Chapter 487: research report

Under unprepared circumstances, Lin Zhengyi's brain was like a gong and drum opening drama team.
Countless words, patterns, pictures, and voices emerge at the speed of milliseconds. His brain is processing this kind of information at high speed because of the role of fox deceit.
It's like attending a 10x or even 100x speed seminar, where the host Zhou Qingfeng stuffed a huge amount of information.
All participants responded to the topic quickly, and participated in the discussion quickly and actively. They accept knowledge like sponges absorb water, express their opinions, reject dissent, and unify.
Every second, Lin Zhengyi felt that his brain was going to be an idiot by the chaotic flow of information. But every second, his brain involuntarily memorizes, understands, analyzes, condenses, and feeds back information.
Degrees and seconds are like years, but time is like arrows.
With just a few breaths, the information on the new battery was infused. Under the influence of "mental guidance", the network began to discuss how to make it.
Everyone's thinking is highly active. At the beginning, several old consultants were talking about the current status of domestic materials and manufacturing capabilities.
For example, silica sol, the key raw material for colloidal batteries, is a water-soluble dispersion of nano-sized silica particles. This technology was developed by the United States in the 1940s and matured in the 1950s and 1960s.
Domestic products are very weak in this respect, and the problems of too simple process, irregular nanoparticles and high impurity content are common. To put it plainly is to invest enough!
Which unit can be found in China for further R & D, where are the difficulties, what process should be run for procurement, and how should the technical data from Zhou Qingfeng be used?
Question after question.
Within the link network, everyone put down their prejudices, speak freely, and discuss only technology and everything. Those who understand naturally understand, those who do not directly seek advice, and the communication efficiency is extremely high.
Another example is the one-way breather valve required for ‘valve control’. This is a key component related to the maintenance-free battery ’s ability to achieve full life sealing.
Can this valve be produced in Tianyang? Are there any difficulties in processing? Where is the technical difficulty? What aspects should be paid attention to in quality control?
Hundreds of words are transmitted every second, and Lin Zhengyi can only listen to it, but after getting enough information, the host in the meditation keeps asking him to speak.
So how to purchase raw materials, how to transform the existing production workshop, how to compile a process manual, how to set up a production line, and even how to train employees, how to promote sales, a lot of issues emerge.
The discussion gradually turned to a few people in the technical section, and the old consultants only provided reference opinions. Everyone was forced to speak positively and think again and again just to make a highly feasible research and development and production plan.
Five minutes and three hundred seconds, the ten people participating in the meeting were extremely excited every second, and their brains were in a high load state. "Fox Cunning" urges all neurons to transmit electrical signals to each other.
This discussion seemed to have been going on for a year or two, and consumed all the energy and energy of Lin Zhengyi and others. As the effect of the medicament fades, the heart can no longer supply the nutrients the brain needs.
When the time came, except for Zhou Qingfeng's strong physique, the others were all eyes dark and fell directly at the desk, crooked.
More than a dozen spirit slaves emerged, helping everyone to keep them from falling.
In particular, several older consultants are extremely rich in experience and knowledge, but they are unable to withstand such a squeezing high-speed thinking, and they are all weak.
Treant Eileen stood in the room, casting a spell to appease the old consultants' almost out of control spirit, and let them sleep and rest. Zhou Qingfeng made a lot of holy water and poured it directly on the head of the old consultant.
Those heads are like engines that are overloaded, and they are going to be hot at the moment.
Sophia floated in the middle of the office, and a 'transcription' landed on a prepared blank sheet of paper. The results of the five-minute thinking storm turned into hundreds of pages of text and graphics.
From raw material procurement to component manufacturing, to production assembly and testing and maintenance, all the details are at hand.
The seven goblins finally cast their spells, allowing Lin Zhengyi and others to slightly modify their memories during sleep, so as not to get into trouble.
At this moment, Zhou Qingfeng was long out of breath and whispered.
"Consumption of ten" Fox's Cunning ", ten high concentration of" Manual Elixir ", learning exchanges and discussions were completed in five minutes. No quarrels, no prejudices, speak freely, which saved at least a year.
After scratching his head, he scratched his head, "The cooperation between" spiritual guidance "and" link network "is very good. It is too much burden on the brain, so we need to control it later."
Sophia whispered, "Perhaps we should consider making better potions of intelligence. For the just-concluded exchange of knowledge, the effect of 'Fox's Cunning' is not enough."
Knowledge outside the world is scarce, and even wizards focus only on one aspect of the knowledge. But in the real world, a secondary school student learns the mathematical, physical, and chemical knowledge together, and his knowledge is comparable to the first of seven cold arcane arctic arcades.
This is like facing the demand for a huge amount of information processing, the 486-level processor is not fast enough to be able to be a 'Pentium'.
Hundreds of pages of discussions have been bound into volumes, and several more copies of 'Sophia' have been made.
Lin Zhengyi and others were helped to take a rest in other rooms, and they woke up all day and night before waking up.
Zhou Qingfeng said to the outside, "The vice director of the forest and colleagues in the technical department stay up all night to carry out technological innovation for a long time. They are really too hard.
There are also a few old comrades of the advisory group. Regardless of their age, they still exert their heat for the advancement of scientific research in the country.
When they rested, I personally gave them a two thousand yuan bonus. "
Zhou Qingfeng's beautiful words are so nice, but seeing that her father is tired and awake, Lin Wan almost wants to work hard with him.
Even the strange maids muttered, "I almost burned the heads of several old consultants, and only gave me two thousand bonuses. The host was really stingy."
Instead, he slept for a day and one night, and Lin Zhengyi woke up and found that he had returned home.
He didn't feel any physical discomfort, but instead felt as if he had gone through a protracted but extremely wonderful study and discussion, and had a lot of knowledge in his mind.
When Dad Lin came back to work again, Zhou Qingfeng personally came over to give away the bonus, and stuffed the results of the `` thought storm '' in hand.
"Uncle Lin, I apologize to you. Your ability in scientific research is still worthy of recognition.
I have read your research report on new batteries in the near future. Very good, just follow the results of the discussion above. "
Lin Zhengyi was confused, as were several people in the technical department. They all felt like they were learning a marathon, and their brains were reborn.
After carefully reviewing the so-called "new battery feasibility report for research and development," Lin Zhengyi felt that this thing really came out by himself, but felt something was wrong.
"Uncle Lin, according to the implementation steps in the report, I have approved the first 5 million R & D funds. What do you think? Can you start working immediately?"
In the battery factory's deputy director's office, Zhou Qingfeng was also observing Lin Zhengyi, for fear of what the other party noticed.
Ke Lin Zhengyi flipped through the report he had worked on for a long time, and then looked at Zhou Qingfeng's careful peeping look, and he was not angry.
He stretched out his hand and said, "You jerk, you make me a hundred-hundred person in the factory. I don't come to Taiwan. It hurts my family. I'm not finished with you!"
After hearing this strong reprimand, it seemed that Uncle Lin was normal, and Zhou Qingfeng was relieved.
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