always finding topics to move people.
There are nearly 500 people in the whole factory, one by one, enough to talk to Watanabe for two months. But in fact, he only talked about it for three days, and then he got the details of the factory.
What history of founding a factory, contradictions among employees, rumors from cadres, Watanabe all excavated. Many things were only known to veteran Lin Zhengyi, and now he also knows.
On the fourth day after the end of the analysis, Watanabe began to exercise his management power. As soon as he shot, he overturned the original production mode in the factory.
Total quality management, full staff participation, every link of production can be traced. Emphasize preventiveness, spend more time and costs early, and avoid post-processing.
Customer-oriented redesign of products and production processes. Strengthen system supervision, and do not allow casual work attitudes. All the processes are decomposed and all come step by step.
To put it plainly is to take a look at each other and avoid cutting corners. For example, the electrode must be polished after welding. It is stipulated that the electrode should be polished several times.
Establish a strict product sampling inspection system. What is the problem if the sampling inspection fails? Who is responsible for the problem, but also the performance of the executives.
In short, it is meticulous to follow the rules and regulations, and no one is allowed to make arbitrary claims.
Don't think it's simple. State-owned enterprises have had problems with poor quality of cadres and staff and inadequate skills training for a long time.
Workers of a military industrial factory have big tempers, dare to change design drawings at will, violate process discipline, do not operate according to process specifications, randomly change production processes, and install fewer parts.
Anecdotally, the production of 300 F-6-3s and 299 substandards has been made.
That's right, that is the factory in the Northeast.
For Watanabe, poor-quality workers don't need much brainstorming because they have too little education. The Japanese-style rigid management method is more effective.
According to Watanabe's three consecutive days of interviews, it was discovered that once the battery factory workers use their brains, they will not think about how to do better, but it is common to be lazy.
To establish a sense of quality and discipline, Watanabe stands at the gate of the battery factory every morning. Go to work at 8 o'clock, even if you are late at 8.01.
Everyone who was late was caught out and scolded. The team members were late, and the team leader was accompanied with scolding. The team leader was late, and the whole team was scolded.
Watanabe seemed to be laughing with all the workers in the factory three days ago. After two days, he could scold for an hour without repetition, and Chinese and Japanese alternated.
If the scolded person resists, he will be expelled directly to establish the authority of the management. The remaining workers are often scolded and trembling.
When Zhou Qingfeng heard about this, instead of interfering, he sent health products to Watanabe to take care of his body. He sent engineering director Zheng Ping to support his waist. He also organized a group of employees from the machine factory to visit and learn from the battery factory.
Those who returned from the study all scolded Watanabe as a smiling tiger in his back, but he was really afraid of the old devil who buckled the details to the extreme.
Watanabe scolded for three days, and the battery factory fired a dozen workers. Be late and leave early, smoke and chat, basically put an end to the mess.
This kind of thing can't be done with another ‘Mr. Goodness’. You have to be ruthless, and the six relatives do n’t recognize it.
Watanabe himself felt refreshed, drank the 'health tea' sent by Zhou Qingfeng, and felt the awe and greetings of the entire factory staff from top to bottom.
The surface problem is solved, and the production details are next.
Lead-acid batteries are too old.
Lead strip rolling, lead paste manufacturing, grid manufacturing, lead paste filling, curing and drying, pole group casting and welding are all standard, all according to the process manual.
The stricter the requirements, the more problems are exposed. Many workers have worked for more than ten years and cannot understand the process manual. Even the technicians in the factory are not familiar with it, but they are unwilling to implement it.
When Zhou Qingfeng knew this, he was amazed. He remembered the Mao Xiong ’s ‘Uncle Steel’, the ruthless man who turned an agricultural country into an industrial country with only two five-year plans.
In the face of similar problems, just use similar methods to solve it.
"There's nothing extra to say, change people without changing your mind. This 100,000 yuan looks pretty worth a month, let Watanabe do his best."
Zhou Qingfeng always looks at the actual results, regardless of his origin. Whoever can do the job well, he supports it.
This complete let-off power gave Watanabe great confidence. He simply shut down the factory and spent a month on employee training, and only those who completed the training could get on the job.
After this set of punches came down, the employees of the Municipal Battery Factory went to work every day and went to the grave, and they cried and drank filial piety.
In half a month, more than 50 people could not stand the strict discipline and resigned. In the second half of the month, more than 50 people had poor learning abilities and were fired.
The total number of employees in the factory fell to over 300. The factory areas are much more empty. Someone ran to the city to sue, saying that Zhou Qingfeng had sent a gangster to abuse them.
Every day in the factory, factory rules must be backed up, and the state of study must be spot checked. Even forty or fifty old workers are no exception.
All employees must be neatly dressed every day, and all procedures must be prepared for records. The parts must not be misplaced, and the operation must not be superfluous, eliminating all invalid activities during the production process.
After hearing the complaint, the city expressed deep sympathy, but said it could not help, and incidentally notified the battery plant to the battery factory, and then fired a few more.
Zhou Qingfeng was very interested in hearing this and went to the battery factory to learn from Watanabe. But soon found out that this management method could not be achieved with his sexuality.
This kind of deduction management method is not only tiring for employees but also tiring for managers. It is necessary to have a period of habit formation to adapt.
Zhou Qingfeng sent the management of other companies of the two lines of "Holy Light" and "Harmony" to the battery factory and asked them to learn how to manage from Watanabe. Next, they would promote this rigid model.
"This is probably the prototype of the sweatshop." Zhou Qingfeng visited Watanabe's battery factory. The latter is decomposing processes, spending a lot of money to build an assembly line, and using machines to improve efficiency.
This not only reduces labor requirements, but also allows workers to quickly become proficient in the few remaining processes. If anyone is lazy, the entire pipeline will slow down and it will soon be discovered.
Watanabe drew a stopwatch to calculate the speed of the assembly line, allowing the working workers to be extremely busy in a few simple actions. After working for half a day, he was tired and had no strength to talk.
The advantage is that the product quality and production efficiency have increased linearly, and the cost has dropped significantly. The disadvantage is that the workers are extremely stressed and their work is extremely boring.
Zhou Qingfeng didn't have a very good solution to this, at most he paid for overtime.
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